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N5VLZ  > ALL      11.03.25 02:22l 259 Lines 7631 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 22651_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE MAR 10 2025
Sent: 250311/0111Z 22651@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24


N5VLZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas 
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
N3MEL, Glenn, Pennsylvania (Connection Issues)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada


GE All, and welcome to the Mar 10 2025 PCL Net.

Net order is Daryl, Scott (WAV), Bob (NY), Rick,
and whoever else shows up.

Our next net holiday is April 21, for Easter (it
is late this year). I wonder how many forgot the 
time change yesterday?? (hi hi).


Due to health and financial issues, I canceled
the train/bus trip to Wichita in May. I had to
pay a 25% cancellation fee, but at least I will
get some money back, that I can use for other 
bills. The Shreveport and Albuquerque trips are
still scheduled.

I'm still waiting for the 401k of my late brother 
to get's just like getting insurance 
companies to pay a claim. The problem was with the
track work, the special bus that was to take the
passengers between Marshall and Fort Worth, was 
likely not to stop for food, and being low end type 
2 diabetic, I couldn't go nearly a day without food 
or drink, after checking my blood glucose. I called 
MedicAlert today to order a new necklace deal for 
medical folks, and I have several neat apps on my 
smartphone with medical info. No more printing out 
a 30 page medical list, wasting all that paper and 
ink!! I didn't include anatomical nude photos...
they have ask me to strip for that...and only if
Ethel isn't looking (hi hi).

A marginal risk of severe weather exists Wednesday 
and Wednesday night, but more volatile severe 
weather setup Friday into Saturday. Ryan Hall, 
KJ4WHM, will be "live" on his YouTube Channel. 
My trains net may be canceled Friday night due 
to the weather. I'm supposed to do a license exam 
session on Saturday, but if there's widespread 
damage, it may get canceled. I got a replacement 
power adapter for my Midland WR-120 weather radio; 
it will likely be busy Wednesday, and especially 
on Friday.

I had to cancel 2 medical appointments, one set 
for last Thursday, and other one set for tomorrow, 
as my health care transport service screwed things 
up. I'll have to wait until April to redo the 
appointments, and take Lyft. At least I didn't 
have to pay a no show fee.

I had to order a new monitor for the BBS setup with
Windows 11. I'll work on setting that up during the
day Tuesday. The BBS has been offline for 3 months,
as I had to have a break from it from all the stress
late last year. This way, the original BBS computer,
which was my late Mom's system, which has W10 on it,
doesn't have to be messed with once W10 support ends
in October.

I postponed my first lawn mow of 2025 until April.
The grass hasn't really grown, and we may get
another frost/freeze before April. I can already
smell the wild onions!!

An area ham won the Yaesu FT-DX10 (I think) as the
grand prize at a regional hamfest on Saturday. He
worked a bunch of contacts on FT8 on HF over the
weekend. Needless to say, others were jealous of
him winning, but it only takes one ticket!!

That's enough for me. :)  GE, Rick, you'll be after 
Glenn, if he gets back...he's having connection 
issues tonight.

GE Scott, how was your week??? >>>



GE Daryl and the Net... good week, ended it with a 
trip to the ARV Hamfest in Dardenelle. Picked up an 
old Icom 207H dual bander that I can dedicate to BBS 

Also working on a Winlink Gateway server for Club 
Repeater Site.  so we can have some 2m Winlink in 
Carroll County!

I am not too worried about W10 end of support... 
since I have debloated them and turned off updates 
already. W10 will still work, just won't get updates. 
At least for now that is.

When it finally stops all together, I will probably 
just convert them to Linux or something.

Enjoying the drier and warmer weather, but not a fan 
of the rough weather, keep that for someone else LOL. 



Scott, FB on the hamfest, and the rig for BBS use, as 
well as the WL Gateway Server. As for W10, the only 
thing I might run on there is D-Rats, unless I can get 
it working on W11...I like it during nets.

Glen didn't make it back, so let's go to Bob....Bob,
how was your week?? Has the racing season started back 
at Watkins Glen?? >>>



GE All!

Not yet, our Safety Seminar which begins the racing 
season is March 29. Looking forward to the new season!

We finally had a warm day today! wx gessers said it made 
it to 58!

All I know is it was warm enough to work in the yard with 
just long sleeves. It's a tease though - supposed to be 
back to cold by Wednesday.

As far as mowing, we normally don't get into real mowing 
until May. So we have a while.

I think when W10 dies I'll move the node to LinBPQ and 
I'll be done with Microsoft. I already have a test laptop 
running that's pretty well outfitted with ham radio apps. 
The only I'm missing is the programming software for my 
various radios and scanners. Maybe I'll be forced to go 
to whatever replaces W11. >>>


Bob, FB on the racing, the wx, the mowing, and computer 
stuff. Skype is also being shut down on May 5, and some 
ham groups are trying to find a similar app. If you want 
more than 40 minutes on Zoom, you have to pay big bucks. 
GL on finding the software for the scanners.

GE Rick, how was your week?? >>>



Good evening Daryl and all on NET.

My week was pretty good, temp. wise. We have been getting 
between 50F and 60F during the day, still getting down to 
around 28F at night, but it's nice enough to get out for 
walks now. I'll have to drag my bike out of the shed and 
give it tuneup pretty soon. 

On the radio front, I haven't been doing much besides
my usual PACTOR on 40M and 20M, and an OLIVIA 16/1K NET 
on 80M weeknights.

I have been fighting with the 3D printer I bought weekend 
before last, trying to get filament to stick to the bed..
lots of adjustments...certainly not plug and play...
I will keep at it though... >>>



Rick, FB on the wx and radio stuff, but bummer on the 
printer. I couldn't figure out why my keyboard on the BBS 
computer didn't respond, and then realized I was using the 
wrong one. Then, I couldn't figure out why the new larger 
monitor (19.5" better than 7") didn't work...forgot to 
press the power button. It has been a long day (hi hi)

That's it for round 1...Glen didn't make it back, but I'll 
log him. Back to the top for the 73 round.

Scott, anything else?? >>>



Only thing on windows I am slightly worried about is the VARA 
modems and the VarAC chat app.  

Rick, on the printer bed try some Aqua Net hair spray, the 3D 
printer guys in club swear by it.

All stay safe and have a good week. 73 to all -- BTU Daryl >>>



Thanks for being here, scott...have a good week.

Bob, thanks for the use of the BBS...anything else?? >>>



Nothing  more here - everyone have a good week! - 73 >>>



Thanks for being here, Bob...see you next week.

Rick, anything else for us?? >>>


Thanks for the tip Scott! I thought I saw that somewhere...

Anyway, that's all for this week from me. Thanks for doing 
the NET Daryl, and thanks to Bob for providing the 
facilities. Everyone have a great week, stay well, 73 until
next time. BTU Daryl  >>>



Thanks for being here, Rick...let us know how that works out 
next time.

That'll do it for tonight's PCL Net. I'll post the scribe 
shortly (so I don't forget it (hi hi))...everyone stay safe, 
healthy, weather aware, and radio-active. 73 and GN DE N5VLZ >>>


Daryl Stout, N5VLZ, Little Rock, Arkansas
Please see my QRZ bio for more information.

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