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G4APL  > NEWS     09.10.16 01:15l 275 Lines 12748 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 20543_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News - 9 OCT 2016
Sent: 161008/2307Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:20543 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday 9th October 2016

The news headlines:

* Emergency nets for Hurricane Matthew
* YOTA Month deadline extended
* New Propagation video released

Hurricane Matthew has already has caused devastation in Haiti, Cuba
and Bahamas as it moved northward through the Caribbean. It is now
battering the southern US states. Emergency nets are operating on
3.950, 7.252, 7.268 and 14.325MHz. Amateurs are requested to listen
carefully before operating on frequencies which may be in use for
emergency communications and avoid interference.

We often hear that young people are our future and we just need a
good reason to bring amateur radio to their attention. The Tim Peake
ARISS contacts resulted in a number of new School Radio Clubs
starting up and hosting a YOTA station could do the same; December is
YOTA month across Europe and Africa and the RSGB is co-ordinating the
UK participants. In short, any Affiliated Club, school, college,
university or Youth Group can apply to host the special callsign
GB16YOTA for a day – or two – during December. The only
stipulation is that the event must be aimed at getting youngsters on
the air. The special event station can be the main attraction, or you
can wrap other activities around it. A report on last year's event
was on page 22 of the April 2016 RadCom. The deadline for
applications has been extended to Saturday 15 October, so there is no
time to waste! If you are interested in joining in, or would like
more information, ask for an application form from

The RSGB Propagation Studies Committee has released a new 19-minute
video presentation for clubs entitled Radio Propagation – VHF and
Higher. Written by RadCom microwave columnist John, G4BAO and
narrated by Propagation Studies Committee chairman Steve, G0KYA, the
presentation looks at the physics behind different VHF, UHF and
microwave propagation modes. It looks at tropospheric enhancements
and ducting, Sporadic-E, aurora, meteor scatter, rain scatter and
much more. The video presentation is strictly for clubs and can
include an optional Q&A session via Skype with a propagation expert
after it has been shown. It also includes extensive show notes with
URLs for all the sites mentioned. To request a copy and the show
notes email Steve via psc.chairman<at>

A Vintage Radio Weekend on the Air will take place on the 15th and
16th of October. Everyone who has a vintage radio is invited to get
on the air over the weekend, on any band and at any time. If
conditions permit, there will be participants in the UK, Netherlands,
Belgium and Germany as well as some in the USA. All participants can
download a free high resolution commemorative certificate from where additional information is also available.

The new RSGB website navigation is now live. Constructive feedback on
the new website arrangement should go to<at>

Bellmans Auctioneers in Winchester have a large, single owner,
private collection of valve and transistor radios and accessories
coming up for sale on Tuesday the 11th of October. The details on
viewing and bidding are on the website, and the
radios start at lot 650.

APRS WEST, a regional gathering for those interested in APRS and
digital modes, takes place on the 16th of October at 76 Canal St
Martin in Rennes, France. Running from 11am to 4pm, French time,
visitors will bring their own projects, ideas and expertise to
exchange with other enthusiasts. Two talks already planned are on a
Mini APRS tracker by F4GOH and 100% solar powered Digipeater by
F4BEA. Visit and select the APRS tab for more details.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week

Today, the 9th of October, the Hornsea Amateur Radio Rally will be
held in the Floral Hall, 7 The Esplanade, Hornsea, East Riding of
Yorkshire HU18 1NQ. The venue has car parking on site and the doors
open at 10am. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy, special
interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. A raffle will be held on the
day and there will be catering on site. Details from Rick, M0CZR, on
01964 533 712.

The Hack Green Bunker Rally takes place today, the 9th of October, at
Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL. There
will be a sale of electronic equipment, amateur gear, components,
military radio sets and vehicle spares. Doors open at 10am. There
will trade stands and catering is available on site. Further details
from Lucy on 01270 623 353.

Yeovil ARC celebrate its 70th anniversary on the 15th of October in
the Methodist church hall, Quedam Centre, Yeovil. Open 10am to 4pm,
admission is free and there will be demonstrations of radio
equipment, both vintage and modern, SDR and Morse. More info from Bob
on 01963 440 167 or by email to wjh069<at>

The Holsworthy Radio Rally will take place on the 16th of October in
Holsworthy Community College, Victoria Hill, Holsworthy, Devon
EX22 6JD. Doors open at 10am. There will be traders, a Bring & Buy
and catering. The venue has disabled access. Details from Howard,
M0MYB by email to M0OMC<at>

If you have any rally or event information you'd like to appear in
future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website,
please email details to radcom<at>

And now the DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Grant, VK5GR will be active holiday style as VK5GR/p from Kangaroo
Island, IOTA reference OC-139, from the 10th to the 16th of October.
He will be QRV on at least 80 to 15 metres and will operate RTTY and
other digital modes, plus some SSB. QSL via home callsign, bureau
preferred, LoTW and eQSL.

Nobu, JA0JHQ will be active as CE0Y/JA0JHQ from Easter Island,
SA-001, from the 14th to the 17th of October. He will operate mainly
CW; plans are to concentrate on 30 and 40m on the 14th. QSL via LoTW,
preferred, or home call, bureau or direct.

Andrea, IZ1MHY will be on the air from the Maldives as 8Q7MD until
the 12th of October. This is a holiday style operation on 40m to 10m.
Direct QSL requests go to IZ1MHY and bureau requests via 9A8ARS.

Yuri, R2DG will sign S79PA from Mahe in the Seychelles until the 12th
of October. QSLs go via his home call.

Now the special event news

Poole Radio Society celebrates its 40th anniversary in October.
GB40PRS will be on air during the month at locations in and around
Poole. Until the 10th it will operate from Norden Railway Station.
Then it moves to Poole Museum for the 11th and 13th.

GB16IYL will be on the air until the 10th of October for the BYLARA
International YL Convention taking place in Milton Keynes.

Coventry ARS will be participating in JOTA with the 78th Coventry
Stoke Aldermoor Scouts on the 15th and 16th of October. An
application has been made for GB0SAC. The main bands will be 2m FM
and 40m SSB. For further information contact Brian, G8GMU on
0780 186 2686.

Gloucester RAYNET will be hosting a JOTA station over the weekend of
the 15th and 16th of October on behalf of the district Scouts from
their headquarters in Tuffley, Gloucester. They will use GB100GLO for
the celebration of the Scout centenary and look forward to working
many stations on HF and VHF.

Nuneaton North Scouts will be active over the JOTA weekend of the
15th and 16th as GB1NNS. They will be on 40m, 15m SSB and 2m FM. The
group emphasis is to get every troop member to make at least one
contact over the weekend. Further info from Reg, G8VHI, via email to

The 950th Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings will be commemorated
by the Youth Hostels Amateur Radio Group, MX0YHA, on the 14th, 15th
and 16th of October, as part of their Norman Conquest programme.
Preferred frequencies will be around 7.150 and 14.250MHz, with
operation from 10am to 5pm. A downloadable commemorative certificate
is available free from

Wearside Electronics ARS will be operating GB2HSG on the 15th of
October for Scout Jamboree on the Air at the Scout Hut, Crow Lane,
Herrington SR3 3TE. They will be on all HF bands, 2, 70cm and 6m from

Special event stations K6L and K1T will operate on the 14th to the
16th from the summit on Bear's Den Mountain in Virginia, USA where
150 years ago Dr Mahlon Loomis made the first demonstration of
wireless telegraphy over a path of approximately 21 miles to Furnace
Mountain. Loomis noted various distances in his records between 14
and 22 miles.

Now the contest news

Ending its 24 hour run at 0800 today, the 9th, the Oceania DX CW
contest uses the 1.8 to 28MHz bands and the exchange is signal report
and serial number.

Today, the 9th, the ON Contest runs from 0600 to 0900UTC. Using CW on
the 3.5MHz band the exchange is signal report and serial number, with
ON stations also giving their club code.

On Tuesday the 432MHz UK activity contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC.
Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and

Wednesday sees the 80m Club Sprint from 1900 to 2000UTC. In CW only,
exchange serial number and name.

 From 1500 on Saturday the 15th to 1500UTC on the 16th, the Worked All
Germany contest is on the air. Using CW and SSB, on the 3.5 to 28MHz
bands the exchange is signal report and serial number. German
stations will also send DOK.

On Sunday the 16th, the RoLo CW contest runs from 1900 to 2030UTC.
Using CW only on the 80m band, the exchange is signal report and
locator received.

Also on the 16th, the 50MHz AFS contest runs from 0900 to 1300UTC.
Using all modes on the band the exchange is signal report, serial
number and locator.

Finally for next Sunday, the ON Contest runs from 0600 to 1000UTC.
Using phone and CW on the 144MHz band, the exchange is signal report
and serial number. SN stations also give their club code.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO
on Friday the 7th of October

Last week the solar flux index didn't behave as predicted and rose to
99 by Thursday. This was mainly due to the appearance of large
sunspot groups 2598 and 2599. There were no major solar flares, only
minor C-class events, but unsettled geomagnetic conditions continued
thanks to ongoing coronal hole activity.

The K index hit four and five earlier in the week, although
conditions improved by Thursday. Next week looks to be quite settled,
geomagnetically, with the SDO spacecraft's extreme current
ultraviolet image showing no Earth-facing coronal holes. NOAA
predicts the highest K index reading will be two early in the week,
rising to four on Sunday the 16th. The US Air Force predicts the
solar flux index should remain in the range 95-102. Sunspot group
2599 appears fairly settled, so we don't expect any M or X-class
solar flares.

If the forecast holds true it looks like HF conditions may be good
next week. Maximum usable frequencies have been subdued, but if the
settled conditions can continue we may expect openings up to 21MHz or
higher at times. The best HF paths will still be north-south, but
don't ignore greyline contacts on 40 and 80 metres at dawn.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

There's one strong message and one very weak message in the Tropo
forecast for next week. The strong message is that the high, which
gave some fair Tropo conditions in the last 144MHz UK activity
contest, will decline after the weekend and gradually become
displaced to the north of Scotland. At the same time, pressure will
fall over southern Britain as it turns more showery and the
north-easterly breeze picks up a little. So, not a good sign for
Tropo in the coming week.

The weaker part of the forecast message is that prediction models
diverge as we head towards the end of the week. One version rebuilds
the high from the north of Scotland to bring a renewed chance of
Tropo by the weekend, but other versions remain in the showery regime
through to the end of the week and offer no potential return of
Tropo. As we are talking about 7-10 days ahead, uncertainty at this
range is not unusual.

There are no meteor showers this week so keep looking in the early
mornings for random contacts on the lower VHF bands. Moon declination
increases this week, going positive on Friday, so EME moon windows
lengthen. Losses are low and falling this week.

And that's all for this week from the propagation team.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  gb2rs<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro
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