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G4APL  > NEWS     28.08.17 19:56l 281 Lines 13195 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 54731_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main  News  - 27 Aug 2017
Sent: 170826/2251Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:54731 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 27th of August 2017

The news headlines:

* Abuse causes repeater shutdowns
* UKAC Scoring vote result announced
* Train the Trainers in West Dumbartonshire

The RSGB have been made aware that due to continuing and sustained 
repeater abuse, GB3DY at Wirksworth and GB3EE at Chesterfield have 
been required by Ofcom to close down for 14 days. The RSGB's Amateur 
Radio Observation Service and the Emerging Technology Coordination 
Committee are working to formalise an agreed process for dealing with 
unfortunate situations like this and will be contacting all Repeater 
Keepers once this is finalised. The RSGB would emphasise that if a 
repeater is suffering abuse it is essential that users do no react or 
attempt to communicate with the abusers as doing so inevitably makes 
the situation worse. Guidance on combating abuse can be found on the 
ETCC website at

The results of the vote on changes to UKAC scoring arrangements have 
been announced. 77% were in favour of the Nordic method, where the 
first contact with every new square attracts a bonus of 500 points. 
The B3 method, a variant of the current scheme with reduced overall 
bonus scores and some additional high bonus squares, received just 
23% of the votes. The decision affects all UKAC events from 6m to 
23cm and will be implemented in 2018. Full details of the results, 
including a frequently asked questions page, are on the RSGB website 
[Note to Newsreaders: the full URL is

Lomond Radio Club is hosting a Train the Trainers day on the 2nd of 
September at their radio shack in Renton, West Dunbartonshire. The 
RSGB will be providing instructors to inform volunteer trainers on 
the latest methods of presentation and updates on the many changes 
that are occurring in the hobby. The course is designed to suit all 
levels of training and presentation, ranging from those who are just 
thinking about starting training and those who have been giving 
courses for many years. Places are limited, so for further 
information please contact Barrie, GM0KZX on 01389 764 401 or Bill, 
MM0ELF on 01389 755 758.

The major papers and speeches from the HamRadio 2017 show in 
Friedrichshafen have been made available by DokuFunk. You can find 
the information on the website along with material 
from 2016 and previous years.

At the National Hamfest on 29 and 30 September, the UK Six Metre 
Group has agreed to host Fred, G4BWP so he can facilitate DXCC 
checking. The National Hamfest takes place at the Newark & Nottingham 
Showground, Lincoln Road, Winthorpe, Newark NG24 2NY.

Mainstream media this week has told the story of an M6 amateur in the 
Bristol area taking an emergency contact, which helped rescue a young 
girl having a seizure in a remote part of Exmoor. A fuller report is 
on the BBC website at or you can see the 
original Bristol Evening Post article at
[Note to Newsreaders: the full URLs are and

The RSGB Convention is at Kents Hill Park Training & Conference 
Centre, MK7 6BZ from the 13th to the 15th of October. Extended Early 
Bird discounts for the RSGB Convention expire on the 31st of August 
so book now to take advantage of the lower rates. The Convention 
website contains full details, including a 
provisional Programme. Under 21's get free admission. 

This year's International Air Ambulance event will take place from 
the 9th to the 17th of September. The event covers two weekends, 
giving amateurs a great chance to get involved and support the event. 
Registration is mandatory and all stations taking part will be issued 
a registration number that will be listed on the website. Awards will 
be available for those who support the event. Claims for the awards 
will need to be made to the Award Manager by email to 
de3ear<at> including an excerpt from the log as proof of a 
valid claim. To register your special event station, go to

The Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association is holding its AGM on 
Wednesday the 6th of September at the Brunswick Inn, 1 Railway 
Terrace, Derby, DE1 2RU. The meeting will commence with an informal 
get-together at noon and the AGM will commence at 1.30pm. For more 
information contact Ian, G4EAN by email to GenSec<at> or 
0115 926 2360. Membership of RAOTA is open to anyone with an active 
interest in amateur radio, see for details.

And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week 

The Milton Keynes ARS Rally takes place on today, the 27th, at The 
Irish Centre, Fenny Stratford, Bletchley MK2 2HX, just opposite 
Dobbies Garden Centre. Doors open at 10am. Contact Tim Cowell, G6GEI 
on 07976 262 497 or email renegade62<at> for more 

On Bank Holiday Monday, the 28th, the Huntingdonshire ARS Rally takes 
place at Ernulf Academy, Barford Road, St Neots PE19 2SH. Doors open 
at 7am for traders and 9am for the public. Admission is GBP 3, with 
free parking. Catering including hot meals and drinks are available 
on site. There will be an RSGB bookstall. More from Malcolm, M0OLG on 
01480 214 282 or by email to events<at>

The Telford Hamfest takes place at the Enginuity Technology Centre, 
Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire on Sunday the 3rd of September. 
There will be trade stands, a flea market and special interest 
groups. Lectures will be from Dave, G3YXM on 21 years of LF, Dom, 
M1KTA on QRP and making antennas when in DX and Paul, M0XPD on The 
Little Rigs That Could. The evening before, at the Holiday Inn, 
Telford, the G QRP Buildathon will take place. Details at

If you have any rally or event information you'd like to appear in 
future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, 
please email full details to radcom<at>

And now the DX news compiled from 425 DX News and other sources

Prefix hunters may be interested in the special event station 
ZY158CAT that is active from Brazil until the 30th of August. The 
station commemorates 158 years of the city of Catalao in the state of 
Goias. The QSL manager is PP2BO.

Peter, GW4UWD will be on the air as 9A/GW4UWD/P from Zlarin Island, 
IOTA reference EU-170, until the 2nd of September. Activity will be 
on the HF bands using only SSB. QSL to his home callsign.

Doug, W6HB will be operating holiday-style as E51DLD from the South 
Cook Islands, OC-013, until the 8th of September. Activity will be on 
the 10 to 160m bands using SSB only. QSL to his home callsign, but 
see notes on for more information.

Members of the Russian Lighthouse Society are on the air as ES/RX3AMI 
until the 31st of August from EU-034, EU-149, and EU-178. QSL via 

Bert, CX3AN will be operating as YJ0CX from Efate Island, OC-035, 
until the 3rd of September. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW 
and SSB. QSL to his home callsign. In addition, Tony, KQ2I will be on 
the air as YJ0AT from Efate Island until the 13th of September. 
Activity will be on 40 to 10 metres using only CW. QSL via NR6M.

Han, DS2GOO will be operating as DS2GOO/4 from Pogil Island, AS-085, 
until the 28th of August. Activity will be on 40 to 6 metres using 
CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL to his home call.

Now the special event news 

GB4GHF will be on the air on the 2nd of September from 9.30am from 
Gloucester Life Museum, formerly the Gloucester Folk Museum, on Lower 
Westgate Street, Gloucester. Operating on the 80, 40, 20 and 15m 
bands as well as 2m, visitors are welcomed. The station will be run 
by Alan, G4MGW.

Now the contest news

Today, the 27th, sees the UKuG contest from 0600 to 1800UTC. Using 
all modes on the 5.7 and 10GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, 
serial number and locator.

The ITTS Counties contest takes place on 2m SSB and FM today, the 
27th, from 1300 to 1500UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial 
number, with all stations on the island of Ireland also giving their 

Next weekend, the 2nd and 3rd of September, is a really busy one for 
contests with six different events taking place. 

The RSGB SSB Field Day runs from 1300UTC on the 2nd to 1300UTC on the 
3rd. Using SSB only on the 3.5 to 28MHz bands, the exchange is signal 
report and serial number.

The 144MHz Trophy contest runs from 1400UTC on the 2nd to 1400UTC on 
the 3rd. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial 
number and locator.

Starting at 0000UTC on the 2nd and finishing at 2359UTC on the 3rd, 
the All Asian DX contest uses SSB only on the 1.8 to 28MHz bands, The 
exchange is signal report and age, though ladies can send 00.

The IARU 144MHz contest starts at 1400UTC on the 2nd and ends at 
1400UTC on the 3rd. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, 
serial number and locator.

The 5th 144MHz Backpackers contest runs from 1100UTC to 1500UTC on 
the 3rd. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial 
number and locator.

The World All Britain 2m QRO phone contest is on the 3rd from 100 to 
1400UTC. Using SSB and FM, the exchange is signal report, serial 
number and WAB square.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Friday 25th August.

Last week saw the solar flux index touch 90 as large sunspot group 
2671 rotated into the centre of the solar surface. But, 
unfortunately, the predicted unsettled geomagnetic conditions, caused 
by a high-speed coronal hole solar wind stream, pushed the K index up 
to six early in the week. This hampered DX by pushing maximum useable 
frequencies downward. The unsettled conditions continued until at 
least Wednesday the 23rd.

Sporadic-E did put in an appearance for last weekend's International 
Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend, bringing short skip to the 40m 
band. This meant that many UK amateurs were able to contact special 
event stations on 7MHz that would have otherwise been unworkable, 
other than by ground wave. This was a good example of how Sporadic-E 
clouds over the UK can often bring advantages on the lower HF bands, 
such as 40, 30 and 20MHz, while we normally associate Sporadic-E with 
28MHz and above.

This weekend there is a chance that a small coronal hole may threaten 
us with more unsettled geomagnetic conditions. Conditions may also be 
unsettled mid week due to the effects of another coronal hole, but 
could improve for next weekend's HF SSB Field Day.

Next week sunspot 2672 will be fully facing Earth. This has already 
produced an M-class solar flare and a number of lesser C-class 
flares, so we may be in for a bumpy ride. However, NOAA predicts the 
Solar Flux Index will decline to the high 70s. 

Maximum useable frequencies over a 3,000km path are still peaking 
around 17MHz during the day, with occasional DX openings on the 17m 

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

For this week there is still a chance of limited Tropo options as a 
ridge of high pressure develops over southern Britain. As usual for 
Tropo conditions it is the higher VHF, UHF and GHz bands that fare 
best and, unlike with Sporadic-E, the openings can be long lasting, 
especially over sea paths. Night-time is often best over the land, 
since there will sometimes be a shallow surface temperature inversion 
to add to the one brought by the high pressure, giving longer paths.

The second half of the week may see the return of low pressure in the 
north particularly, but it will increase the chances of some rain 
scatter on the GHz bands. 

Sporadic-E is now nearing the end of its main season and at the 
moment the jet streams look to be fairly weak, meaning Sporadic-E 
will struggle to make many appearances.

As we head into the week, a new Atlantic jet stream will appear over 
Scotland and Scandinavia, giving a chance of northern Sporadic-E 
paths into Scandinavia and across to the States. About this time 
there will also be a broad upper ridge over France and Germany, which 
may also help with Sporadic-E.

There are only minor meteor showers this week, so continue to look 
around dawn for the best random meteor scatter contacts. We have 
negative Moon declination this week and apogee on Wednesday. The moon 
doesn't get above 20 degrees elevation after Monday and path losses 
will be high. For VHF operation, the low moon elevation means high 
ground noise in the beam of the antenna.  
And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  gb2rs<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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