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WX4QZ  > ALL      19.09.23 01:56l 228 Lines 7494 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 55498_NS2B
Subj: PCL NET SCRIBE SEP 18 2023
Sent: 230919/0046Z 55498@NS2B.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24

>From Tue Sep 19 02:52:46 2023
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>From: wx4qz@ns2b.#wny.ny.usa.noam
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WX4QZ, Daryl, Arkansas (Net Control/Scribe)
VA7RBP, Rick, Canada (Courtesy Check)
K0WAV, Scott, Arkansas 
NS2B, Bob, New York (Sysop)
KX4AC, Carl, Florida
KF5JRV, Scott, Arkansas



Welcome to the Sep. 18, 2023 PCL Net. Early
checkin from Rick, as he's on a trip with 
his XYL to visit family this week.

Net order is Scott (K0WAV), Bob (NS2B),
Carl (KX4AC), Scott (KF5JRV), and whoever 
else shows up.

A quiet week the last several days...doing
work on the BBS, writing Gospel Poetry, as
The Good Lord provides it, and trying to 
catch up on sleep. The doubling of Lasix 
ruins that around the clock now. I have to 
cancel a urologist's appointment for next 
month, as the medication worked against the 
Lasix, and I don't need that extra fluid,
especially with congestive heart failure.
I think I need to move the computer gear
into the loo, aka my new orifice (hi hi).

I have no plans to go out until October,
to get a haircut, a toenail trim, and then
follow-up bloodwork on borderline type 2
diabetes. Then, I'll stock up on groceries
again...but at least the personal property
and real estate taxes are out of my hair
until next fall. Still waiting on one item
from's supposed to be here by
Wednesday, but I'm not holding my breath.

Arkansas looks to move into an unsettled and
stormy weather pattern in the coming days and
into next week, so my status for the Sep. 25 
net is in question right now. Bob (NS2B), I'll 
keep you posted on any updates. We really need 
the rain, my area is still under 
a burn ban. At least the heat advisories look
to be done with until next spring or summer.

The QCWA CQ100 VoIP Net that I've been doing 
on Friday mornings, may go QRT after next Friday, 
Sep. 29, due to a lack of checkins. It may be a 
bad day and time for the net, but it could also 
be that the purists consider any form of "internet 
radio" to not be a valid form of ham radio. Well, 
I have no choice, because of medical issues, and 
I'm sure many more would be QRT if we eliminated 
that option. An FCC official years ago noted that
"We are communicators first, and hams second".
However, I will continue the QCWA Sunflower Net
on Saturday morning, and the QCWA Digital Net on 
Sunday afternoon, even if the QCWA CQ100 Net goes 
QRT. There are still several other CQ100 Nets that
I can check into, if I feel like it. Considering I
paid my $39 a year last July, no sense in letting
it go to waste.


Thanks Daryl, yes a combo of busy and absent 
mindedness has kept me away.

I have been doing every chore that will tick off 
my hay fever this weekend - mowing, brush hogging, 
trimming .... you get the picture.

Messing around with VARA HF and some of the RF BBS 
stations around the country.

I did complete my DXCC or DX100 QRZ award on FT8 a
few weeks back but other than that, not much radio 

Have some trees that have died and or fallen to take 
care of. Hope the chainsaws are up to it.

If you haven't heard of the upcoming FCC/FEMA 
Emergency Broadcast Test... they are planning it 
for October 4, 2023 at 14:30 EDT.



GE All.

A busy week of helping the son empty out his house. 
He's selling it, as his health is declining, and he 
can't really take care of it any more. He'll be 
moving in with me.

We have a local Winlink node that runs VARA HF or FM 
on a variety of frequencies. KD2DO-10 - I had been 
connecting with VARA HF but the sysop wanted me to 
switch to VARA FM so he could have somebody to play 
peer-to-peer with. So I put up a VHF station and 
loaded VARA FM. It works well.

Last week, Oklahoma Bob mentioned a Winlink game called 
HAMWORD. I tried it out. It's pretty cool.

Congrats on the awards Scott!!



GE all. 

It is finally cool enough in the early morning so I 
can take my morning walks again, though it's still 
pretty humid. I am not sure whether Saturday morning 
should be classified as a "walk" or a "swim."

Anyway, it's good to get out for a walk again. I am 
watching the progress on some work under a bridge 
over a local stream/creek/river nearby. They seem
to be replacing an old low dam with some kind of 
new fancy concrete spillway.

We had our PCARS club meeting last week. It was ok, 
but not really anything special. We watched an old 
50s-60s era video about how awesome hams are in 
times of emergency. Go HAMS! Then, most of the 
meeting was status of things related to the upcoming 
hamfest in October. I always look forward to that. I 
love looking over all the "junk" ... but rarely buy
much of anything because I can't buy *everything*.  
Still fun to look.

I see that the new "Moana" exhibit is opening at Walt 
Disney World in October, so I have already started 
planning to take a few weekdays off and go see it near 
the end of October. I have an annual pass, but don't 
usually use it during the summer, because it is just 
too hot and humid. However, the end of October should 
be OK. I will drive out on a Monday and back on Thursday.
It's possible to do it in one day, but it is a lot of 
driving (1.5 hours each way from where I live). If you 
stay off Disney Property, you can find some reasonable 
hotels that are within 5 miles of the parks. So, that's 
my plan.

Best wishes to Bob and his son. Take care of each other. 
There is nothing more important than family in my book.



GE Everyone

Had car problems. Blew a heater hose. Did the work myself
but the hoses were 60 dollars and the plastic quick connects 
were 30. Pretty expensive for 2 foot of hose.

The weather is very pleasant right now. Almost perfect. 
Mowed some on the yard. The grass is starting to shut down 
for fall.

Prayers for Bob and his son.


Responses from WX4QZ:

Scott (WAV), bummer on the hay fever...the fall pollen is 
all over the place. I'll have another mow in October, and 
maybe onein November, before the winter shutdown. I'll be 
glad when the grass quits growing, and the insects go away.

FB on the VARA HF, and congratulations on DXCC/DX100 on QRZ
for FT8. GL with the tree trimming work.

I was wondering when that EAS test was. I've heard some say
to "shut off your computer and internet, so you won't be
tracked"...but if I have storms in my area that day, I'll be

Bob, I've had offers to buy the place, but I have no one to
help me move, and I can't do it myself...I just don't have
the strength anymore. Hope all goes well with your son.

FB on the VARA HF and HAMWORD. I wasn't sure if it'd work
with RMS Express, but I have word games on my BBS that I play.

Carl, maybe it's actually a "swim walk" in the mornings (hi hi).

FB on the meeting and hamfests. They don't have one in Little 
Rock anymore, but I always went to help with license exams, 
forums, feed my face at the food trough (I was being 
cannibalistic with ham sandwiches (hi hi)), and eyeball QSO's.

On the hotel rooms, you're lucky to find one for under $150
a night anymore.

Scott (JRV), bummer on the heater hose and's 
always something with the car. I'm glad for the cooler weather
as well. Tell Miss Jackie we said "hi".


Daryl, WX4QZ

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