OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox



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CX2SA  > SATDIG   13.05.19 03:51l 949 Lines 29657 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V14 191
Sent: 190513/0246Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:5792 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB14191

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: suitable omni antenna for FM sats? (geoffrey allsup)
   2. CJ7EWK/3 from EN81 on Sunday (12 May 2019)
      (Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK))
   3. Re: CJ7EWK/3 from EN81 on Sunday (12 May 2019) (Fernando Ramirez)
   4. DSLWP-B UHF Plan (???)
   5. AO-92 L Band FN44 (Mike Seguin)
   6. Re: suitable omni antenna for FM sats? (Bob Hammond)
   7. Re: suitable omni antenna for FM sats? (Adam Whitney)
   8. VY0 outdoor operation? (Ron VE8RT)
   9. N3EJ ? (Scott)
  10. Re: VY0 outdoor operation? (Zach Metzinger)
  11. EL84 (K5ZM)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 11 May 2019 21:34:28 -0400
From: geoffrey allsup <gallsup@????.???>
To: Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] suitable omni antenna for FM sats?
Message-ID: <812F5E4F-B1AE-482E-A892-E07E622715FB@????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8

Hi Ron

I will corroborate what John said.  I have made several hundred FM and SSB
satellite contacts over the past year using a Diamond X-50A dual-band
vertical and IC-9100 or FT-736r,  as well as more than 100 FM contacts using
a D72A handheld and a dual-band 1/4 wave mag mount on my truck.  At least 80
grids towards my VUCC came via these antennas.

I would expect a Comet GP-6 will do fine.  Sure, an AZ-EL yagi system would
be nice, but I?m a believer in working with what you?ve got and keeping it
simple.  And pick your passes, especially at the outset (though if there is
a clear horizon, even fairly low angle passes will yield contacts).  My
first few contacts, in fact, were overhead FM sat passes, using a
half-duplex HT with a little Diamond dual-band whip.

Good luck and have fun!
geoff - W1OH

Geoff Allsup, W1OH       gallsup@????.???  or  w1oh@????.???
Senior Engineer (Retired)             Upper Ocean Processes Group
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution      Woods Hole, MA, USA

> On May 11, 2019, at 18:30, Ron VE8RT via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> Thanks John,
>   that would be the easiest solution to start with.  VY0YL is s city
> administrator, not someone with a technical background.  Maybe she
> could get some help locally.  I have a Comet GP-6 dual band base
> antenna still in its shipping tube, I haven't put it up yet so I
> haven't tried it.  They advertise that it has 6.5 dDi gain on 2M and 9
> dBi on 70 cm  I was going to match that up with a TM-V71A to see how
> well that worked out.
>   At this time, VY0YL has no antenna, or equipment.  As equipment that
> won't do the job may be discouraging getting the first radio operating
> the first time is important.
>   Ron VE8RT
> On Sat, 11 May 2019 15:11:23 -0500
> John Kludt via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
>> Ron,
>> Everything Jeff days is true.  But some of us live in covenant restricted
settings and an omni is much easier to sneak in under the radar.  I have
switched back and forth between eggbeaters and various verticals.  So far 88
grids.  Three points:
>> 1) Pay attention to ERP.  You are going to need a little more uplink
power to make up for the lack of Tx antenna gain.
>> 2) Always, always use a preamp at the antenna on 435 down links
>> 3) Be patient.  This is a compromise solution and you are not going to
knock them down every pass.
>> If it is all you can do go ahead.  Better to be on the air working the
birds as best you can than doing nothing at all.
>> John
>> Sent from my Verizon Motorola Smartphone
>> On May 11, 2019 00:34, Jeff Moore via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
>>> As was stated multiple times in a very recent thread - omnis for sat work
>>> are a poor compromise!!    Even a small beam at a 15-degree angle will
>>> generally blow most omnis off the roof! Even better would be a pair of
>>> beams (one for uplink, one for downlink) on an azimuth/elevation rotor!
>>> But handheld can work almost as good!!
>>> 7   3
>>> Jeff Moore   ---   KE7ACY
>>> CN94
>>> On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 10:08 PM Ron VE8RT via AMSAT-BB
>>> wrote:
>>>>     We have a newly licenced amateur in DP79.  Because they fell a few
>>>> points of getting their Basic with Honours they do not have HF
>>>> privileges, their only way to communicate with the outside world is via
>>>> satellite.  Anticipating this possible outcome, that they may not get
>>>> access to the HF bands, I sent them a hard copy, (no home internet, and
>>>> its slow and expensive there if you do have it), of the current copy of
>>>> "Getting Started with Amateur Satellites".  As we're heading into the
>>>> time of year to do any outside work, the most pressing question is what
>>>> is the best compromise antenna for a base station.   Keeping in mind
>>>> their location, in order to work anyone they'll have to get into the
>>>> satellites while the satellite is close to their horizon, otherwise the
>>>> satellite footprint will not cover areas with any satellite operators.
>>>>     Ron VE8RT in DP22
>>>> --
>>>> Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>>>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>>>> expressed
>>>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>>>> AMSAT-NA.
>>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>>>> Subscription settings:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
>>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>>> Subscription settings:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:
> --
> Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 03:03:38 +0000
From: "Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK)" <amsat-bb@??????.???>
To: AMSAT <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] CJ7EWK/3 from EN81 on Sunday (12 May 2019)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


Look for CJ7EWK/3 on satellites from Ontario's Point Pelee
National Park on Sunday, 12 May 2019. FM, SSB, maybe
some packet too. Point Pelee National Park is in grid EN81.
QSOs will be uploaded to LOTW as CJ7EWK/3 for FM and
SSB, and without the /3 for any packet QSOs. Updates will
be on my Twitter feed, and my travels should appear at - even north of the border.

More from Canada over the next few days. Probably heading
to Montreal by mid-week.


Patrick CJ7EWK/3 - Tilbury, Ontario
Twitter: @?????? or


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 11 May 2019 20:49:29 -0700
From: Fernando Ramirez <framirezferrer@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@??????.???
Cc: AMSAT -BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] CJ7EWK/3 from EN81 on Sunday (12 May 2019)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Almost missed this announcement! I received it right at SO-50 AOS.

Thanks Patrick for the QSO. Enjoy the trip.



On Sat, May 11, 2019, 8:11 PM Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) via AMSAT-BB
<amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:

> Hi!
> Look for CJ7EWK/3 on satellites from Ontario's Point Pelee
> National Park on Sunday, 12 May 2019. FM, SSB, maybe
> some packet too. Point Pelee National Park is in grid EN81.
> QSOs will be uploaded to LOTW as CJ7EWK/3 for FM and
> SSB, and without the /3 for any packet QSOs. Updates will
> be on my Twitter feed, and my travels should appear at
> - even north of the border.
> More from Canada over the next few days. Probably heading
> to Montreal by mid-week.
> 73!
> Patrick CJ7EWK/3 - Tilbury, Ontario
> Twitter: @?????? or
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 16:51:24 +0800 (CST)
From: ??? <wmc_jx@???.???>
To: "amsat-bb@?????.???? <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] DSLWP-B UHF Plan
Message-ID: <7aeb53b1.8388.16aab3d53fe.Coremail.wmc_jx@???.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=GBK

Hi OMs,

Here is the DSLWP-B UHF plan for the following days:

15 May 2019 07:40:00 to 15 May 2019 09:40:00
15 May 2019 16:10:00 to 15 May 2019 18:10:00
19 May 2019 05:30:00 to 19 May 2019 07:30:00

All time in UTC. GMSK and JT4G will be on both 435.4 and 436.4.

SSDV album:

Online JT4G telemetry forwarder:
JT4G telemetry display:
GMSK telemetry:

VY TNX & 73!



WEI Mingchuan

Research Center of Satellite Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology
mobile: +86-189-4501-5242
e-mail: wmc_jx@???.???? bg2bhc@?????.???


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 08:23:02 -0400
From: Mike Seguin <n1jez@?????????????????.???>
To: AMSAT BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-92 L Band FN44
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

I'm at my Camp in FN44 this morning and will attempt to work AO-92 L
Band using my contest station here. No elevation on the antennas, but
lots of power and big antennas.

I'll be on the 1431 and 1605 passes. The 1605 pass will be the better of
the two as I have some blockage to the North from this site.

This site is in the Northeast corner of Vermont not far from the
Canadian border at 2100'.


Mike, N1JEZ
"A closed mouth gathers no feet"


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 07:11:18 -0700
From: Bob Hammond <propgrinder@?????.???>
To: "Stephen E. Belter" <seb@??????.???>
Cc: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] suitable omni antenna for FM sats?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I started with an Icom Z1A and a handheld Arrow antenna on my deck in
Fairbanks, AK  (BP64).  Even in the cold.  Good contacts to the Pacific
NW.....and a guy in Deadhorse.  I printed out the passes for the week and
got on the air at the appropriate times and dates.

Pretty straightforward.

On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 1:42 PM Stephen E. Belter via AMSAT-BB <
amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:

> Thanks for sending them the Getting Started With Amateur Satellites book.
> Chapter 4, Your Antenna System covers both omni and directional antennas.
> There is additional information in Appendix B, Upgrading Your Antenna
> System.
> For grid DP79, I?d look hard at a dual band Yagi with a fixed elevation
> (maybe 10-20 degrees) with an azimuth rotor, *if* a handheld antenna isn?t
> practical.
> I?ve operated satellites with a standard Arrow Antenna from
> BP40/50-53/61/64/83 and CP04/20/30/40.  Not quite as far north as DP79, but
> still a fair distance from the lower 48 states.
> 73, Steve N9IP
> --
> Steve Belter, seb@??????.???
> > On May 11, 2019, at 4:13 PM, John Kludt via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> wrote:
> >
> > Ron,
> >
> > Everything Jeff days is true.  But some of us live in covenant
> restricted settings and an omni is much easier to sneak in under the
> radar.  I have switched back and forth between eggbeaters and various
> verticals.  So far 88 grids.  Three points:
> >
> > 1) Pay attention to ERP.  You are going to need a little more uplink
> power to make up for the lack of Tx antenna gain.
> > 2) Always, always use a preamp at the antenna on 435 down links
> > 3) Be patient.  This is a compromise solution and you are not going to
> knock them down every pass.
> >
> > If it is all you can do go ahead.  Better to be on the air working the
> birds as best you can than doing nothing at all.
> >
> > John
> >
> > Sent from my Verizon Motorola Smartphone
> >> On May 11, 2019 00:34, Jeff Moore via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> As was stated multiple times in a very recent thread - omnis for sat
> work
> >> are a poor compromise!!    Even a small beam at a 15-degree angle will
> >> generally blow most omnis off the roof! Even better would be a pair of
> >> beams (one for uplink, one for downlink) on an azimuth/elevation rotor!
> >> But handheld can work almost as good!!
> >>
> >> 7   3
> >> Jeff Moore   ---   KE7ACY
> >> CN94
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 10:08 PM Ron VE8RT via AMSAT-BB <
> amsat-bb@?????.???>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>>     We have a newly licenced amateur in DP79.  Because they fell a few
> >>> points of getting their Basic with Honours they do not have HF
> >>> privileges, their only way to communicate with the outside world is
> via
> >>> satellite.  Anticipating this possible outcome, that they may not get
> >>> access to the HF bands, I sent them a hard copy, (no home internet,
> and
> >>> its slow and expensive there if you do have it), of the current copy
> of
> >>> "Getting Started with Amateur Satellites".  As we're heading into the
> >>> time of year to do any outside work, the most pressing question is
> what
> >>> is the best compromise antenna for a base station.   Keeping in mind
> >>> their location, in order to work anyone they'll have to get into the
> >>> satellites while the satellite is close to their horizon, otherwise
> the
> >>> satellite footprint will not cover areas with any satellite operators.
> >>>
> >>>     Ron VE8RT in DP22
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> >>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions
> >>> expressed
> >>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
> of
> >>> AMSAT-NA.
> >>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> >>> Subscription settings:
> >>>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> >> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> >> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
> of AMSAT-NA.
> >> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> >> Subscription settings:
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> > to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
> Opinions expressed
> > are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> > Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
> program!
> > Subscription settings:
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> expressed
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 10:03:52 -0500
From: Adam Whitney <awhitney42@?????.???>
To: Bob Hammond <propgrinder@?????.???>, Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
Cc: AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] suitable omni antenna for FM sats?
Message-ID: <78B9E63A-DCF4-4086-8487-AAB20608144E@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=utf-8


I have had excellent success working indoors using a handheld Arrow antenna
in the winter, with surprisingly strong RF signals through ceiling and
walls. I have worked FM, linear, and packet satellites in this way, working
from my QTH in EN31 up to 1,500km from Cancun, Mexico to British Columbia. I
have worked SO-50 and FO-29 indoors with my Arrow at 0.5W transmit power
down to about 15? elevation. I have worked AO-91 down to 4? elevation using
5W. I suppose success depends greatly on home construction, but the Arrow is
an amazing antenna and worth a try.

I also echo Bob?s sentiments that working outdoors in the bitter cold and
blowing snow can be surprisingly fun, if the operator has a sense of
tenacity in the face of a challenge or is just a crazy snow loving creature
like me. As satellite passes are by nature short in duration, just 15 to 20
minutes, it?s possible to work a pass in the cold and dark. I have routinely
worked -12? Celsius passes outdoors many time quite comfortably if there is
no wind. I have even worked passes with a -28? Celsius wind chill factor,
but that does take preparation and practice. Either way, you hold the Arrow
with an insulated mitten, and then use a lighter glove to work the radio
buttons and knobs. It?s made easier if you have a full duplex radio with a
large PTT button, especially with FM as there is a minimal amount of tuning
required during the pass.

Just some food for thought. However it turns out, I hope to hear her on the
birds sometime! Thank you for being an Elmer.

Adam, K0FFY

> On May 12, 2019, at 09:11, Bob Hammond via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
> I started with an Icom Z1A and a handheld Arrow antenna on my deck in
> Fairbanks, AK  (BP64).  Even in the cold.  Good contacts to the Pacific
> NW.....and a guy in Deadhorse.  I printed out the passes for the week and
> got on the air at the appropriate times and dates.
> Pretty straightforward.
> On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 1:42 PM Stephen E. Belter via AMSAT-BB <
> amsat-bb@?????.???> wrote:
>> Thanks for sending them the Getting Started With Amateur Satellites book.
>> Chapter 4, Your Antenna System covers both omni and directional antennas.
>> There is additional information in Appendix B, Upgrading Your Antenna
>> System.
>> For grid DP79, I?d look hard at a dual band Yagi with a fixed elevation
>> (maybe 10-20 degrees) with an azimuth rotor, *if* a handheld antenna isn?t
>> practical.
>> I?ve operated satellites with a standard Arrow Antenna from
>> BP40/50-53/61/64/83 and CP04/20/30/40.  Not quite as far north as DP79, but
>> still a fair distance from the lower 48 states.
>> 73, Steve N9IP
>> --
>> Steve Belter, seb@??????.???
>>>> On May 11, 2019, at 4:13 PM, John Kludt via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
>>> wrote:
>>> Ron,
>>> Everything Jeff days is true.  But some of us live in covenant
>> restricted settings and an omni is much easier to sneak in under the
>> radar.  I have switched back and forth between eggbeaters and various
>> verticals.  So far 88 grids.  Three points:
>>> 1) Pay attention to ERP.  You are going to need a little more uplink
>> power to make up for the lack of Tx antenna gain.
>>> 2) Always, always use a preamp at the antenna on 435 down links
>>> 3) Be patient.  This is a compromise solution and you are not going to
>> knock them down every pass.
>>> If it is all you can do go ahead.  Better to be on the air working the
>> birds as best you can than doing nothing at all.
>>> John
>>> Sent from my Verizon Motorola Smartphone
>>>> On May 11, 2019 00:34, Jeff Moore via AMSAT-BB <amsat-bb@?????.???>
>> wrote:
>>>> As was stated multiple times in a very recent thread - omnis for sat
>> work
>>>> are a poor compromise!!    Even a small beam at a 15-degree angle will
>>>> generally blow most omnis off the roof! Even better would be a pair of
>>>> beams (one for uplink, one for downlink) on an azimuth/elevation rotor!
>>>> But handheld can work almost as good!!
>>>> 7   3
>>>> Jeff Moore   ---   KE7ACY
>>>> CN94
>>>> On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 10:08 PM Ron VE8RT via AMSAT-BB <
>> amsat-bb@?????.???>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>   We have a newly licenced amateur in DP79.  Because they fell a few
>>>>> points of getting their Basic with Honours they do not have HF
>>>>> privileges, their only way to communicate with the outside world is
>> via
>>>>> satellite.  Anticipating this possible outcome, that they may not get
>>>>> access to the HF bands, I sent them a hard copy, (no home internet,
>> and
>>>>> its slow and expensive there if you do have it), of the current copy
>> of
>>>>> "Getting Started with Amateur Satellites".  As we're heading into the
>>>>> time of year to do any outside work, the most pressing question is
>> what
>>>>> is the best compromise antenna for a base station.   Keeping in mind
>>>>> their location, in order to work anyone they'll have to get into the
>>>>> satellites while the satellite is close to their horizon, otherwise
>> the
>>>>> satellite footprint will not cover areas with any satellite operators.
>>>>>   Ron VE8RT in DP22
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>>>>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions
>>>>> expressed
>>>>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
>> of
>>>>> AMSAT-NA.
>>>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>> program!
>>>>> Subscription settings:
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>>>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>>>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views
>> of AMSAT-NA.
>>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>> program!
>>>> Subscription settings:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
>> Opinions expressed
>>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite
>> program!
>>> Subscription settings:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
>> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
>> expressed
>> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
>> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
>> Subscription settings:
> _______________________________________________
> Sent via AMSAT-BB@?????.???. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
> to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
> are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
> Subscription settings:


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 13:33:38 -0600
From: Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] VY0 outdoor operation?
Message-ID: <20190512133338.234ab85739c41d3d0b1de2e9@?????.??>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

   There are a few reasons why I can't see handheld outdoor operation
working from Cambridge Bay, NU Temperatures:
Average HIGH temperatures, WITHOUT windchill
Jan -29C   Feb -36C  Mar  -25C  Apr  -16C  May   -6C   Jun +6C
Jul +13C   Aug +10C  Sep  +3C   Oct  -7C   Nov   -18C  Dec -25C

I work outdoors on the airport ramp in winter, gloves won't work.
Maybe your Canada Goose parka will keep keep you warm, but your feet
will rapidly loose heat if you're not moving.  At what temperature does
the radio quit working?  At our winter temperatures many plastics will
shatter (been there, done that) like glass if stressed.

Over winter the sun sets on November 30th, it appears again on the
horizon the following year on January 11th

During the brief summer, biting insects are a problem throughout the

OK, you're outside on warmer day, but cold enough so the bugs aren't a
problem, it can be done, but what about the rest of the year?

And even then, one person outdoors aiming an antenna, operating a
radio, and keeping a log (audio recording of the QSOs would work) from
a sought after grid, not having any previous experience, I think is at
a reasonable risk of being overwhelmed and discouraged.

   Ron VE8RT in Yellowknife where it's much nicer, mostly cloudy and
+1C at the moment.
Ron VE8RT <ve8rt@?????.??>


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 18:15:53 -0400
From: Scott <scott23192@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: [amsat-bb] N3EJ ?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

No email address on & didn't have any luck searching online.

Appreciate any contact info for N3EJ, Matthew Foley.


-Scott,  K4KDR


Message: 10
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 20:38:34 -0500
From: Zach Metzinger <zmetzing@?????.???>
To: amsat-bb@?????.???
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] VY0 outdoor operation?
Message-ID: <1b315dc6-b7f2-dd1d-4472-4f3e18036278@?????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

On 05/12/19 14:33, Ron VE8RT via AMSAT-BB wrote:
> During the brief summer, biting insects are a problem throughout the
> north

They get us down here in Texas, too... about 6 months out of the year. :-)

--- Zach


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 19:42:23 -0700
From: "K5ZM" <k5zm@???????.???>
To: <amsat-bb@?????.???>
Subject: [amsat-bb] EL84
Message-ID: <10c101d50935$7efdda20$7cf98e60$@???????.???>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I'm going to be in southern Florida the week following Dayton. Thought I'd
see how many folks need EL84. I have zero expectations of charter
availability at this late date, but it can't hurt to at least gauge
interest. If I get enough positive responses, I'll take the next step. Keep
in mind this would be limited to whatever passes I could fit into a couple
hours of a single day.


Ian, K5ZM


Subject: Digest Footer

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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 14, Issue 191

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