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CX2SA  > SATDIG   25.05.15 16:59l 698 Lines 23794 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: AMSAT-BB-digest V10 147
Sent: 150525/1550Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:21369 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:AMSATBB10147

Today's Topics:

   1. Psat (Sil)
   2. First PSAT PKS31 decode (mvivona@xxxxx.xxxx
   3. FUNcube-1 Mode changes (Graham Shirville)
   4. Re: PSAT and Bricsat FM PSK on same frequencies (Tom Schuessler)
   5. DUCHIFAT-1 registration is on (Herzliya Science Center)
   6. PSAT in HRD (Ted)
   7. Psat transponder (Roland Zurmely)
   8. Re: W5PFG/VE2 - FN35 & FN26 (Clayton Coleman)
   9. Re: PSAT Status (day 4) (Andrew Glasbrenner)
  10. ULTRAsat telemetry (Mark Johns)
  11. Re: PSAT Status (day 4) (Alan)
  12. PSAT - BRICsat data? (Robert Bruninga)
  13. Re: ULTRAsat telemetry (Mark Johns)
  14. Re: PSAT in HRD (Mvivona)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 08:28:21 +1200
From: Sil <>
To: Robert Bruninga <>, AMSAT <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Psat
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed


Yes, it was. The time stamp is UT, which is 20:46 local time (dark now,
almost winter).

None of my steerable antennas are up yet, following a move into the
city. I copied PSAT on a ground plane with a short length (5 metres
maybe) of thin coax to a FT857D. PSAT must have a good signal.


On 25/05/15 03:01, Robert Bruninga wrote:
 > Thanks!
 > You are first one to send in data in the dark.
 > It is COLD...
 > Solar panels 835 and 838 =-6C
 > Battery at 822 = 4C
 > But it must have been in the evening after sunset, because I think it
 > very cold before sunrise.
 > Bob


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 21:19:18 +0000 (UTC)
From: "mvivona@xxxxx.xxxx <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] First PSAT PKS31 decode
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

My first?PSK31 beacon decode from PSAT using IC7000 controlled by HRD/DM780.
On the 21:00Z pass over Florida just now.
h-5 beacon B ?11 99 44 787 248 +2? ?e7W3ADO-5 beaconai ?923 784 248 +21 w?
tW3ADO-5 beacon B ?13 18 23 783 24+22 W3ADO-5 beacon B ?14 31 35 796 244 +1L o
?Michael VivonaKC4ZVA


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 23:10:15 +0100
From: "Graham Shirville" <>
To: "AMSAT BB" <>,	<funcube@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx>
Subject: [amsat-bb] FUNcube-1 Mode changes
Message-ID: <8D0784F2D5664971B51EA25D7E0C794E@xxxxxxx.xxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi All,

Just to confirm that FUNcube-1 was commanded back into autonomous mode this
evening at around 22:00 UTC.

We are planning on switching back to continuous Amateur Mode next weekend
but will be making this change, exceptionally, during one of the Friday
morning passes over Europe rather than in the evening. This is to enable the
FUNcube development team to attend a meeting over the weekend.

best 73



Message: 4
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 22:23:21 -0500
From: "Tom Schuessler" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT and Bricsat FM PSK on same frequencies
Message-ID: <001d01d0969a$270a97c0$751fc740$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII


Your explanation to my questions make much more sense now that I worked
another pass of the satellites.  Today the two were sufficiently separated
that I could see one lagging behind and thus higher up in frequency because
of Doppler shift.  Your explanation on why the same frequencies for the two
birds is quite nice.  Also the frequency offset difference for the PSK
beacons as well as the different IDs work as well.

Bricsat was quite a bit weaker but that was probably because I was trying to
track PSAT with my Arrow on a tripod.  It was also a couple of Khz higher
up.  I also saw the difference in the two beacons so now I know how to tell
which from which.

I did try transmitting PSK31 USB on 28.120 + 1Khz or so and listening
through HDSDR on 435.350.  I heard faint signals of other PSK signals but
believe they were just some other terrestrial QSOs and not directed through
the satellite.  They were slipping down the DIgipan waterfall as they would
be without correction.  I was not doing correction either on 28Mhz but I was
hoping, even on playback of the HDSDR I/Q recording, to find me but I never
did.  Going to try a different software configuration next weekend to try
and hear myself live.

The best time to test PSK through these satellite transponders will be
overnight passes when possible so as to avoid terrestrial stations from
calling other terrestrials and confusing things.  Will have to wait for
times to shift for that.

73, Tom, N5HYP


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 10:56:55 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT and Bricsat FM PSK on same frequencies
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

> ... how will this work with two FM satellites on the same frequency?

The idea is to serve users no matter which spacecraft is in view.  And to
not have the users have to always change frequencies and track different
objects.  Imagine a camper in the field.  Just point your beam towards AOS
generally and set +5 KHz tuing and when a satellite comes into view, you can
use it.

Many things separate them:
1) Distance
2) Time
3) Doppler
4) Users antenna beamwidth

When they are 5 minutes apart, the beam headings will be over 90 degrees
apart (10 to 15 dB separation), the Doppler will be typically 10  KHz
(10-15 dB separation) for a total of 20-30  dB or more to prevent capture

Since an orbit is 95 minutes long, and the satellites will drift, then 95%
of the time, this condition of at least 5 minute separation, will be met.

PSAT PSK (W3ADO-5) was built over 3 years ago and is hardwired to power up
by default (maximum chance it will work despite spacecraft packet link or
other failures)

BRIC PSK (W3ADO-6) was built just last year and has independent control by
Brno designers (can be off while sats are adjacent)  It also powers up by
default (again, for maximum availability in case of bus failure).

So I think the choice pretty much meets the goals of maximum availability to
users and as independent of spacecraft failures as we could make them.

Hope that Helps.
Bob, WB4aPR


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 00:44:49 +0300
From: Herzliya Science Center <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] DUCHIFAT-1 registration is on
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear all,
The registration process for DUCHIFAT-1 is open and functional.

Please register and transmit your COMPRESSED APRS packets to the satellite.
It might take us few days between satellite dumps according to the students

After successfull dumps all stations received by the satellite will appear
on our site map, and a QSL card will be sent back....

The site contains several guides:
  1. A walk through the registration process
  2. Terms of use on how to use the satellite
  3. How to configure the Byonics TinyTrak4  for generating the right
  4. S/W and installation guide for telemetry decoding


good luck!
The HSC team


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 14:55:06 -0700
From: "Ted" <>
To: <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] PSAT in HRD
Message-ID: <005501d0966c$4c082160$e4186420$>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"


My HRD Sat program is now pulling keps (from amsat, Celestrak and NORAD
links) and lists a satellite as 'PSAT'. However, I question that as the
program is not yet listing ULTRSat3, as Bob B. has published.

Is there an old 'PSAT' ?

Also, is there another graphical site that shows the current 'PSAT' location
web or android phone)




Message: 7
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 11:17:45 +0000 (UTC)
From: Roland Zurmely <>
To: AMSAT <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] Psat transponder
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

My PicFall signal via Psat transponder !Up 28,120 kHz USB 10W dipole antenna.

73 de Roland PY4ZBZ in GH70un


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 07:58:32 -0500
From: Clayton Coleman <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] W5PFG/VE2 - FN35 & FN26
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I've returned from my trip to Canada and will be uploading the QSO's I
made to ARRL's Logbook of the World over the next week.  All QSO's are
uploaded with my W5PFG/VE2 callsign certificate.  If you have uploaded
and do not see a QSL within two weeks, please send me a direct email.

I'll be sending out a special, trip-themed, printed QSL card for the
trip to all stations in my log.  It will be a few weeks before that
happens; therefore, if you are in a hurry to receive the grid
confirmation send me a SASE and I'll reply with my generic /P card.


On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 7:27 AM, Clayton Coleman <> wrote:
> I'll be visiting Montreal, QC, Canada again in a couple of weeks.
> Several individuals have asked me about operating satellites from grid
> FN26.  With those requests in mind, I will travel to FN26 for two
> orbits of FO-29.  I do not know the specific passes at this time.
> There are a few others who are looking to have FN35 confirmed.  I will
> post about those operations on Twitter @xxxxx shortly before and
> during the US Memorial Day Weekend Holiday.
> Please email me off-BB if you are interested in the FN26 operation.
> Thank you,
> 73
> Clayton


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 10:16:25 -0400
From: "Andrew Glasbrenner" <>
To: "'Robert Bruninga'" <>, "'AMSAT BB'"
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT Status (day 4)
Message-ID: <016101d096f5$62575970$27060c50$@xxx>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

I copied a fair amount of telemetry on the PSK downklink just now on the
~1410z pass, which was a low one.

W3ADO-5 beacon B 038 34 29 793 257 +8 e  e e
W3ADO-5 beacon B 039 53 23 785 260 +12 Oe t{ t
W3ADO-5 beacon B 040 34 23 799 257 +7 itostC e o ?adi  o ee eoO t   eD
W3ADO-5 beacon B 041 34 23 787 257 +9   tr
W3ADO-5 beacon B 042 06 23 782 260 +12 ae
W3ADO-5 beacon B 043 71 22 781 259 +14 ro
W3ADO-5 beacon B 044 34 23 791 258 +14 -   a
W3ADO-5 beacon B 045 31 23 780 257 +15 oa
W3ADO-5 beacon B 046 21 23 777 255 +17 i  O
W3ADO-5 beacon B 047 ao oeiet le  Er58 +17 r
W3ADO-5 beacon B 048 53 23 776 256 +18 eeds
W3ADO-5a gn< i|atd eAt oa ea  wy=o
W3ADO-5 beacon B 000 34 23 787 257 +16    N
W3ADO-5 beacon B 001 40 23 776 256 +18  nR  ?ecn t     eti?  i
W3ADO-5 beacon B 002 40 25 785 258 ena htil Ftt
W3ADO-5 beacon B 003 40 23 775 255 +19 oestro mi

73, Drew KO4MA

-----Original Message-----
From: AMSAT-BB [mailto:amsat-bb-bounces@xxxxx.xxxx On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2015 12:58 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] PSAT Status (day 4)

PSAT  PSK31 435.350 MHz FM downlink is full quieting with 6 bars using a
decent UHF Yagi.

But we have not seen any users other than those using the 28.120 PSK channel
on HF normally.  We welcome people to experiment with it.
Everyone within the 28.120 to 28.123 MHz ten meter passband will be uplinked
and heard on the 435.350 MHz downlink.

The Naval Academy's PSAT seems healthy with plenty of power (we are keeping
the APRS digipeater off to allow max power for PSK31).

PSAT 's radio and packet system are a simple $250 APRS tracker sent to space.  The PSK31 transponder is a
single 3.4" square circuit board made by Brno Universtiy in the Czech
Republic.  The CPU for controlling bulletins and timing is a simple Parallax
Basic Stamp.

PSAT is actually only about a 1U cubesat but in a 1.5U package since the
flight was available and it gave us more power for our NON-SPACE solar
cells.  We are using standard silicon that are only half as efficient as
multi-junction cells, but only cost 1% as much.

PSAT has a single 21" VHF  and 72" long HF whip.  It has two UHF 6"
orthogonal monopoles, all of very thin Nitinol wire.

More details will eventually follow as the page will be  updated over the
coming weeks.

* PSAT packet telemetry is OK, Digipeater will be off (secondary mission)
* PSAT PSK31 transponder is ON with 28.120 MHz uplink! (primary mission)
* WOD data fixed.  Spin data now available.  Right now it is at 3 RPM with
+Z pointing 45 deg off Sun
* Launch TLE elements (below) are still very good
* http://PCSAT.APRS.ORG  web page is now capturing PSAT telelmetry that
users inject into the APRS-IS
* BRICSAT telemetry has been heard but is cycling OFF due to low power
* BRICSAT PSK31 downlink (also FM) has also been heard barely (when ON)
* USS Langley not heard


PSAT:       145.825 - 1200 baud AX.25 telemetry - digi off
PSAT PSK31-5:  435.350 FM down, 28.120 SSB PK31 uplink - Brno University

BRICsat:  437.975 - 9600 baud telemetry evry 20s BRICsat PSK31-6 - same as
PSAT but PSK TLM on 375 Hz (PSAT on 315 Hz)

USS Langley - 437.475  9600 baud telemetry   <== CORRECTION

ULTRASat3  <these are still tracking well>
1 99993U          15140.67013889  .00040043  00000-0  10235-2 0 00009
2 99993 055.0004 339.9238 0251027 182.3314 074.3075 15.12517086000014

Sent via AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all
interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official
views of AMSAT-NA.
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Message: 10
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 14:21:51 +0000 (UTC)
From: Mark Johns <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] ULTRAsat telemetry
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I copied the following BPSK31 this morning at around 1410z on 435.350 FM.
Now I just need to figure out what I was hearing and how to make sense of
it! Any help? Is this PSAT?
W3ADOhel tee{ n ? ete nw 90 23 790 255 +12 ?sa i?W3ADO-5 beacon B 037 37 23
782 257 +14W3ADO-5 beacon B 040 34 23 799 257 +7 ? ? i ?to ?nie( ? ? ?i
QTetiee t/l iW3ADO-5 beacon B 041 34 23 787 257 +9 ?f ? t?W3ADO-5 beacon B
042 06 23 782 260 +12 v ??W3ADO-5 beacon B 043 71 22 781 259 +14 t ? ?oeen
??W3ADO-5 beacon B 047 65 23 777 258 +17 te ? ?W3ADO-5 beacon B 048 53 23
776 256 +18 thl aW3ADO-5M ?a ? at ?t n o saot0 t: ? ? ?eoo ?ee?W3ADO-5
beacon B 000 34 23 787 257 +16 ?tAW3ADO-5 beacon B 001 40 23 776 256 +18 ? r
e ?ttuoe ? ? eietW3ADO-5 beacon B 002 40 25 785 258 +17 9tetW3ADO-5 beacon B
003 40 23 775 255 +19 nan e o f ?t ?eno?--?Mark D. Johns, K?MDJDecorah, Iowa
USA EN43-----------------------------------------------?"Heaven goes by
favor; if it went by merit,?you would stay out and your dog would go
in."???? ---Mark Twain


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 09:24:57 -0500
From: Alan <>
To: "'Robert Bruninga'" <>, "'AMSAT BB'"
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT Status (day 4)
Message-ID: <000001d096f6$944363b0$bcca2b10$>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"


Below is my capture from the 1400 UTC pass over Nashville today.  I noticed
2 Doppler shifted signals,
but also one nearly vertical indicating they were compensating.  The local
terrain is too irregular to
get a good AOS time, but I found that the signal was 4 KHz low, +/- about
500 Hz over the pass.  That
is about what I saw Sunday.

Still no Keps from Space Track.



W3ADO-5 beacon B ?33 ?9 23 788 259 +1?
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?34 59 23 787 258 +12 t,?
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?35 25 23 786 257 +13 Ito ottoc.e eP  tet
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?36 4? 23 79? 255 +12  eilo
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?37 37 23 782 257 +14  e
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?38 34 29 793 257 +8 i
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?39 53 23 785 26? +12 oV
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?4 s 34 23 799 257 +7   y
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?41 34 23 787 257 +9 ?
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?42 ?6 23 782 26? +12 }w
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?43 71 22 781 E"9 +14
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?44 34 23 791 258 +s 4
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?45 31 23 78? 257 +15 =n
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?s6 21 23 777 255 +17 o
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?47 65 23 777 258 +17 iMn
W3ADO-5 beacon B ?48 53 23 776 256 +18
W3ADO-5 beacon B ??? 34 23 787 257 +16 QX
W3ADO-5 beacon B ??1 4? 23 776 256 +18
W3ADO-5 beacon B ??2 4? 25 785 258 +17
W3ADO-5 beacon B ??3 4? 23 775 255 +19 edt
W3ADO-5 beacon B ??4 34 32 79? 257 +13 to
W3ADO-5 beacon B ??7 31 23 785 257 +11  tv


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 10:31:34 -0400
From: Robert Bruninga <>
Subject: [amsat-bb] PSAT - BRICsat data?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


> Do you still want folks to send them in or are you getting want you want
from the site?

We need people (who have time) to concentrate on capturing data from
BRICsat on 437.975 9600 baud.

PSAT seems stable and telemetry from volunteers is coming into the site OK.  I am torn between using my UHF receiver for
montoring PSAT  PSK31, or concentrating on BRICsat..  But we need to figure
out what is going on with BRICsat and try to rescue it.  The PSK
transponder on BRICsat is newer and better.

I had been commanding PSK on PSAT to ON on every pass. But realized that
would be masking the weak PSK31 beacons from BRICsat.  SO I have stopped
doing that.  Now PSAT PSK is in auto ? meaning it will come on if there is
a user, but otherwise it will only come on once every 5m with a beacon.

I will be going on travel for a week starting tonight, and so PSAT is on
its own.  The BRICsat command team will be returning to the Academy on Wed
and may begin command efforts then.  Hence the value of capturing any data
to point them in the right direction.



Message: 13
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 14:36:40 +0000 (UTC)
From: Mark Johns <>
To: Mark Johns <>, Mark Johns <>,
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] ULTRAsat telemetry
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Stupid mail client stripped out all the Returns. Sorry. Trying again.
W3ADOhel tee{ n   ete nw 90 23 790 255 +12  sa i
W3ADO-5 beacon B 037 37 23 782 257 +14
W3ADO-5 beacon B 040 34 23 799 257 +7     i  to  nie(      i QTetiee t/l i
W3ADO-5 beacon B 041 34 23 787 257 +9  f   t
W3ADO-5 beacon B 042 06 23 782 260 +12 v ?
W3ADO-5 beacon B 043 71 22 781 259 +14 t    oeen
W3ADO-5 beacon B 047 65 23 777 258 +17 te
W3ADO-5 beacon B 048 53 23 776 256 +18 thl a
W3ADO-5M  a   at  t n o saot0 t:      eoo  ee
W3ADO-5 beacon B 000 34 23 787 257 +16  tA
W3ADO-5 beacon B 001 40 23 776 256 +18   r e  ttuoe     eiet
W3ADO-5 beacon B 002 40 25 785 258 +17 9tet
W3ADO-5 beacon B 003 40 23 775 255 +19 nan e o f  t  eno--
Mark D. Johns, K?MDJ
Decorah, Iowa USA EN43
"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit,
you would stay out and your dog would go in."
  ---Mark Twain

From: Mark Johns via AMSAT-BB <>
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 9:21 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] ULTRAsat telemetry

I copied the following BPSK31 this morning at around 1410z on 435.350 FM.
Now I just need to figure out what I was hearing and how to make sense of
it! Any help? Is this PSAT?
W3ADOhel tee{ n   ete nw 90 23 790 255 +12  sa i W3ADO-5 beacon B 037 37 23
782 257 +14W3ADO-5 beacon B 040 34 23 799 257 +7     i  to  nie(      i
QTetiee t/l iW3ADO-5 beacon B 041 34 23 787 257 +9  f   t W3ADO-5 beacon B
042 06 23 782 260 +12 v ? W3ADO-5 beacon B 043 71 22 781 259 +14 t    oeen  
W3ADO-5 beacon B 047 65 23 777 258 +17 te    W3ADO-5 beacon B 048 53 23 776
256 +18 thl aW3ADO-5M  a   at  t n o saot0 t:      eoo  ee W3ADO-5 beacon B
000 34 23 787 257 +16  tAW3ADO-5 beacon B 001 40 23 776 256 +18   r e  ttuoe
    eietW3ADO-5 beacon B 002 40 25 785 258 +17 9tetW3ADO-5 beacon B 003 40
23 775 255 +19 nan e o f  t  eno -- Mark D. Johns, K?MDJDecorah, Iowa USA
EN43----------------------------------------------- "Heaven goes by favor;
if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."    
---Mark Twain
Sent via AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available
to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
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Message: 14
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 11:48:42 -0400
From: Mvivona <>
To: Ted <>
Cc: "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] PSAT in HRD
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii

I have been using HRD with PSAT as listed. It tracks just fine. I have
decoded the downlink also with HRD/DM 780.

Michael Vivona
Sent from my iPad

On May 24, 2015, at 5:55 PM, Ted <> wrote:


My HRD Sat program is now pulling keps (from amsat, Celestrak and NORAD
links) and lists a satellite as 'PSAT'. However, I question that as the
program is not yet listing ULTRSat3, as Bob B. has published.

Is there an old 'PSAT' ?

Also, is there another graphical site that shows the current 'PSAT' location
web or android phone)



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to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions
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Subject: Digest Footer

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End of AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 147

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