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IK6ZDE > CW       25.04.17 11:18l 233 Lines 9656 Bytes #999 (999) @ WW
Sent: 170425/0817z @:IK6ZDE.IMAR.ITA.EU [Marzocca JN63pq] OBcm1.07b5 LT:999
To:   CW @ WW
X-Info: Sent with login password





The EuCW cordially invites all radio amateurs and SWLs to take part in the
annual EuCW QRS Activity Week. This is not a contest, on the contrary, it is an
invitation to slow down CW speeds and to enjoy plenty of slow Morse activity
for a period of five days. The dates selected are intended to avoid weekend
contest activity. The goal is not self-exposure and competitiveness but to
lower the threshold for newcomers to give CW a try. The right spirit is to take
part in this as a service to potential newcomers. This won't get YOU closer to
any Hall of Fame, this will help others while your patience might be stretched
a little.

Work any station, including members of EuCW clubs, but send only in QRS.
Standard QSOs with non-participating stations can be included in logs.

The EuCW Week has a history dating back to 2001 when it was introduced by
FISTS. The EuCW thanks FISTS for having this excellent idea and for doing all
the work for an entire decade. Since 2012 the EuCW QRS work is organized by
AGCW. Recognitions for the most active participants are issued,

Those who wish to indicate distinguished participants may include up to three
votes for the special recognition "Most Readable Morse Heard" (one vote per
station). If you wish not to execute this right please state this in your log,


From Monday 0000z to Friday 2359z in the week after the 4th Sunday in April.

    2016: April 25, 00:00 UTC thru April 29, 23:59 UTC
    2017: April 24, 00:00 UTC thru April 28, 23:59 UTC
    2018: April 23, 00:00 UTC thru April 27, 23:59 UTC
    2019: April 29, 00:00 UTC thru   May 03, 23:59 UTC

CW/A1A (No machine decoders allowed)

A - More than 10w input or 5w output power
B - QRP (10w input or 5w output, or less)
C - Short wave listeners.
There is also an invisible class of participating EuCW clubs. You may dedicate
your participation to a EuCW club of your preference. Add your club name and
number to the log please. You may publicize your club membership in your QSOs
but there is no obligation to do this. I would not recommend to confuse
newcomers with club acronyms and cryptic 5 digit numbers.


No targeted call required but "CQ QRS" may be useful to be detected as
participant committed to this activity. Experienced operaters should call CQ as
much as possible because newcomers tend to be shy and they prefer to select
stations they can easily read.

Recommended (no obligation) areas of activity: +/- 10 kHz of the center
frequencies below, including WARC bands (see below).

As always, non-QRP stations should avoid calling CQ on the popular QRP
frequencies (see below). Do not use frequencies outside the 'CW ONLY' bands as
defined by the current band plan. Since this activity is not a contest there is
no need to stay within the 'contest preferred bands'.


Use any type of key or keyer. No keyboard sending or pre-programmed messages
from computers or keyers, but pre-programmed CQ calls or CQ loops are
permitted. Maximum speed 14 words per minute (70cpm). If a responding operator
uses slower CW the caller should adapt his speed accordingly. Users of CQ loops
should not discourage their callers by switching to very personal (hard to
read) swing after the CQ call.


Minimal duration of a QSO is FIVE minutes. Normal friendly QSOs, no special
requirements. QSOs with any station may be logged. Work any station in any
country, including stations not taking part in the QRS Party but try to
persuade them to work QRS.

Give realistic RST values, refrain from a stereotype 599.

We follow the principle that all stations are equal no matter how shiny their
prefix or suffix may be. The goal is to obtain the amount of QRS signals as
high as possible, so please work your QSO partners every day.


All logs consist of two parts: a HEADER (traditionally called summary sheet)
and a QSO LIST.


    Minimum header data:

    1) Own call sign
    2) Name and qth (as used in QRS Week)
    3) Return address 
    4) EuCW club of preference (only one, and you have to be a mbr)
    5) Class (a=qro or b=qrp or c=swl)
    6) Number of valid QSOs
    7) Your votes for most distinguished operator: "Most Readable Morse"
    8) Your preference for recognitions: PDF or paper. 
You are encouraged to add as much detail as you wish. You may wish to document
details of your transmission such as alternative QTHs (a station in Chelmsford
may have the habit to identify the town only in UK contacts, while the op might
use "ESSEX" as qth with EU and "NR LONDON" with DX). Some may vary their
handle, e.g. a DL may use Karl-Heinz locally, Karl inside DL, and Chas for DX.
If you choose to be inconsistent when you identify your club you may wish to
mention this, too. The added-value would be that additional detail is useful
for (potential) SWL logs. Last but not least you should tell me whether you
prefer an electronic recognition (PDF) or one one paper just in case you turn
out to be one of the most active stations


    Minimum QSO list columns 

    1) Date (as YYYYMMDD) 
    2) Time as UTC (as HHMM) 
    3) Call (other stn) 
    4) Band 
    5) Mode (=CW) 
    6) RST given to other stn 
    7) RST received fm other stn 
    8) Name received fm other stn 
    9) QTH of other stn
For RST given, RST received, Name, and QTH, the columns must be included but
incorrect or missing values in them are acceptable. You are encouraged to add
as much detail as you wish, e.g. tx, ant, wx of the other stn


LOG SUBMISSION depends on your logging style. One of three cases apply.

    I) You master log is created by a computer.
       Click here for example log I
    II) You are logging on paper but you have Internet access.  
       Click here for example log II
    III) Paper logging and log submission on paper.
       Click here for example log III
I) Users of logging software export their log as ADIF files (extension .adi)
and verify the presence of the minimum data. Please do not forget to add the
header data and put them in the text of your email. NOTE: Check the ADIF file
visually for the presence of all elements, some ADIF creators may omit relevant
fields. BEST PRACTICE: Download the FISTS Log Converter and use it to
post-process your log (See chapter RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE).

II) If you transfer a log manually the best choice is to pass the data to a
logging software and export as ADIF as above. If you wish to create your files
manually from scratch with an editor or spread sheet software please create
.txt or .csv files in plain ASCII code that do not require a particular
software. If asked for a delimiter choose semicolon. Don't forget the header

III) Manual Logs are quite ok, the least painful procedure is to go to a copy
shop and to draw photocopies from the original log. Another idea is to ask a
relative or friend to take a picture of the log, verify the readability and
email it.

The predominant idea is that any log is better than no log at all just as a
partial qso is better than no qso. The EuCW QRS is primarily not a competition
but an opportunity for CW newcomers and CW skeptics to enjoy Morse code without
fear from excessive speeds. If you have a choice, please send a Log in format
II. Some users find it hard not to use their spread sheet programs. If you
belong to these, please fill all entries in all records and please use the
yyyymmdd format.

Windows should be used to create log submissions for EuCW QRS Week. It can
either read QSOs from an ADIF file exported from most logbook programs, or if
you don't currently use a logbook program, its own logbook feature can be used
to create an electronic log from scratch. Users of other operating systems may
prefer logging style I.



Log must arrive not later than 31st May


Recommended area of activity +/- 10 kHz from the activity centers as follows:

    2m 144.065 MHz (avoid 144050 because of the E_s season)
    6m Use any frequency compatible with the IARU band plan
    10m 28.055 MHz (Recommended IARU frequency for QRS)
    12m 24.905 MHz 
    15m 21.055 MHz (Recommended IARU frequency for QRS)
    17m 18.085 MHz 
    20m 14.055 MHz (Recommended IARU frequency for QRS)
    30m 10.125 MHz 
    40m  7.035 MHz (stay in the exclusive CW band 7000-7040 kHz)
    80m  3.555 MHz (Recommended IARU frequency for QRS) 
    160m Use any frequency compatible with the IARU band plan
QRP CW Calling Frequencies to be avoided by non-QRP (cq calling) stations.
1843; 3560; 7030; 10116; 14060; 18096; 21060; 24906; 28060 kHz.

Under good North America condx 14056.5, 18091.5, 21056.5, 10122.5 are often
used as frequencies of the Mobile Emergency and County Hunters Net where dozens
of stations participate.

These recommendations are given as a help to find other QRS partners they are
not binding. However, decent operators know and respect the IARU band plan
which is established by the international community of hams. Download a copy of
the band plan at before switching on a TX. Try to avoid the lower end
of the CW bands.

New friends of CW who do not yet feel ready to put their CW on air are invited
to read the SWL rules.


The QRS Week is sponsored and organized by AGCW-DL.

Fabrizio, IK6ZDE / KM4VOU 

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