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20 June 2015                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                   No 1259
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4W     - Look for 4W/JI1AVY and 4W/JA7LU to be active from  Timor  Leste  on
         25-29 June. They plan to operate CW, RTTY and SSB on 160-6  metres.
         QSL direct to home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
5B     - Representing the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society (CARS), C4HQ will  be
         the callsign for the Cyprus HQ team to participate in the  IARU  HF
         World Championship (11-12 July). There will be stations on all  six
         HF contest bands, on both CW and SSB. QSL via LoTW (soon after  the
         contest submission deadline on 11  August)  and  Club  Log's  OQRS;
         traditional  cards  should  go  to  5B4KH.  Further    information,
         including award programme details, station locations, etc,  can  be
         found at [TNX 5B4AFM]
9A     - Ismo, OH2IS, will be active holiday  style  as  9A/OH2IS  from  Vis
         Island (EU-016) on 6-15 July. He will operate CW and SSB  on  40-10
         metres. QSL via home call (OQRS on Club Log) and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
BV     - A large group of operators from Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and  Macau
         will be active as BO0K from Kinmen Island (AS-102) on  24-27  July,
         including participation in the IOTA  Contest.  QSL  to  A.R.T.  QSL
         Service, P.O.Box 73-326, Taipei, Taiwan. [TNX]
E5_sc  - Milan,  OK1DWC  has  been  active  holiday  style  as  E51DWC  from
         Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands since  11  June.  Length  of
         stay is not known, a few weeks as he plans to go back home "when  I
         miss skating and skiing". QSL via home call and logsearch  on  Club
         Log; QSLling policy at
E6     - Peter, ZL2HM will  be  active  holiday  style  as  E6AB  from  Niue
         (OC-040) from 24 June to 2 July. He plans to operate SSB  on  80-10
         metres and maybe 6m. QSL direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
E6     - G3BJ, G3SVL, G3TXF, G3WGN, G3WPH, G4JKS and G4TSH  will  be  active
         as E6GG from Niue (OC-040) on 15-29 September. They will take  four
         complete high power stations, with at least  three  operational  at
         any time on CW, SSB and RTTY ("on RTTY we  will  use  multi-channel
         receive technology - you will have a better chance  of  working  us
         quickly if you pick your calling frequency and stay there until  we
         find you"). Plans are to upload logs daily to Club  Log  and  LoTW.
         QSL via G3TXF (please use the OQRS provided by Club  Log  for  both
         direct and bureau cards). The website  for  the  DXpedition  is  at
EA     - Special callsign AO10EURAO will be  in  use on  15  June-15 July to
         celebrate the 10th anniversary  of  the  European  Radio  Amateurs'
         Organization  (EURAO).  During  the  same  time  frame,  individual
         operators are authorized to use special prefixes followed by  their
         usual call area number + 10: EA stations can use AM (e.g. EA4AAA  =
         AM410AAA), EB stations can use AN (e.g. EB8AAA = AN810AAA)  and  EC
         stations can use AO (e.g. EC9AAA = AO910AAA).
F      - The Association  Radioamateur  Pyrenees  Atlantiques  will  operate
         special event callsign TM64TDF on 1-15 July for  this  year's  Tour
         de France. QSL via F6ENL, direct or bureau. [TNX and Les  Nouvelles
FP     - After his activity  from  Prince  Edward  Island  (see  VE  below),
         Ariel, NY4G will go and be QRV as FP/NY4G from St. Pierre  (NA-032)
         on 15-23 July. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on  40-10  metres.
         QSL via NY4G (OQRS on Club Log) and  LoTW.  He  has  a  website  at
GI     - G0LZL, G0SYP, G3SHF, M0DCG, M0TJU, M1PTR and M5KJM will  be  active
         as GI5O from Rathlin Island (EU-122) on 24-26  July,  IOTA  Contest
         included. QSL via M5KJM. [TNX]
GU     - Peter, 2E0SQL will be active as 2U0SQL from  Guernsey  (EU-114)  on
         22-28 July. He will be QRV on the  HF  bands  and  satellites,  and
         will participate in the IOTA Contest as  GU9V  along  with  2U0TKB,
         M0PCB and M0TZO. QSL 2U0SQL via 2E0SQL, direct or bureau. QSL  GU9V
         via the OQRS provided by Club Log, plus LoTW. [TNX]
IS0    - Richard, OK8WW will be  active  holiday  style  as  IS0/OM2TW  from
         Sardinia (EU-024) from 20 July to 1 August, including an  entry  in
         the IOTA Contest. QSL via OM2FY. [TNX NG3K]
LX     - A team of YL operators (namely DJ5YL, DL5YL, F1EOY,  F4DHQ,  F4GDI,
         F4HJC, F5JER, F5RPB and  HB9EPE)  will  be  active  as  LX9YL  from
         Eisenborn, Luxembourg on 7-10 August. They  will  operate  CW,  SSB
         and digital modes on 160-6 metres  with  three  stations.  QSL  via
         bureau to LX2A, logsearch on Club Log. [TNX F5NQL]
OJ0    - ON5TQ, ON6QO and ON8VP will be active  as  OJ0V  from  Market  Reef
         (EU-053) from 28 June to 4 July. They will operate CW and some  SSB
         on 40-10 metres, plus 6m if conditions are  good.  QSL  via  ON5TC,
         direct or bureau.
UA     - Look for Mike, UA1QV/1 and Nick, RA1QQ/1 to be active  from  Kashin
         Island (EU-102) on 24-28 June. Actual dates might change  depending
         on weather conditions. QSL via home calls. [TNX UA1QV]
V6     - Kouchi, JR2GAG will be  active  as  V63GG  from  Pohnpei  (OC-010),
         Micronesia from 29 June to 5 July. He will be QRV  mainly  on  20-6
         metres. QSL via JR2GAG, direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
V7     - Bob, VK2RG will be active as V73RG from Majuro  (OC-029),  Marshall
         Islands for at least one week starting on 22 June. He will  operate
         JT65, WSPR and possibly some PSK; he "will also  show  up  on  some
         SSB DX nets as Bob did when in Tuvalu" (T2RG). [TNX DX World]
VE     - Frank, VE7DP/7 and Klaus, VE7KDU/7 have been  active  from  Barnard
         Island (NA-181) since around 6 UTC on 18 June. They planned  to  be
         QRV for three days [425DXN 1258]. QSL via home calls.
VE     - Look for Ariel NY4G/VY2,  Bill  N4IQ/VY2,  Phil  AC4Q/VY2  and  Bob
         ND7J/VY2 to be active from Prince Edward Island  (NA-029)  on  7-14
         July, including participation in the IARU  HF  World  Championship.
         They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on all  bands.  QSLs  via  NY4G;
         direct links to Club Log's OQRS for each callsign can be  found  at
VK     - A team from the Hellenic  Ametur  Radio  Association  of  Australia
         (VK2FMAD, VK2IR, VK2KAM, VK2PN, VK2RF and VK3YP) will be active  on
         all bands and modes as VK2SSI from South Solitary  Island  (OC-194)
         on 26-28 July. QSL via Club  Log's  OQRS  and  LoTW.  They  have  a
         website at [TNX]
W      - Yuri, N3QQ will be active as N3QQ/p from the Fort Casey State  Park
         campground on Whidbey Island (NA-065) on 23-25 June. QSL via  N7RO.
         [TNX DX World]
W      - KC1AJT and KB1VWZ will be active as W1V from the Gay Head Light  on
         Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) on 27-28 June. QSL direct to Patrick  R.
         Prescott, 314 Maple St,Bellingham MA 02019, USA. [TNX]
XU     - Jarrad, VK3HXT ( has been  active  as
         XU7AGA from Sihanoukville, Cambodia since 29  May.  He  will  spend
         the 20-21 June weekend on Koh Rong (AS-133) and be QRV as  XU7AGA/p
         on 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB and PSK-31. [TNX DX World]
YB     - YB9WZJ/p, YB9WAN/p and YB9RWY/p will join Imam, YB4IR/9 during  his
         18-22 June activity from Ram Island  (OC-239)  [425DXN  1258].  QSL
         via home calls. [TNX YB4IR]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The May 2015 issue is now available  for  download

DAYTON PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton  Hamvention  2015  Photo  Gallery  (361
pictures) can be  found  at  The  Dayton
Photo Galleries start in 1997 and contain a total of 4456 photos.  They  are
all searchable from the HamGallery homepage or individually searchable  from
each yearly Dayton page. [TNX K8CX]

QSL K6VVA ---> Rick is updating the QSL  policy  for  his  expeditions  (see  His  QSL  manager  (N6AWD)   has    retired  as
announced, and now the QSL route for Rick's DXpeditions before  31  December
2014 is via K6VVA. The QSL policy for future DXpeditions will  be  announced
in due course.

T31LP --->  Lee,  KA3WRB  operates  onboard  the  vessel  "Nai'a",  offshore
Nikumaroro Island, Central Kiribati. He has been active as  T31LP  since  14
June and will remain there until  the  26th  as  part  of  the  TIGHAR  (The
International  Group  for  Historic  Aircraft  Recovery,
project  aiming  at  finding  "conclusive  artifact  evidence"  that  Amelia
Earhart's final flight ended on Nikumaroro, back in 1937  known  as  Gardner
Island. He is QRV around 14280-14310 kHz after 4 UTC, but as long as  he  is
not land based, the operation will not count  for  DXCC  or  IOTA.  [TNX  DX

VK0EK ANGEL FUND ---> The Heard Island Expedition Angel Fund    was  created
in December 2014 by a private anonymous donor to provide up  to  USD  50,000
in funds on a matching basis. Originally the fund had a  minimum  qualifying
donation of $1000, but that offer expired on 31 March. Since then the  Angel
has  opened  the  fund  to  donations  above  USD  100.00  at   the  Visalia
International DX Convention, the Dayton Hamvention and now also at  HamRadio
2015 (Friedrichshafen, 26-28 June). To  be  eligible  for  matching  by  the
Angel Fund, donations must be physically received at HamRadio, be  at  least
EUR/USD 100.00 and made in a single name. See

+ SILENT KEYS + Lee Jennings, ZL2AL passed away on 13  June.  He  was  first
licensed in Canada (VE3DIL, VE3CDX, VE3OE and  VE3LJ  ,  1953-69),  then  he
moved to New Zealand in 1969 (ZL1BET and ZL2AL since  1972).  A  FOC  member
and a highly accomplished DXer and contester, he operated from  the  Chatham
Islands (ZL7AA/ZM7A in 1993 and 1997,  and  ZL7T  in  2009),  the  Kermadecs
(ZL8RI in 1996) and Campbell Island  (ZL9CI  in  1999),  and  was  the  team
leader for the East Coast Contesters (ZM4T). He also ejoyed being the  VK/ZL
Pilot for several high profile DXpeditions, including  FT5ZM  and  K1N,  and
had agreed to play that role again in 2016 for VK0EK and E44Y.
Hans-Juergen Bartels, DL1YFF passed away on 16 June at 71 years of  age.  He
operated from several DXCC Entities, notably as  TN1M  (Congo  1995),  7P8AA
(Lesotho 2000), A25/DL1YFF  (Botswana  2002),  XF4DL  (Revillagigedo  2006),
9L0W (Sierra Leone 2008), PJ4C (Bonaire 2012)  and  5X8C  (Uganda  2013).  A
past chairman of the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (2008-14), he  was  a  member
of  the  CT9L/CR3L  contest  team,  and  also  served   in    the  Deutscher
Amateur-Radio-Club's (DARC) Board of Directors (2001-05).


QSLs received direct or through  managers:  3A90IARU,  3B9FR,  3D2RO,  3G3W,
5H1Z, 5V7BD, 5W1SA, 5Z0L, 6Y4DX, 7QAA, 9K2BM, 9N7WE,  9Q0HQ,  A71BX,  A92HK,
AX8AA, BV5OQ, BY8CY, C21EU, C6AMM, C91RF, C98RF (AF-061),  CA7CAQ  (SA-018),
CE9/UA4WHX, CP1/UA4WHX,  CP4WHX,  CX2AQ,  CX7BBR,  CY0P,  DL2RU/P  (EU-129),
DS4AOW,  E20QVD,  E21EJC,  E30FB,  ED9Z,  ER120R,  ER1OO,    EU3DN,  EX8MLE,
HD8A,  HK0/UA4WHX,  HS0ZCW,  HS0ZLV,  HS8GLR,    J34O,    J6/DL7VOG,  J87GU,
(OC-296), T88TI (OC-296), T88XX (OC-296), TG9AJR,  TI9/3Z9DX,  TK5MH,  TM9M,
UA2F, V6Z, VK9NT, VP8LP, XU7AEZ, YB4IR/7 (OC-268), YB5M,  YB7AM/p  (OC-269),
YC1BJX,  YC8DRX,  YE0EEE,  YJ0OU,  YJ8RN/p  (OC-110),  YS1/NP3J,  YV5/AC4LN,


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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