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24 October 2015 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1277
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
till 24/10 A35KL: Tongatapu (OC-049) 1276
till 24/10 D4D: Boa Vista (AF-086), Cape Verde 1274
till 24/10 DL1WH/p: Spiekeroog Island (EU-047) 1275
till 25/10 W5GIX: Grand Isle (NA-168) 1273
till 25/10 XV2CJB: Vietnam 1276
till 26/10 4W/JI1AVY: Timor Leste 1277
till 26/10 KG2A/KH2: Guam (OC-026) 1275
till 27/10 5J0B: San Andres Island (NA-033) 1271
till 27/10 C5LT and C5C: The Gambia 1274
till 27/10 E51MQT and E51MBX: Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks 1267
till 27/10 FM/VE8DX and TO2M: Martinique (NA-107) 1271
till 27/10 PY0F/AA4NC: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 1271
till 27/10 PY0F/AA4VK: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 1271
till 27/10 PY0F/WA4DAN: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 1271
till 27/10 ZL7/ZL3MA: Chatham Islands (OC-038) 1276
till 28/10 4W/JE1CKA: Timor Leste 1277
till 28/10 FS/K9EL: St. Martin (NA-105) 1275
till 28/10 FY/F5UII: French Guiana 1275
till 28/10 S01WS and S0S: Western Sahara 1271
till 28/10 T42US: Cuba (NA-015) 1267
till 28/10 V26OC, V26RA, V26BZR, V26B: Antigua (NA-100) 1276
till 28/10 V73D: Majuro (OC-029), Marshall Islands 1275
till 28/10 XX9TIH and XX9TUD: Coloane (AS-075), Macau 1267
till 29/10 FJ/G4XUM and FJ/GM4AFF: Saint Barthelemy (NA-146) 1274
till 29/10 FJ/M5RIC and FJ/N0VD: Saint Barthelemy (NA-146) 1274
till 30/10 3B8/DJ7RJ: Mauritius Island (AF-049) 1273
till 30/10 EI8GQB and EI1A: Ireland 1274
till 30/10 PY70FEB: special callsign 1273
till 31/10 5X8C: Uganda 1275
till 31/10 HA#ITU, HG#ITU, HA5BPITU: special stations 1274
till 31/10 HA150ITU and HG150ITU: special stations 1274
till 31/10 II2EXPO: special callsign 1252
till 31/10 II3PAN: special callsign 1265
till 31/10 IR2EXPO: special callsign 1252
till 31/10 LZ130SAK: special callsign 1235
till 31/10 PJ7PL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 1275
till 31/10 SX8HOMER: Chios Island (EU-049) 1273
till 31/10 TX7A: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia 1272
till 02/11 E51EAQ: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands 1263
till 02/11 ZD7W: St. Helena (AF-022) 1274
till 03/11 C91B: Mozambique 1276
till 06/11 V47JA: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1274
till 10/11 V63AH: Yap Island (OC-012), Micronesia 1265
till 14/11 OT4CLM: special event station 1271
till 15/11 TT8AMO: Chad 1275
till 23/11 4A5XX: special callsign 1229
till 27/11 4U0ITU: ITU HQ 1241
till 15/12 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1269
till 20/12 VK100ANZAC: special callsign 1247
till 31/12 4U20B: special callsign (Italy) 1266
till 31/12 4U70VIC: Vienna International ARC 1275
till 31/12 9A88AA: special callsign 1266
till 31/12 9J2JOCV: special callsign (Zambia) 1268
till 31/12 AT150ITU: special callsign 1248
till 31/12 DJ90IARU: special callsign 1235
till 31/12 DK65DARC and DL65DARC: special callsigns 1235
till 31/12 DL25UNION: special callsign 1276
till 31/12 E50A, E50B, E50J, E50K, E50V: South Cooks (OC-013) 1232
till 31/12 E50D: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks 1232
till 31/12 E50W: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cooks 1232
till 31/12 EI150ITU: special callsign 1239
till 31/12 EI90IARU: special callsign 1246
till 31/12 HA45KHW: special callsign 1254
till 31/12 HB90IARU: special callsign 1248
till 31/12 II0IYL, II1IYL, II3IYL, II8IYL: special stations 1257
till 31/12 II90IARU: special callsign 1267
till 31/12 IY7LE and IY7LE/p: special stations 1273
till 31/12 JV150ITU: special event station 1255
till 31/12 OR90VL: special station 1256
till 31/12 OU0POLIO: special callsign 1237
till 31/12 OU25AEI: special callsign 1238
till 31/12 OZ90IARU: special callsign 1238
till 31/12 R2015LY: special callsign 1261
till 31/12 S61 and 9V50: special prefixes (Singapore) 1239
till 31/12 YO90IARU, YP90IARU, YQ90IARU, YR90IARU: special calls 1238
till 31/12 YT45 and YU45: special prefixes 1244
till 29/02/2016 DL1965WH: special event station 1242
till 30/11/2016 FW1JG: Wallis Island (OC-054) 1247
24/10-25/10 4U70UN: United Nations HQ 1277
24/10-25/10 C37N: Andorra 1274
24/10-25/10 TO4K: Saint Barthelemy (NA-146) 1274
24/10-25/10 TO90R: Reunion Island (AF-016) 1260
24/10-26/10 JI3DST/5, 8J3KGR/5, 8N3KCJ/5, 8N5KCJ/5: Shodo (AS-200)1277
24/10-29/10 A35JP: Tongatapu (OC-049) 1276
25/10-29/10 V6AAA and V6WW: Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia 1275
25/10-31/10 SV8/F1RAF: Poros Island 1276
26/10-31/10 3B7FA: St Brandon (AF-015) 1271
27/10-29/10 A35OK and A35OL: Tongatapu (OC-049) 1277
27/10-29/10 A52CVX: Bhutan 1275
27/10-03/11 T32DX: Kiritimati (OC-024), East Kiribati 1274
28/10-05/11 PY0NY: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 1276
29/10-30/10 JA4GXS/6: Shimoji (AS-079) 1273
29/10-03/11 A35OK and A35OL: Ha'apai group (OC-169) 1277
31/10-01/11 JA4GXS/6: Kita Daito (AS-047) 1273
31/10-02/11 A35JP/p: Vava'u Island (OC-064) 1276
31/10-02/11 PS1AI: Ilha do Araujo (SA-029) 1273
31/10-03/11 JS6RRR/5: Shodo (AS-200) 1276
31/10-10/11 3W3MD and 3W3MD/p (AS-162) 1269
October RI0POL: at sea along the Arctic Northern Sea Route 1273
October VK6BP/p: Koolan Island (OC-071) 1273
October YF1AR/8: Barat Daya Islands (OC-272) 1276
01/11-06/11 VK5MAV/8: Croker Island (OC-229) 1273
01/11-13/11 DU9/RC5A and DU9/RM0F: Siargao Island (OC-235) 1277
01/11-30/11 LZ259PA: special callsign 1235
01/11-12/12 5R8IC: Sainte-Marie Island (AF-090) 1275
02/11-16/11 YJ0BJ: Port Vila (OC-035) 1275
03/11-10/11 A35OK and A35OL: Vava'u group (OC-064) 1277
03/11-10/11 P40MH and P4/OH1MA: Aruba (SA-036) 1271
04/11-07/11 TM5CT: Chausey Islands (EU-039) 1277
04/11-11/11 3W4VE and 3W4VX: Phu Quoc Island (AS-128) 1277
04/11-18/11 5Z4HW: Kenya 1275
05/11-14/11 OZ0IL: Lolland Island (EU-029) 1277
06/11-04/12 ZD8W: Ascension Island (AF-003) 1275
07/11-13/11 Z38CE: Macedonia 1273
07/11-14/11 J6/N7QR, J6/N7DWL, J6/WT4BT: St. Lucia (NA-108) 1277
07/11-14/11 J68KF, J6/AA4OC, J6/KB7NJV: St. Lucia (NA-108) 1277
09/11-18/11 VP2ECC and VP2ENK: Anguilla (NA-022) 1277
10/11-18/11 PJ4/OH2BAD and PJ4/OH1MA: Bonaire (SA-006) 1271
10/11-08/12 FM/DL7VOG and TO4GU: Martinique (NA-107) 1277
14/11-23/11 VK9WA: Willis Islands (OC-007) 1264
16/11-23/11 S79C: Coetivy Island (AF-119, new one) 1274
18/11-23/11 YB3MM/9: OC-148, OC-241 and OC-151 1275
23/11-02/12 PZ: Suriname * by DF7OGO, K0AD, K3WT 1277
23/11-02/12 PZ: Suriname * by N0AT, N0STL, W0OR 1277
24/11-02/12 T2TT: Tuvalu (OC-015) 1277
28/11-29/11 PZ5W: Suriname 1277
29/11-13/12 TM21COP: special callsign (France) 1277
November DP1POL: Antarctic station Neumayer III 1275
01/12-31/12 LZ362MT: special callsign 1235
01/12-13/01 2016 9M2MRS: Penang Island (AS-015) 1267
03/12-10/12 3D2RJ: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji 1277
12/12-13/12 TO90R: Reunion Island (AF-016) 1260
16/12-23/12 VK2IAY/9: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) 1243
19/12-20/12 TO90R: Reunion Island (AF-016) 1260
26/12 TO90R: Reunion Island (AF-016) 1260
27/12-13/01 2016 YJ4AO: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu 1273
December DP0GVN: Antarctic station Neumayer III 1275
December FT4XU: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048) 1273
11/01-26/01 2016 K5P: Palmyra Atoll (OC-085) 1275
17/01-27/01 2016 VP8STI: South Sandwich Islands (AN-009) 1272
January FT4XU: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048) 1273
01/02-11/02 2016 VP8SGI: South Georgia Island (AN-007) 1272
14/02-20/02 2016 VP8IDX: Falkland Islands (SA-002) 1272
February 2016 3XY1T: Los Islands (AF-051), Guinea 1268
16/03-08/04 2016 VK0EK: Heard Island (AN-003) 1269
31/03-14/04 2016 FT4JA: Juan de Nova (AF-012) 1277
March 2016 E44Y: Palestine 1230
dates TBA 2016 Myanmar: AS-182, AS-183, AS-184 (IOTA new ones) 1275
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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