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KB8NW  > DX       05.09.21 16:02l 642 Lines 36135 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1530
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1530
Sent: 210905/1500Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:62542 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1530
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1530
BID: $OPDX.1530
September 6th, 2021
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent From Strongsville, Ohio

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, W4DTA/YV5DTA,
W4VQ, K7BHM, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News
Letter,, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH
& 425 DX News, International DX Press, LB1QI, Sixitalia Weekly and VA3RJ
& ICPO for the following DX information.

        "Celebrating 30+ years (March 1991) of FREE DX News"
                    "Could this be the final year???"

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 29th/August, through Sunday, 5th/September there were 203
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O,
4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H,
9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, CE,
CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E5/n, E5/s, E7, EA,
EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FR,
FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP,
HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J6, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, SU, SV,
SV5, SV9, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TN, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V3, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP6, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XW, YB,
YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZL,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3B8, MAURITIUS. Operators Olof/G0CKV, Kazu/JK3GAD, Denny/KX7M, Jamie/
M0SDV and Oliver/W6NV will be active as 3B8M from Roches Noires during
the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 27-28th) as Multi-Multi entry. The team
will be active "a few days before and after" the contest. QSL via M0OXO.

3D2/C, CONWAY REEF. The Rebel DX Group reported the following on their
FaceBook page (, dated September
2nd [edited]: Good news -- Finally after months of negotiations we finally
received the Navy's permission to leave the main island of Viti Levu by
one of our yachts here during the covid restrictions. Situation in Fiji
is not easy, but we are going forward with the projects. During the next
2 weeks we will set sail to Conway Reef. 3D2CR license will be renewed.
This time will be one man expedition (ed. operator is most likely Dom,
3Z9DX), and a hard test before our plans for Bouvet 3Y0I in December 2021.
Just to remind you in 2019 our 2 man team did over 33,000+ QSOs in 8 days
and made new world best score QSO/Day/Operator.=20
More update soon.....

3Y0J BOUVET ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS. The following are press releases:
  * Press Release #5; dated August 30th, from the 3Y0J Team (3Y0J DX-
    pedition to Bouvet Island, November 2022?)[edited]. We are happy to
    announce that Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) has voted to
    grant 100,000 USDs to the upcoming 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet. This is
    an all-time high donation and matches the previous donation given to
    Bouvet projects. The 3Y0J team is very grateful and honored in the
    trust NCDXF has shown by supporting our project.
      The DXpedition will be carried out by "Amateur Radio DXpeditions",
    a Norwegian non-profit organization created for the purpose of con-
    ducting DXpeditions. With an overall budget of 650,000 USDs this will
    be the most expensive DXpedition ever. With the NCDXF donation we hope
    to succeed in the fund-raising as our first payment milestone for the
    vessel contract is approaching. By end October we will pay 30% of the
    vessel contract, and by that time we must have regained confidence that
    we can succeed financially. We critically need upfront donations to be
    able to make it. While we have a solid plan, a "young and strong team",
    a dedicated crew and vessel Marama - we need your upfront support to go
    there and make 120,000 QSOs from Cape Fie at Bouvet.
      Donations to the 3Y0J project can be done through PayPal on our
    website or by bank wire transfer.
      We wish to recognize and thank the Northern California DX Foun-
    dation as the Lead Sponsor for our 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet. Without
    the support of the NCDXF, operations to the world's rarest entities
    would be difficult.
      You can follow our plans from our website and the 3Y0J Facebook
      Thank you,
        Ken?Opskar, ?LA7GIA, Co-Leader?
        Rune?Oye, ?LA7THA, Co-Leader?
        Erwann ?Merrien, ?LB1QI, Co-Leader?

  * ADDED NOTE FROM ERWANN, LB1QI (dated August 31st): For those who are
    current member of NCDXF (contribution within the last 12 months), your
    directed $250 or greater donation may be tax deductible (consult your
    tax accountant). Formally, NCDXF is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corpor-
    ation. Contributions from U.S. taxpayers may be tax advantaged.
      Simply contact (dongreenbaum at for details on how to
    submit your donation for 3Y0J.
    Let's make it together!

  * NCDXF PRESS RELEASE; date August 30th [edited]: The Northern California
    DX Foundation is pleased to announce it is granting 100,000 USDs to the
    3Y0J 2022 Bouvet Island DXpedition planned for November 2022. Bouvet
    Island is #2 on the ClubLog Most Wanted List world-wide.
      DXpeditions to rare entities like Bouvet Island that are so remote
    are becoming more expensive and more logistically challenging, a trend
    that we believe will continue. Hopefully this major DXpedition marks
    the return of DXpeditions to some of the entities at the top of the
    most needed DXCC list in this new solar cycle and in the post-pandemic
    world. ( has the details of the 2022 Bouvet Island
      NCDXF's primary purpose is to help fund well-organized DXpeditions
    to desirable DXCC entities like Bouvet Island. During the last 49years,
    NCDXF has granted nearly 1.2 million USDs to hundreds of DXpeditions -
    helping to put an "all-time-new-one" (ATNO) in the log and make DX
    happen for thousands of DXers worldwide.  The credit for these large
    grants goes to the NCDXF contributors, individuals and clubs who
    support the DX community.  Without those contributions, DXpeditions
    to entities like Bouvet or other desirable locations would not be
      If you agree with the importance of NCDXF's work, and if you are not
    a current contributor, we hope you will become one today by clicking
    here ( Your contribution will continue to help
    make DX happen. You can also support future DXpeditions by including
    the NCDXF Cycle 25 Fund in your estate plan.
      We wish the 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition team a safe and very
    successful trip to the Island next year.
       73, Ned Stearns, AA7A
       NCDXF Vice President=20

  * Ken Opskar, LA7GIA, reported on September 2nd [edited]: INDEXA has
    voted to grant 15,000 USDs to our Bouvet DXpedition! This is the
    largest donation ever. Thank you! It is donations like this that
    enable teams to activate the rarest entities.
      73, 3Y0J team
      INDEXA's Web page:

  * Ken Opskar, LA7GIA, reported on September 1st [edited]: We're pleased
    to announce that FEDXP (Far East DX-Ploiters) on behalf of all JA DXers
    have voted to grant 5000 USDs to 3Y0J! It is donations like this that
    makes a Bouvet DXpedition possible! JA remains a very important target
    for 3Y0J team - we will do whatever we can to put as many JA DXers in
    the log!
    73, 3Y0J team
    FEDXP's Web page:

5B, CYPRUS. Paul, SA6PIS, will be active as 5B/SA6PIS from Fig Tree Bay,
a sandy beach resort of Protaras, Cyprus, between October 19-31st. Activity
is a holiday expedition for the WWFF award using a portable station. QSL
via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

6E1, MEXICO (Special Event). To commemorate the 211th anniversary of the
Grito de Dolores (1821) and the 200th anniversary of the Consummation of
the Independence of Mexico (2021), look for special event callsign 6I1M
to be active between September 10-27th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10
meters using CW, SSB, FT8/FT4, Echolink (XE1SOV-L) and DMR (TG 33456).
Operators mentioned are Andres/XE1SGW, David/XE1DRM, Diego/XE1DVC, Gerardo/
XE1SVT, Ismael/XE1AY, Maria/XE1LOV, Patricia/XE1SPM, Ricardo/XE1ELI and
Ricardo/XE1SY. QSL via XE1SPM. NO Bureau.

7Z91/8Z91/HZ91, SAUDI ARABIA (Special Event). By the time you read this,
special event stations 7Z91ND, 8Z91ND and HZ91ND will be active to cele-
brate the 91st anniversary the "Unification Day for the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia" and "Saudi National Day" (September 23rd). The SES stations will
be active until September 25th. There will be three free electronically
awards (Gold/Silver/Bronze) available by E-mail upon request. QSL all
callsigns via HZ1SAR (Saudi Amateur Radio Society).

D6, COMOROS. Janusz, SP9FIH, announced that he and Leszek/SP6CIK will be
active as D60AC and D60AD, respectively, from Moroni, Comoros, later in
the month. It took 3 months to get their licenses. QSL via their home
callsigns or via ClubLog (preferred). Look for more details to be forth-
coming in the coming weeks. Watch:

DQ850, GERMANY (Special Event). Members of the DARC local association
Schwerin (V14) have activated the special callsign DQ850DOM to celebrate
the 850th anniversary of the first consecration of the Schwerin Cathedral.
Activity will last until November 30th, with operations on 160 meters and
up including the QO-100 Satellite using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 and other
Digital modes. A free downloadable diplomas (Gold/Silver/Bronze) are
available free of charge in PDF format. See for details. QSLs
will be automatically sent via the Bureau after the activity - PLEASE
do not send your own QSL! Logs will be uploaded to DCL and ClubLog.

DXCC'S MOST WANTED (ClubLog). The "DXCC Most Wanted" entities list has
been updated on ClubLog as of September 4th. The list contains 340 entities=
The following are the top 26 entities:
   1. P5 DPRK (North Korea)     14. KH4 Midway Island
   2. 3Y/B Bouvet Island        15. ZS8 Prince Edward & Marion Islands
   3. FT5/W Crozet Island       16. PY0S Saint Peter and Paul Rocks
   4. BS7H Scarborough Reef     17. PY0T Trindade & Martim Vaz Islands
   5. CE0X San Felix Islands    18. KP5 Desecheo Island
   6. BV9P Pratas Island        19. SV/A Mount Athos
   7. KH7K Kure Island          20. VP8S South Sandwich Islands
   8. KH3 Johnston Island       21. KH5 Palmyra & Jarvis Islands
   9. 3Y/P Peter 1 Island       22. ZL9 New Zealand Subantarctic Islands
  10. FT5/X Kerguelen Island    23. EZ Turkmenistan
  11. FT/G Glorioso Island      24. FK/C Chesterfield Island
  12. VK0M Macquarie Island     25. YK Syria
  13. YV0 Aves Island           26. JD/M Minami Torishima

  There have been no changes in the "Top 26" since we last reported
  back on August 2nd. The complete "DXCC Most Wanted"  entities list
  (340) is available at:

F, FRANCE. Marc, F6HQP, will be active as F6HQP/P from islands counting
for the DIFM award (Tatihou MA002, Fort de la Hougue MA007, Fort de l'=EEle=
MA037 and Nequilas MA112) in the Department of Manche (50) between Septembe=
7-13th. Activity will be on 40/20 meters using SSB. The activities depend
on the weather and the tides. QSL via the Bureau.

Twitter last weekend hinting of a possible expedition to a French Sub-
Antarctic island and the TAAF is currently looking at the application.
They are checking if such a project can meet the requirement of the "French
Southern Lands National Nature Reserve World Heritage." "Previous appli-
cations were rejected because conservation objectives for this island
are very high and they considered our projects too risky." HMMMM!!, could
they be working on a DXpedition to Crozet Island (FT5/W).

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN (Reminder). Fred/DL5YM and his XYL Tina/DL5YL will
once again be active as HB0/DL5YM and HB0/DL5YL, respectively, from
Masescha (Chalet Wanni) between September 5-28th. Activity is usually
limited because they will be hiking during the daytime hours. Operations
will be on 160-6 meters using mostly CW, with some SSB and RTTY. Watch
for some activity in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 25-26th). QSL
via their home callsigns, direct, by the DARC Bureau or ClubLog.

HR, HONDURAS. Gerard, F2JD, will once again be active as HR5/F2JD from
Copan-Ruinas in Honduras between December 8th and April 5th. As usual
he will be active on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.
Paper QSL from F6AJA direct  or via the REF Bureau. The logs will be
posted on the LNDX Web site at:

IOTA NEWS. The following are IOTA operations that were active this past
week between August 30th-September 4th (as per the DXCluster):

    IOTA     Callsign     Island/GROUP            Bands/Modes
   ------    ----------   -------------           ------------
   AF-004    EA8DHA       CANARY                  20m; SSB
   AF-014    CT3IQ        MADEIRA                 20/17m; SSB
   AF-022    ZD7FT        ST HELENA               17m; SSB
   AF-086    D4SAL        WINDWARD                20m; SSB
   AS-007    8N2OLP       HONSHU                  20m; CW
   AS-007    JA1JAN       HONSHU                  17m; FT8
   AS-007    JG3UVN       HONSHU                  17m; CW
   AS-007    JH1IFS       HONSHU                  20m; FT4
   AS-007    JH1HDT       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-007    JH1XUM       HONSHU                  17m; FT8
   AS-007    JH3NGD       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-007    JI3MJK       HONSHU                  17m; FT8
   AS-007    JR7TKG       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-019    9V1ZV        SINGAPORE               17m; FT8
   AS-031    JD1BHA       CHICHI/HAHA/MUKO        80m; FT8
   EU-003    CU2CO        EASTERN                 20m; SSB
   EU-004    EC6FK        BALEARIC                20m; SSB
   EU-005    G6UT         GREAT BRITAIN           20m; SSB
   EU-005    G8BCG        GREAT BRITAIN           20m; FT4
   EU-005    GX1RCD       GREAT BRITAIN           40m; SSB
   EU-005    M0MJA/P      GREAT BRITAIN           20m; SSB
   EU-005    MW0BFY       GREAT BRITAIN           40m; CW
   EU-013    GJ6WRI       JERSEY                  20m; FT8
   EU-018    OY1CT        FAROE                   20m; CW
   EU-024    IS0GFT       SARDINIA                20m; FT4
   EU-024    IS0IOA       SARDINIA                15m; SSB
   EU-024    IS0/IZ1RDQ/P SARDINIA                40m; SSB
   EU-025    IT9DGM       SICILY                  20m; SSB
   EU-046    LA1CI        TROMS  COUNTY           20m; SSB
   EU-047    DJ4EL/P      JUIST                   40/20m; SSB
   EU-067    SV8/SV1CEI   KYKLADES                30m; CW
   EU-067    SV8DJW       KYKLADES                20m; FT4
   EU-067    SZ200ERS     KYKLADES                20m; CW
   EU-115    EI2HI        IRELAND                 17m; SSB
   EU-115    GI4LKG       IRELAND                 20m; FT4
   EU-120    G7GXK        ENGLISH  COASTAL        20m; FT8
   EU-131    IK3PQH/P     VENETO REGION           40m; SSB
   EU-138    SD7M         BLEKINGE COUNTY         40m; CW/SSB
   EU-172    5P2C         FYN                     80/40/30/20m; CW/SSB
   EU-175    CU5AM        CENTRAL                 20m; FT4
   EU-175    CU7AA        CENTRAL                 17m; FT8
   NA-015    CM2XN        CUBA                    15m; SSB
   NA-015    CO2HR        CUBA                    40m; CW
   NA-015    CO8WN        CUBA                    40m; CW
   NA-026    W2LCW        Long                    40m;
   NA-055    W1JXN        MAINE STATE EAST        40/20/17m; FT8
   NA-096    HI95RCD      HISPANIOLA              15m; SSB
   NA-097    6Y5HN        JAMAICA                 20m; FT8
   NA-099    KP4YB        PUERTO RICO             20m; SSB
   NA-099    NP3DM        PUERTO RICO             30m; CW
   NA-099    NP4AW        PUERTO RICO             20m; CW
   NA-102    FG5GP        GUADELOUPE              30m; FT8
   NA-107    FM5FJ        Martinique              40m; CW
   NA-213    KJ4WKL       ALABAMA STATE           20m; SSB
   OC-001    VK1HX        Australia               40m; FT8
   OC-001    VK2IO/P      Australia               40m; CW
   OC-001    VK6XN        Australia               30m; FT8
   OC-001    VK8NSB       Australia               15m; FT8
   OC-013    E51JD        RAROTONGA               20/17m; SSB
   OC-016    3D2AG      VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU  17m; CW/FT8
   OC-016    3D2USU     VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU  10m; FT8
   OC-019    AH6KO        HAWAIIAN                40m; CW
   OC-019    KH6TU        HAWAIIAN                40m; CW
   OC-019    NH6AB        HAWAIIAN                20m; SSB
   OC-021    YB0IBM       JAVA                    20m; SSB
   OC-021    YB1BZV       JAVA                    20m; FT8
   OC-021    YB1RQX       JAVA                    20m; FT8
   OC-021    YC1AYO       JAVA                    15m; FT8
   OC-032    FK8HM        NEW CALEDONIA           40m; FT8
   OC-036    ZL1MRC       NORTH                   20/17m; SSB
   OC-036    ZL1WN        NORTH                   20m; SSB
   OC-036    ZL3IO        NORTH                   20m; FT8
   OC-042    4I1EBD       LUZON                   20m; SSB
   OC-088    V85T         BORNEO                  17m; CW
   OC-088    YC7LYB       BORNEO                  20m; FT8
   OC-134    ZL1CVD       SOUTH                   40m; FT8
   OC-134    ZL4TT        SOUTH                   20m; FT8
   OC-143    YB4KAR       SUMATRA                 20m; FT8
   OC-143    YC4AOK       SUMATRA                 40m; FT8
   OC-143    YD5NBY       SUMATRA                 15m; FT8
   OC-146    YB8RSE       CELEBES                 30m; FT8
   SA-002    VP8LP        FALKLAND                20m; FT8
   SA-011    9Y59IND      TRINIDAD                12m; FT8
  ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode
     on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports. The format we
     suggest is "Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group" (ex. FT8/OC-146/Celebes).

  AS-200.  Take, JI3DST, will once again be active as JI3DST/5 (mainly
           for DX and 6m Multi-Hop), JR8YLY/5 (mainly for JA) from Shodo
           Island (Shikoku's Coastal Islands) between 0700z, September
           18th, and 0000z, September 23rd, and again between 0200z,
           September 25th, and 0000z, September 28th. Operation may vary
           due to heavy rain or other conditions. Activity will be on
           40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8 (possibly
           FM/RTTY). QSL JI3DST/5 via ClubLog's OQRS (direct or by the
           Bureau). QSL JR8YLY/5 via ClubLog (only Bureau). Please don't
           send QSL to SAPPORO 004-0041 Japan (QRZCOM QTH).

  EU-042.  Members of the DARC Chapter Ahrensburg/Grosshansdorf E=D89 and
           the =D6VSV Ortsstelle ADL 707 will once again activate Hallig
           Hooge (WW Loc. JO44GN, DLFF-0013, DID/GIA N-22) as DA0DFF,
           but with two different teams. Here is their schedule:
             Team 1 -- Operators Mich/OE7MPI, Monika/OE7MPN, Stefan/
             DJ7AO/OE7TIR, Andr=E9/DL6HBQ and Martina/DD0HO will be active
              on various HF bands and the QO-100 satellite
             between September 20-26th.
             Team 2 -- On September 23rd, operators Evi/OE7EVI, Her-
             bert/OE7GHJ, Hans/DJ7RK, Walter/DL6HCX, Holger/DL9HDA,
             Dieter/DK3KH and Hans-J=FCrgen/DD2GZ will arrive on Hallig
             Hooge. The second team has a different location and will
             build a second HF station.
           QSL both operations via the DARC QSL Bureau.

  EU-070.  Gianpi, IK1TTD, will be on as F/IK1TTD from Porquerolles Island
           between September 10-12th. Activity will be holiday style on
           various HF bands. QSL via IK1TTD, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW
           or ClubLog's OQRS. Visit it his Web page at:=20

  EU-121.  Charlie, EI8JB, will be active as EJ8JB from Bere Island which
           is located off the coast of West Cork between September 16-19th.
           He states, "Amateurs have authorization from our regulator to
           use the 'EJ' prefix once operating from one of the offshore
           Coastal Islands of Ireland." Activity will be on various HF
           bands using CW, SSB and some Digital modes (PSK/RTTY) as well
           as possibly FM Satellite. QSL via LoTW (Preferred), by the
           Bureau and ClubLog's OQRS.

  EU-129.  Klaus, DL8DZL, will once again be active as DL8DZL/p from
           Trassenheide Island (DLFF-0075) until September 21st. Activity
           will be on various HF bands (40-10m) using CW and SSB. QSL
           via DL8DZL, direct or by the Bureau.

  EU-171.  Operators Wino/PA0ABM, Sven/PA1SVM, Jan "JW"/PA7JWC and Maarten/
           PD2R will be active as OV2T and 5Q7DX from Saeby, North Jutland,
           between September 12-20th. Activity will be holiday style on
           160-2 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL OV2T via
           PA0ABM, direct by the Bureau or LoTW. QSL 5Q7DX via PA7JWC or

  NA-213.  By the time you read this, operator Allan/KV4T and XYL Bridget/
           KS4YT will once again be active as homecall/p from Dauphin
           Island (USI AL002S, Mobile county, Alabama) until September 7th.
           Activity will be focused on 40 meters using FT8/FT4. QSL via
           their home callsigns, LoTW or eQSL.

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

K7, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Members of the Central Arizona DX
Association (CADXA) will activate the special event station K7UGA from
Arizona in honoring the late Senator from Arizona Barry M. Goldwater
between October 4-8th. Activity is expected to be on all bands and modes.
QSL via K7BHM (w/SASE). For more details, see

LY784, LITHUANIA (Special Event). Members of Radistu Asociacija will be
active with the special event callsign LY784A from Siauliai until September
30th. Activity is to celebrate the 784th anniversary of Siauliai City.
Operations will be on various HF bands using CW and SSB. The CW operator
will be Jonas, LY5A (FOC # 2104). QSL via LY5A.

OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). Details on how to subscribe and
unsubscribe from the "OPDX Mailing List" are at the bottom of this
bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW

PF21, THE NETHERLANDS (Special Event). Members of a specialist group of
Scouters (PA3EFR/J-crew), [members of Scouting Netherlands through the
national Fellowship called Plusscouts] will activate the special callsign
PF21GP (which stands for commemorating the fact that after 36 years Zand-
voort, The Netherlands, is once again hosting the Fomula 1 Grand Prix in
2021) between now and September 10th. Activity will be on all bands, all
modes, including the Digital modes like FT8/FT4, DMR and Echolink. QSL
PF21GP via PA3EFR. Operators mentioned are: Guido/PD2GWE, Evelyn/PD1EHO,
Sander/PD9HIX, Thomas/PA3TVV, Maarten/PD2SVA, Ramon/PD1RJM, Anne-Paul/
PD3APM and Erwin/PA3EFR.

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (September 6-12th).......
  Sep/06th LN      Sep/09th LN     Sep/11th LN
  Sep/07th AN      Sep/10th AN     Sep/12th LN
  Sep/08th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

    Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
     * VOACAP predication Web page at:
     * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page:
     * A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
     * SolarHam Web page:
     * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
     * Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) & National Oceanic and
       Atmospheric Adminisration (NOAA):
     * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment:
     * Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
       overseas locations are at:
     * Information and tutorials on propagation are at:
     * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W:
     * Point to point propagation at:
     * Real-time propagation at:
     * Also on Twitter:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
    QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF ( (September 5th)
    QSL-INFO from various sources provided by OPDX
  3F200BC via HP1AVS       EV6Z via DL8KAC (d)      PT5J via PP5JR & (L)
  3Z0R via SP9SX           GX4ABC via G4OST         PT6B via PY6HD (d/L)
  3Z100ZOSP via SP9PSJ     HA/OK2PDT/P via OK2PDT   PW7P via PR7AR (L)
  4L8A via M0OXO (O/d/L)   HC5EG via EA5GL          R650KG via RW3X
  5P2C via DL8UD           HI8JSG via RW6HS (d/L)   R875GE via R3GM
  5R8AL via G3SWH          HI95RCD via RW6HS        S21RC via EB7DX
  5W1SA via JA1DXA         HS0ZJF via ON4AFU        S79KW/M via N4GNR (d)
  5X3R via IK2DUW          HS18IARU via E21EIC      S79VU via N4GNR (d)
  5Z4VJ via M0URX          HS400OZ via E21EIC & (L) SD7M via DF9TM
  6Y5FS via G4BWP          II3TH via IK3FHP         SD7W via DL2SWW
  6Y5HN via EA5GL          IN3/DJ3TF/P via DJ3TF    SG5Z via SM5GMZ & (L)
  7Q7CT via JH1AJT (d)     IQ5QO/P via IZ5GST (d/L) SM/DL8YHR via DL8YHR
  7X2RF via EA7FYR         IQ6KX via IW6ATQ (e)     SM0Q via SM0OGQ
  7Z1AL via EC6DX          IT9/ON6MM via ON6MM      SM6M via SM6MCW & (L)
  7Z1VD via EA5GL          L21RCA via LU4AA         SN1T via SP1NQN (L)
  8P6ET via KU9C & (L)     LC0X via LB3RE           SO39SYBIR via SP4PZM
  8Z91ND via HZ1SAR        LC6C via LA6VQ & (L)     SV2RSG/A via SV1RF
  9G5FI via DL2RMC         LQ5A via EA7FTR        SV5/HB9OAU via HB9OAU & (=
  9M64MC via 9M2SAL        LY785A via LY5A          SV8/F4HGG/P via F4HGG
  9M64MR via 9M4CPS (d)  LZ/R1BIG via OH73ELK (d/RA-B) SX021IEEE via SV1IW
  9V1ZV via EA5GL & (L)    LZ/US0VA via US0VA       SX200AEL via SV2AEL
  AO1IBR via EA4URE        LZ/YT5DM/P via YT5DM     SX200BOH via SV2BOH
  CP6CL via W3HNK          NL8F via N7RO            SX200EEM via SV1EEM
  DL70TRS via DJ8QP & (L)  OA7/DL1CW via DL1CW      SX200JAO via SV2JAO
  EA1/CT2GSN/P via CT2GSN  OD5ET via EB7DX          SZ3P via SV3GKU & (L)
  EC2AHS/EA3 via EC2AHS    OD5KU via EB7DX          TG9ADQ via VE7BV
  ED1R via EC1KR (d/L)     OD5ZF via IZ8CLM         TG9ANF via VE7BV
  EG1SDC via EA1AUM        OE120TWA via OE3TWA      TG9AOR via EC6DX
  EG2SDC via EA1AUM        OE120U/6 via OE6XUG      TM100AA via F2VX
  EG3SDC via EA1AUM        OE120XGM via OE5XGM (d)  TM3U via ON8AZ
  EG4SDC via EAAUM        OE120XRC via OE3CQB & (e) TZ4AM via W0SA
  EG5SDC via EA1AUM        OE130KUK via OE3IDE      UF6V/UA5D via UA5D
  EG6SDC via EA1AUM        OJ0D via OG7D (d/L)      UN9L via LZ1YE (d/L)
  EG7SDC via EA1AUM        OK4C via OM2FY & (L)     YI1WWA via IK2DUW (d)
  EG8SDC via EA1AUM        OL0HEMA via OK1CYC & (L) YR0S via YO3CZW
  EH5VEF via EA5URV        OO21WCC via ON3AR & (L)  YR9F via YO9FNP & (L)
  EM30FUARL via UX7UU      OS4CHK via ON4CHK        YT165TESLA via YU1MM
  EM30IUARL via UX7UU      OZ/DC1IAJ via DC1IAJ     YT1914CER via YU1ANO
  EM30WUARL via UX7UU      PJ4/WR3Y via WR3Y (O/L)  ZP9MCE via EA5ZD
  EN30Q via EN30Q (L/e)    PR2E via PY2AA & (L)     ZZ5D via PP5GW
  ER/UW7LL via UW7LL       PS2M via PY2OX
  ET3AA via N2OO           PT5A via PP5KR (B)

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau   (n) no printed QSLs
  (P) Please send no QSL
  (**) QSL automatically via Bureau - do not send QSLs

  LOGS ONLINE AT CLUBLOG.ORG THIS WEEK...... (Updated)  (Updated)

  BI4SSB QSL STATUS. Dale, BA4TB, reports, "All QSLs by OQRS for recent
  Kaishan Island (AS-135) operation have been mailed."

  VA3IKE, VA7QI (NA-091) and VE4KON

  S01WS, SV2RSG/A, YU1LA and Z81B

  (EU-003), H40TA (OC-100), KH1/KH7Z (OC-089), R24RRC (AS-114), RI0CA
  (AS-044), RI0CB (AS-114), TI9A (NA-012) and XR0ZRC (SA-005)
    --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
        send in their info....

60th anniversary Antarctic Treaty Signature, the Russian Robinson Club
will activate the following special event stations (each representing a
country that initially signed the Antarctic Treaty) between October 1st
and December 31st during this event:
  R60ANT  - Russia         RG60ANT - Argentina       RN60ANT - Norway
  RA60ANT - South Africa   RJ60ANT - Japan           RT60ANT - Australia
  RB60ANT - Belgium        RK60ANT - United Kingdom  RU60ANT - USA
  RC60ANT - Chile          RL60ANT - France          RZ60ANT - New Zealand
           Plus a special callsign from Antarctica RI60ANT

  The Worldwide Antarctic Program (WAP) has already issued a "Reference
Number" for each of the above Special Event Callsign.=20
  Check ( to download the
whole WAP reference numbers issued for this event. QSL info is also
included. Details about the special "60th Anniversary of the Antarctic
Treaty" award is also available at the above Web page.

SEMDXA PRESENTATION. Steve, W4DTA/YV5DTA, will be putting on a ZOOM
presentation during the September 9th, South East Michigan DX Association
(SEMDXA) meeting. His talk is titled: "Ham Radio in Paradise - Venezuela
Islands: IOTA's and YV0....". To be included/view the presentation, here
are the details:
   ZOOM Meeting: September 9th, at 7:00 pm EDT
   URL Link is:
   Meeting ID is: 913 5297 0493
   Passcode: semdxa (NOTE: all lowercase!)
   The meeting begins at 7:00 PM
   You can also use the one step process and just click on the link below:

SV5, DODECANESE (Reminder). Claudio, HB9OAU, will be active as SV5/HB9OAU
from Karpathos Island (EU-001) between September 4-16th. Activity will be
holiday style on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters using SSB, RTTY and FT8,
with a Yaesu FT-991A into an End-Fed antenna. QSL via HB9OAU, direct
(w/SAE & 3 USDs), by the Bureau, LoTW or eQSL.

TM100, FRANCE (Special Event). Members of the R=E9seau des =C9metteurs Fran=
(REF) (in English, literally "Network of French Radio Transmitters") are no=
active as TM100AA until September 15th. Activity is to commemorate 8AA, the
first callsign given to a Ham Radio in France. After the First World War,
the first authorized station was Andr=E9 Riss. He received the callsign "8A=
on September 3rd, 1921, without a nationality prefix, not intended for
amateur stations at the Berne Convention. The number "8" is a tribute to
the General Ferrie of the 8th Engineer Regiment. Andr=E9 became "eF8AA"
(Europe France 8AA) in 1927, then "F8AA" on 1932. Andr=E9 joined the REF in
August 1927, with the REF n =B0 423. He was active until his death on
March 2nd, 1982. QSL via the Bureau - QSL Manager F2VX.

YS200, EL SALVADOR (Special Event). Members of the Club de Radio Afic-
ionados de El Salvador (CRAS) will be active as YS200I to celebrate the
200th anniversary of El Salvador's Independence (September 15th). The
length of activity was not mentioned. Listen for QSL info.

Z6, KOSOVO (Reminder). Rene, DL2JRM, will be active as Z68XX from Kosovo
between September 10-13th. Activity will be mainly on CW on various HF
bands, but he will also be in the Worked All Europe DX SSB Contest [WAE]
(September 11-12th). QSL via DL2JRM.

ZA, ALBANIA. Juergen, DL3JH, who has been active as ZA/DL3JH from Tirana
since August 22nd, will be there until September 9th. Activity has been
on 40/20 meters using CW and SSB at various times throughout the day. He
states, "No QSL please" on

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 ** PLEASE NOTE FOR OUTLOOK USERS: PLEASE put your E-mail address
    also in the body of the message.

  Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [], (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.) and several
DX Mailing Lists. The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web page URL)
is also posted on the following Media pages:
 NODXA FaceBook --
 Twitter --

* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
             ( or (

....... 73 de Tedd KB8NW

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