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05 December 2015 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1283
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
3D2_rot- Tony, 3D2AG will be active again as 3D2AG/p from Rotuma Island
(OC-060) between 20 December and 20 January 2016. He will operate
CW, SSB and RTTY/PSK31 on 80-6 metres, using solar power. QSL
direct to 3D2AG.
4S - Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3WL will be active as 4S7JTO and 4S7NTS,
respectively, from Beruwala, Sri Lanka (AS-003) on 3-8 January.
They also expect to operate from nearby Berberyn Island (AS-171)
"as much time as possible". They will be QRV on 40-10 metres
mainly SSB, with some CW and RTTY. QSL via EA3BT, direct or bureau
(OQRS on Club Log). Updates will be posted to qrz.com.
A2 - Gopan, M0XXU will be active holiday style as A25GR from Botswana
on 22-30 December. He expects to be QRV in his morning and/or
evening hours on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres CW and SSB. QSL via
A4 - A41MA, A41LP, A41OJ and others will be active as A43SI from Suwadi
Island (AS-112) on 10-12 December. They plan to operate SSB and CW
on 40, 20, 15, 10 and possibly 6 metres. QSL via A47RS. [TNX The
Daily DX]
C5 - Leaving Brussels on 12 December, Pedro, ON7WP will be driving a
Nissan Patrol 4WD, a donation to serve as local utility vehicle at
the village of Buntung (The Gambia). While in Ceuta he will be QRV
as EA9/ON7WP, and he has applied for licenses for the countries on
his way to his final destination: CN9WP from Morocco, S0WP from
Western Sahara, 5T0WP from Mauritania, and hopefully a callsign
TBA from Senegal. He will be QRV around 7145, 14200, 18150, 21300,
24950, 28500 and 50150 kHz. In late December he will arrive and be
active as C5WP from Buntung for one week, with a focus on the WARC
bands. He will then move to the coastal area, where he will focus
on the low bands until 9 January. Pedro is actively involved in a
private charity organization (www.SmileGambia.org), and his
operations will be limited to his spare time. QSL via ON7WP,
direct only. [TNX DX Coffee]
CY0 - Aaron, VA1AXC is once again active as CY0/VA1AXC from Sable Island
(NA-063) until the end of January 2016. In his limited spare time
he operates SSB only mainly on 20 metres. QSL via JE1LET, direct
only. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8 - Andrea, IK1PMR and Claudia, PA3LEO will be active as EA8/IK1PMR
and EA8/PA3LEO from Tenerife, Canary Islands (AF-004) from 9
December to 10 January 2016. They will operate CW, RTTY and SSB on
160-6 metres. QSLs via HB9FKK, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club
Log), and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
FJ - Bill, K2HVN will be active as TO2EE from St. Barthelemy (NA-146)
on 12-19 December. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL
via home call. [TNX DX World]
G - Special event station GB200ADA will be active on 10-13 December to
mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ada Lovelace. She is
recognised as the author of the first 'computer algorithm' which
was written for the 'Analytical Engine' designed around 1837 by
Charles Babbage to improve the accuracy of astronomical
calculations. The station will be located at Newstead Abbey,
Nottinghamshire (England) and operate mainly on 40 and 20 metres.
QSL via operator's instructions.
J6 - The Buddies in the Caribbean DXpedition group, which specializes
in 100 watt or less low power radios and the Buddipole portable
antenna systems, will be active again from St Lucia (NA-108) on
6-14 December. The operators are J6/K4ZGB, J6/N8WD, J6/W2LNX,
J6/W7DGP, J6/WB9OTX, J68FF (W3FF), J68HF (W6HFP) and J68RL (AA4W).
QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX The Daily DX]
PJ6 - Nigel, G3TXF will be active as PJ6/G3TXF from Saba (NA-145) on
9-13 December, including an entry in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest.
QSL via G3TXF, preferably through the OQRS provided by Club Log.
[TNX DX World]
VE - Jean, VE2JCW will be active as VY0JCW from Baffin Island (NA-047)
on 13-20 December. He will operate QRP on 40, 20 and 10 metres CW
and SSB. QSL via VE2JCW. [TNX The Daily DX]
VU - Once again members of the West Bengal Radio Club (VU2MQT) will
provide assistance and emergency communications during the annual
Gangasagar Mela on Sagar Island (AS-153) on 9-16 January. They
will also be active on the HF bands as 8T5GSM. QSL via VU2NRO.
[TNX DX World]
W - Commemorating the 100th anniversary of "QST", the monthly journal
of ARRL, special callsign W1Q will be active until 15 December. QSL
via WJ1B, direct or bureau, and LoTW.
AFRICA TOUR ---> Heli, DD0VR will be active as V5/DD0VR while travelling
throughout Namibia between 11 and 29 December. On 4-7 January 2016 he will
be QRV as 7P8VR from Lesotho. While in South Africa he will be signing
ZS/DD0VR. He will operate SSB and QRP CW on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. [TNX
The Daily DX]
IARU 90 ---> Special callsign SX90IARU will be operated by members of the
Radio Amateur Association of Greece (RAAG) until 31 December to celebrate
the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union. QSL via LoTW,
Club Log's OQRS, direct or bureau.
Also celebrating IARU's anniversary in December are 6Y90IARU from Jamaica,
9M90IARU from West Malaysia (QSL via bureau), CQ90IARU from Madeira (on 17-
23 December, QSL via CT3KN and LoTW), EK90IARU from Armenia, HB0IARU from
Liechtenstein (no QSL), HD90IARU from Ecuador (QSL via HC2AQ), HP90IARU from
Panama, HS90IARU from Thailand (QSL via E21EIC and LoTW), TX90IARU from New
Caledonia (QSL via NI5DX), V890IARU from Brunei (QSL via V85TL), YL90IARU
from Latvia (QSL via YL2GN and LoTW), YW90IARU from Venezuela (QSL via
YV5AJ, Club Log's OQRS and LoTW) and ZL90IARU from New Zeland (QSL via Club
Log's OQRS). See http://iaru90.hamlogs.net for free of charge certificates
For contacts made with jubilee stations from 10 different IARU member
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
NORTH KOREA ---> "Shortly before Christmas", DX-World.net reports, "Dom
3Z9DX arrives in North Korea for high level talks with officials and
inspectors with regards his upcoming P5 activity which, all going well,
will take place January or February 2016. Dom is taking all radio equipment
with him on this visit (as it needs to stay there until the activity and
will not be returning home with him). He will be staying for 3-5 days. It's
not expected he will operate this time, but rather discuss with the various
departments about his future activity".
QSL TY2CD ---> "I continue to prefer LOTW", Wynand, TY2CD (ZS6ARF) says,
but now he also has a QSL manager for those who need a paper card. QSL
direct only to N4GNR (SASE for US stations, SAE and 2 US dollars for
stations outside the US, no IRCs): Dan Cisson, 12 Hancock Drive, Toccoa GA
30577-9388, USA. [TNX TY2CD]
THE P5/K6VVA QUEST ---> Rick's latest update (27 November) on his "P5 CW
Only Project" can be found at www.p5cw.com.
VK0EK NEWSLETTER ---> The seventh issue of the Heard Island Expedition
Newsletter, published on 28 November, contains excerpts from the book
written by KK6EK about the January 1997 DXpedition to Heard Island. "Twenty
men, supported by hundreds of others, spent two weeks at the bottom of the
world and the bottom of the sunspot cycle, making a world-record number of
two-way radio contacts using the callsign VK0IR. For those of us who were
participants, it was an amazing journey to the edge of our planet and
beyond the edge of our experience. But it was much more than that: it was a
new kind of journey for amateur radio: a shared, collective experience in
which thousands worldwide use advanced technology to become nearly
real-time participants in this extraordinary adventure".
Go to www.heardisland.org/HD_pages/HD_newsletter.php and subscribe to the
Newsletter for free (there is also a link to download back issues).
ZL9A ---> The ZL9A operation is expected to take place from the Antipodes
Islands (OC-286, new one for IOTA) on 7-11 January 2016 [425DXN 1281].
"Team Antipodes would like to thank all of you who have already joined our
project and provided us with invaluable financial support", Cezar, VE3LYC
reported on 1 December. "Since our project was approved by the Department
of Conservation of NZ as a partnership, we have been working very hard to
prepare all the logistics and build in the necessary contingencies for the
very difficult tasks ahead. In the following I would like to share with you
briefly some of the aspects involved:
- The team will meet in Invercargill on Jan 2 and spend the evening/night
treating all their clothing, boots, sleeping bags, backpacks, etc. with an
antibacterial and disinfectant approved by DoC for quarantine.
- A comprehensive quarantine is scheduled on Jan 3, which will additional
include a careful spraying and treatment of all equipment (which we must
bring and carry in waterproof pelican cases).
- All food provisions must be purchased from a specially approved DoC
quarantine depot to comply with their regulations.
- Following the quarantine, we will rent a van and drive to Dunedin on Jan
4, where we will board the boat.
- It will take 3 days to sail to the Antipodes. Landing is only possible in
cold, southerly winds. There are only two landing spots, both of them
involving wet landing, one more dangerous than the other.
- Unless the sea conditions are perfect, landing can only be done away from
the vertical cliffs on top of which the research hut is located, and will
involve more than a couple of miles of steep hiking through boulders and
slippery terrain.
- All equipment, personal effects and provisions will have to be carried
out by our backs. It will take several trips back and forth to finish this
- We expect rainy, misty and foggy weather, with temperatures of 13-14C,
hopefully with some sunny breaks. Same time last year, the DoC team was
hit after landing by a strong hailstorm while the temperature plummeted to
- Please keep in mind that delays can occur at any step of this project!
We regret to inform that we have already incurred additional expenses as a
result of higher cost of plane tickets over the holidays, baggage
surcharges, and quarantine requirements. Any delays will obviously lead to
yet additional costs.
Over the last few days we received several messages in which IOTA chasers
expressed doubts that they will be able to make it through, either because
of the propagation path (western EU), the anticipated pile-ups (ZL9 being a
relatively rare DXCC), etc. While we cannot possibly guarantee that we will
be able to log every single station which will be calling us, we wish to
assure the IOTA chasers that our operators are familiar with the IOTA
community, and that we will do every possible effort to provide it with a
satisfactory service world-wide.
Meanwhile, as we continue to look for financial support from the amateur
radio community, we will have to divide our attention to satisfy the needs
and expectations of all groups and individuals who will step in and support
this project. We would like to use this opportunity to ask once again the
IOTA chasers who haven't yet committed to this project to come on board!
We do need your help now, so please, please support our team at
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3DA0TM, 3W4VX, 4L1MA, 4U70UN,
5H1MD (AF-032), 6Y9X, 9F2SH, 9G5XA, 9M4KI (AS-058), 9X0NH, C21EU, C5LT,
E51DWC, EG2INT (EU-134), ER1OO, FW5JJ (OC-054), FY5FY, HC1PF, HC8/G8OFQ,
HH5/KC0W, HI3TT, HP1/S54ZZ, HS3NBR/p (AS-145), HT7C, JA0HHQ/VK9C,
(SA-027), PX8K (SA-042), R7AL/0 (AS-172), RA1QQ/1 (EU-102), S01WS, S79SP,
SU9IG, T42US, T46BC, TF3CW, TI9/3Z9DX (NA-012), TM48B (EU-048), TO4K
(NA-146), TZ4AM, UA0ZC/p (AS-203), UA2F, VE7ACN/7 (NA-075), VK6BP/P
(OC-071), XE1ZW, YB3MM/0 (OC-177), YB4IR/3 (OC-217), YB8RW/5 (OC-106 and
OC-109), YE3B (OC-197), YP0F (EU-191), YS1YS, YW6X (SA-090), Z21MG, ZD7FT,
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425dxn@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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