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KB8NW  > DX       18.09.22 16:27l 897 Lines 50749 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1580
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1580
Sent: 220918/1517Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:16257 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1580
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1580
BID: $OPDX.1580
September 19, 2022
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent From Strongsville, Ohio
Font Used: Courier New

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, W4VQ, W5JON,
K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, W8KL, CT1DSV, DL1SBF, DL5ON & The DX News
Letter,, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH
& 425 DX News, JI3DST, OH2BH, OK6DJ, Sixitalia Weekly, and VA3RJ & ICPO
for the following DX information.

        "Celebrating 31 years (March 1991) of FREE DX News"
                    "Could this be the final year???"
                ..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick 6
                  ..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick 5
                    ..Tick..Tick..Tick..Tick 4
                      ..Tick..Tick..Tick 3
                        ..Tick..Tick 2
                     The countdown has begun!!!

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 11th-September, through Sunday, 18th-September there were
219 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3W, 3X,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4U1U, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q,
7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL,
DU, E4, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FO/m, FP, FR, FS, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ,
GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV,
HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON,
OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV,
SV5, SV9, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TT, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2,
V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E, VP2M, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XT,
XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZF,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

2Q/GQ/MQ, UNITED KINGDOM (Special Prefix). Since September 14th, the
United Kingdom's (UK) Office of Communications (Ofcom) has approved a
"Special Regional Secondary Locator" (RSL) for Amateur Radio operators
to use the letter "Q" in their prefix, until September 19th, to celebrate
the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Complete details can be found at:

3B8, MAURITIUS. Dave, G4BUO, is now active as 3B8/G4BUO as of September
10th. He will be there until September 21st. Activity will be holiday
style and has been on 30/20/15/10 meters using mainly CW. Watch between
1300-1800z. QSL via G4BUO or LoTW.

posted the following update on the 3Y0J Bouvet Island FaceBook page
(, September 14th
[edited]: "3Y0J team completed packing the container!! It will be shipped
to Falkland island in a few days where it will arrive early November..
Was a lot of hard work and long days but with this milestone completed
we look forward to the adventure!" See the following pictures at:

5H, TANZANIA. As of September, Dr. Tevfik "Tev", TA1HZ, has started a
new job at a project in Tabora, Tanzania. After getting the necessary
license from the TCRA (Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority),
Tev now has the callsign 5H8HZ. He states the following on,
September 15th: "I will be on the HF bands, mainly in the evenings and
every other Sunday. As I will be working within the project, I hope to
be on the air during my spare time. QSL POLICY -- I will upload my log
to ClubLog and eqQSL every week. LoTW application will be made and I
hope to make it active in a few weeks time. Hardcopy QSL cards are NOT
ready and you will have to wait until 2023 for the exact routing. In
meantime, 'NO QSL VIA TA BUREAU', please as I am not using the Bureau.
Any card sent to the TA QSL Bureau will NOT be answered. Sorry but that
is the way it is."

5H, TANZANIA. Jeyaprakash "JP", VU2BGC, will be active as 5H5PJ from
Iringa (WW Loc. KI72ue), Tanzania. Activity will be on various HF bands.
QSL via LoTW or eQSL. No other details are available.

5R, MADAGASCAR. Francesco, IK6QON, will be active as 5R8FG from Madagascar
between October 8-17th. Activity will be holiday style on various HF bands
using CW and SSB, with a multi-band vertical antenna and JPC-7 with 100w.
He mentions that he will be on Nosy Be Island (AF-057) and Nosy Iranja
Island (AF-57) and in the city of Diego Suarez which is in the north
part of Madagascar. QSL via IZ6BRJ, direct or by the Bureau

5Z, KENYA. Wayne, 2E0FXY, is once again active as 5Z4WH from Molo, Kenya.
As an Anglican Chaplain, he visits this African country several times
during the year. Activity is mainly on 20/17/15 meters using SSB and FT8.
This past week, Wayne was on 15 meters FT8 between 0600-0800z. QSL via

7Z92/8Z92/HZ92, SAUDI ARABIA (Special Event). Members of the Saudi Amateur
Radio Society (SARS) have activated the special event callsigns 7Z92ND,
8Z92ND and HZ92ND to celebrate their "92nd Saudi National Day" (September
23rd). Activity will last until September 25th. QSL all callsigns via

8A1093, INDONESIA (Special Event). Members of the ORARI Daerah Jawa Timur,
Lokal Pasuruan, will be active with the special callsign, 8A1093PAS, from
their Pasuruan club station (YB3ZP) on Java Island (OC-021, WW Loc. OI62jf)=
Activity is to celebrate/commemorate the 1093th anniversary of the Pasuruan
Regency. Length of activity is not known. Operations will be on various
HF/VHF bands. QSL via the Bureau.

8Q, MALDIVES. Gianpi, IK1TTD, will be active as 8Q7TD from Fasmendhoo
Island, Maldive Islands (AS-013), between October 2-17th. Activity is
to commemorate his 25th wedding anniversary. Activity will be on 20 meters
using Icom IC-7300, Rybacov vertical antenna and an End-fed antenna.
QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.

9H, MALTA (Special Callsign). Members of the Marconi Amateur Radio Circle
(9H1MRC) have activated the special callsign, 9H6QE, on the island of Malta
(EU-023) to celebrate the life and remembrance of Queen Elizabeth II.
Activity will last until October 14th, and will be on 20/17/15/12/10

9K9, KUWAIT (Special Event). Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society
(KARS) will be active with the special callsign, 9K9KSA, from Safat,
Kuwait, between September 19-25th, to commemorate the "92nd Saudi National
Day." Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via EC6DX.

9N, NEPAL. Robert, S53R/9N7AA, posted the following, September 10th, on (edited/excerpts): Back to the country. Need to work on the
antennas for the coming season. CU soon! Below (on are the final
statistics for the 2022 6m ES season, which after all show a rather decent
number of EU stations worked. If you haven't made it, see you next year
and you should probably think of improving your setup, maybe changing
the QTH, or finally decide on buying that amp. Nagging on the cluster
won't help much ;)
  The majority of EU QSOs are with zone 15, while contacts with Zone 14
and the north part of zone 15, were scarce and openings extremely short.
Zone 20 is comparatively less difficult to work, however, the number of
active stations is much lower than in Zones 14 & 15. Asia is of course
much easier, which the numbers clearly show.=20
  EU openings on 6m are very random, few, and selective here - meaning
only stations from a narrow/small geographical area come through at a
given time, while simultaneously I've been heard throughout Zones 14,
15, and 20 with very decent signals. Always wondered how much the fact
that I am positioned on the "wrong", Southern side and just under the
massive 7000+ meter Himalayan wall, with EU exactly in the same direction,
has to do with this very peculiar propagation phenomena.
  QRM continues to be prohibitive for any normal CW/SSB on 20m and below,
where even FT8 struggles with signals heavily plagued by the local inter-
ference/QRM. Higher bands are surprisingly good with substantially less
QRM. Please note that  60m is not permitted in Nepal.
  QSL via S57DX, direct only, LoTW and ClubLog are updated at least once
a week. Please use ( for PayPal requests.
  Last but not least - NO Flags! Instead of counting flags, you may wish
to spend more time on the bands, make some meaningful use of your ex-
pensive equipment, and assure our bands are full and not occupied by
SSB/AM pirates! QRZ.COM log and eQSL are also not supported, hence please
avoid sending emails with such requests.

A43, OMAN (Special Event). Members of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society
(ROARS) will activate with the special callsign, A43KSA, to celebrate the
"92nd Saudi National Day" between September 20-26th. QSL via A47RS.

A60, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Special Event). Members of the Emirates Amateur
Radio Society will also participate in the celebration of the 92nd "Saudi
National Day" using the callsigns A60ARS and A60ARS with appended numbers
0-15 between September 17-23rd. Look for the following callsigns (w/QSL
routes):         A60ARS -- EARS Station; QSL via EA7FTR =20
 A60ARS/0 -- Op A61Y; QSL via EA7FTR     A60ARS/8 -- Op A65GC; QSL via Dire=
 A60ARS/1 -- Op A61M; QSL via A61BK      A60ARS/9 -- Op A61BR; QSL via EA5Z=
 A60ARS/2 -- Op A61Q; QSL via EA7FTR     A60ARS/10 -- Op A61ZX; QSL via IZ8=
 A60ARS/3 -- Op A61FK; QSL via A61BK     A60ARS/11 -- Op A65BR; QSL via Dir=
 A60ARS/4 -- Op A61BK; QSL via A61BK     A60ARS/12 -- Op A61NN; QSL via EA7=
 A60ARS/5 -- Op A61DD; QSL via EA7FTR    A60ARS/13 -- Op A65GD; QSL via Dir=
 A60ARS/6 -- Op A61QQ; QSL via A61BK     A60ARS/14 -- Op A65GJ; QSL via Dir=
 A60ARS/7 -- Op A61AY; QSL Direct        A60ARS/15 -- Op A61FJ; QSL via LZ1=

A91, BAHRAIN (Special Event). Members of the Bahrain Amateur Radio Society
(BARS) will activate with the special callsign, A91ARS, to celebrate the
"92nd Saudi National Day" until September 23rd. QSL via EC6DX.

FT/W, CROZET. DX Editor Jean-Michel, F6AJA, of the Les Nouvelles DX
( reports the following "Little information"
from Thierry, F6CUK: "Following fears of QRM that I could cause with
the terrestrial magnetism measurement laboratory located in Crozet, the
expedition risks being shortened and a return in February is mentioned.
Significant disturbances with these measurements had been made during
the expedition FT5ZM which explains the fears raised by the measurement
laboratory"... and here is a start of the schedule: "Arrival at St. Denis
de la R=E9union airport on Tuesday, November 29, quarantine for COVID from
December 1 to 9 in a hotel in St Denis. Departure aboard the Marion
Dufresne on the 9th" be continued!

INDEXA NEWS (Election Results for 2023 Fiscal Year). The following was
sent out on September 13th [edited]: The results of the recent Board of
Director election are as follows:
  Two Year Director:  Steve Molo, KI4KWR, to serve during the 2023 and
                      2024 fiscal years.
  One Year Directors: Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, Steve Sullivan, KZ2I,
                      Johannes Hafkenscheid, PA5X and Francesco Valsecchi,
                      IK0FVC were each elected to serve during the 2023
                      fiscal year.
  The Directors have now voted for the Fiscal Year 2023 Chairman and
  elected Lou Dietrich, N2TU to serve as Chairman.

  Thank you for your continued support of INDEXA and our purpose of
working DX and making DX happen! INDEXA is always poised to support
many of the "Most Wanted" DXpeditions.
  73 and Good DX!
  Hal Turley, W8HC
  International DX Association
  2309 Lincoln Avenue
  St. Albans, WV  25177 USA

IOTA NEWS. The following are IOTA operations that were active this past
week between September 12-17th(as per the DXCluster):

    IOTA     Callsign     Island/GROUP            Bands/Modes
   ------    ----------   -------------           -----------
   AF-004    EA8AP        CANARY                  10m; FT8
   AF-004    EA8CUF       CANARY                  12m; SSB
   AF-004    EA8DME       CANARY                  10m; FT8
   AF-004    EA8DMF       CANARY                  40/17/10m; SSB
   AF-004    EA8ED        CANARY                  12m; SSB
   AF-004    EA8FLA       CANARY                  40m; FT8
   AF-004    EA8RS        CANARY                  10m; FT8
   AF-004    EA8XNX       CANARY                  10m; SSB
   AF-014    CT3HU        MADEIRA                 17m; SSB
   AF-014    CT3MD        MADEIRA                 17/15/12m; CW/SSB
   AF-016    FR4OP        REUNION                 20m; FT8
   AF-016    FR5SD        REUNION                 10m; SSB
   AF-017    3B9FR        RODRIGUES               30/17/15/10m; CW/SSB/FT8
   AF-019    IG9ITO       PELAGIE                 20/15m; SSB
   AF-022    ZD7FT        ST HELENA               17/12m; SSB
   AF-024    S79VU        INNER                   20/17m; SSB
   AF-027    FH/OK1KM     MAYOTTE                 20/15m; SSB/FT8
   AF-049    3B8/G4BUO    MAURITIUS               20/17m; CW
   AN-005    VK0WN        Macquarie               20m; SSB
   AS-004    5B4AIF       Cyprus                  12m; SSB
   AS-004    5B4ALJ       Cyprus                  12m; SSB
   AS-007    JA1XZF       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JA2KVD       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JA2TQZ       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-007    JA3FYC       HONSHU                  30m; FT8
   AS-007    JA7XVZ       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JF1EHM       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-007    JF1HEZ       HONSHU                  20m; CW
   AS-007    JG3SKK       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JG4AKL       HONSHU                  17m; FT8
   AS-007    JH0XVS       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JH1BAM       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JH1HDT       HONSHU                  17/12m; SSB
   AS-007    JH3NGD       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-007    JH4DYP       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JH7MQD       HONSHU                  40m; SSB
   AS-007    JL1UCH       HONSHU                  40m; CW
   AS-007    JR1FYS       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JR1JGA       HONSHU                  17/12m; SSB
   AS-007    JR1LJZ       HONSHU                  30m; FT8
   AS-007    JR7AQL       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-020    BU2GA        Taiwan                  15m; CW
   AS-053    HS0ZNV       PHUKET                  15m; CW
   AS-078    JA8COE       HOKKAIDO                15m; SSB
   AS-078    JA8DCR       HOKKAIDO                17m; SSB
   AS-078    JA8IZP       HOKKAIDO                15m; FT8
   AS-078    JE8URC       HOKKAIDO                20m; FT8
   AS-078    JL8PZO       HOKKAIDO                17m; SSB
   AS-145    HS3NBR/P  MALAY PENINSULA SOUTH EAST 40/30/20/17/15/12m; CW/FT=
   AS-161    VU3TE        KERALA STATE            10m; FT8
   EU-001    SV5/HB9OAU   DODECANESE              40/15m; CW/SSB
   EU-001    SV5DKL       DODECANESE              17m; CW/SSB
   EU-001    SV5TH        DODECANESE              15m; CW
   EU-002    OH00CO       Aland                   20m; CW
   EU-003    CU2CO        EASTERN                 12m; SSB
   EU-003    CU2YK        EASTERN                 17m; SSB
   EU-004    EA6KB        BALEARIC                20m; SSB
   EU-004    EC6AAE       BALEARIC                20m; CW
   EU-005    2E0SVX       GREAT BRITAIN           12m; FT8
   EU-005    G4UJS        GREAT BRITAIN           10m; FT8
   EU-005    GQ0MWT       GREAT BRITAIN           17m; CW
   EU-005    GQ4COR       GREAT BRITAIN           12m; FT8
   EU-005    GQ4TGJ/p     GREAT BRITAIN           20m; CW
   EU-005    GW0NKG       GREAT BRITAIN           10m; FT8
   EU-005    M0IQG        GREAT BRITAIN           20m; SSB
   EU-005    M0IYE        GREAT BRITAIN           20m; SSB
   EU-005    M0XXT        GREAT BRITAIN           40m; SSB
   EU-005    M1CFK        GREAT BRITAIN           12m; FT8
   EU-005    MQ0ICR       GREAT BRITAIN           40m; SSB
   EU-009    MM0EAX       ORKNEY                  12m; FT8
   EU-013    GJ0KYZ       JERSEY                  40m; FT8
   EU-014    TK4LS        CORSICA                 17m; SSB
   EU-016    9A/SP1MVG/p  DALMATIA SOUTH          20m; SSB
   EU-018    OY1CT        FAROE                   15m; CW
   EU-018    OY1OF        FAROE                   12m; FT8
   EU-020    SK75BL       GOTLAND COUNTY          40/20/15m; CW
   EU-021    TF/K4NMR     ICELAND                 20/15/12m; CW
   EU-021    TF/K5KG      ICELAND                 30/20/17/15/12m; CW
   EU-021    TF2MSN       ICELAND                 17/12m; SSB
   EU-021    TF5B         ICELAND                 15m; FT8
   EU-021    TF8KY        ICELAND                 15m; SSB
   EU-024    IW0UWE       SARDINIA                15m; FT8
   EU-025    IT9FRX       Sicily                  20m; SSB
   EU-025    IT9PQO       Sicily                  20m; SSB
   EU-025    IW9FRA       Sicily                  15m; FT8
   EU-029    OV1CDX       SJAELLAND               40m; SSB
   EU-029    OZ1IKY       SJAELLAND               15m; CW
   EU-029    OZ6SYL       SJAELLAND               40m; CW
   EU-030    OZ1NKS/p     Bornholm                20m; SSB
   EU-038    PA3ECU       TEXEL                   10m; FT8
   EU-039    OZ/DL3KWF    Chausey                 20m; CW
   EU-046    LA1CI        TROMS  COUNTY           15m; SSB
   EU-046    LA6KOA       TROMS  COUNTY           17m; SSB
   EU-053    OJ0/LB5SH    Market Reef             20m; SSB
   EU-053    OJ0/UT5UY    Market Reef             15m; CW
   EU-067    SV8OVJ       KYKLADES                20m; CW
   EU-089    CU8AI        EASTERN                 10m; FT8
   EU-114    GU0SUP       GUERNSEY                10m; FT8
   EU-115    GI3GRB       IRELAND                 10m; FT8
   EU-115    GI4SNA       IRELAND                 12m; FT8
   EU-115    MI6INB       IRELAND                 20m; SSB
   EU-116    MD0CCE       ISLE OF MAN             12m; CW
   EU-123    GM5BDX       SCOTTISH COASTAL        30m; FT8
   EU-120    2E0EYB       ENGLISH  COASTAL        20m; SSB
   EU-139    SM2S         NORRBOTTEN COUNTY       17m; SSB
   EU-155    T77NC        EMILIA  ROMAGNA  REGION 10m; FT8
   EU-170    9A/PH2A      DALMATIA  NORTH         40/20m; SSB
   EU-171    5Q7DX        JYLLAND  NORTH          40/30/20/17m; CW/SSB
   EU-171    OV2T         JYLLAND  NORTH          40/17m; SSB
   EU-171    OZ4SKK       JYLLAND  NORTH          10m; FT8
   EU-173    OH/DL2SWW LANSI-SUOMI (PORI) PROVINCE 40/20/17/15m; CW
   EU-181    LZ1DB        BULGARIA                20m; SSB
   EU-186    TA2NL/p      TURKEY                  20m; SSB
   NA-005    VP9HE        BERMUDA                 20m; SSB
   NA-015    CM8DFC       CUBA                    10m; FT8
   NA-015    CO2QU        CUBA                    12m; SSB
   NA-015    CO3JN        CUBA                    40m; FT8
   NA-016    ZF2RX        CAYMAN                  15m; SSB
   NA-021    8P6PD        BARBADOS                60m;
   NA-029    VY2FU        PRINCE EDWARD           17m; SSB
   NA-031    AA1AC        RHODE ISLAND STATE      15m; CW
   NA-033    5J0DX        San Andres              17m; SSB
   NA-033    5K0C         San Andres              20/10m; SSB/FT8
   NA-033    5K0T         San Andres              15m; SSB
   NA-033    5K0YD        San Andres              20/17/10m; SSB/FT8
   NA-058    KS4OT        GEORGIA  STATE          10m; FT8
   NA-096    HI3AA        HISPANIOLA              80m; FT8
   NA-096    HI8HRD       HISPANIOLA              10m; FT8
   NA-096    HI8RMQ       HISPANIOLA              10m; FT8
   NA-099    KP4DO        PUERTO RICO             20m; SSB
   NA-099    KP4HF        PUERTO RICO             20m; FT8
   NA-099    KP4PUA       PUERTO RICO             17m; SSB
   NA-099    KP4TF        PUERTO RICO             40m; CW
   NA-099    WP3ZN        PUERTO RICO             15m; SSB
   NA-099    WP4KEY       PUERTO RICO             20m; SSB
   NA-100    V26K         ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA     12/10m; CW
   NA-100    V26OC        ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA     160/60/30m; FT8
   NA-102    FG5GP        GUADELOUPE              15m; SSB
   NA-106    KP2/K5PA     VIRGIN                  40/30m; SSB/FT8
   NA-106    KP2B         VIRGIN                  80/40m; SSB/FT8
   NA-169    KB7MA        WASHINGTON STATE WEST   10m; FT8
   OC-001    VK2AJB       Australia               40m; FT8
   OC-001    VK2BJ        Australia               12m; CW
   OC-001    VK2BY        Australia               17/12m; SSB
   OC-001    VK2EBN       Australia               20m; FT8
   OC-001    VK2GR        Australia               30/12m; CW
   OC-001    VK2PW        Australia               17/12m; SSB
   OC-001    VK2QV        Australia               12m; SSB
   OC-001    VK2ZH        Australia               17m; SSB
   OC-001    VK3EW        Australia               17m; SSB
   OC-001    VK3EY        Australia               17m; SSB
   OC-001    VK3HJ        Australia               160m;
   OC-001    VK3IO        Australia               17m; SSB
   OC-001    VK3ZPF/p     Australia               20m; SSB
   OC-001    VK4DX        Australia               20m; CW
   OC-001    VK5PO        Australia               10m; FT8
   OC-001    VK6RO        Australia               10m; CW
   OC-001    VK8DK        Australia               20m; CW
   OC-001    VK8NSB       Australia               10m; SSB
   OC-006    VK7ROY       Tasmania                20m; SSB
   OC-006    VK7XX        Tasmania                10m; FT8
   OC-006    VK7YUM       Tasmania                20m; FT4
   OC-016    3D2USU      VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU 10m; FT8
   OC-019    AH6U         HAWAIIAN                12/10m; FT8
   OC-019    WH6S         HAWAIIAN                17m; FT8
   OC-021    YB1DNF       JAVA                    20m; SSB
   OC-021    YB1EAO       JAVA                    15m; SSB
   OC-021    YB1JCD       JAVA                    15m; CW
   OC-021    YB1RIF       JAVA                    20m; FT8
   OC-021    YB1VHC       JAVA                    20m; FT8
   OC-021    YC2DBW       JAVA                    20/15/10m; SSB
   OC-021    YC2DGL       JAVA                    15m; FT8
   OC-022    YB9AOS       BALI                    15m; SSB
   OC-022    YB9ELS       BALI                    15m; SSB
   OC-022    YB9FAO       BALI                    20m; FT8
   OC-026    WA0OII       Guam                    10m; FT8
   OC-032    FK8FI        NEW  CALEDONIA          15m; FT8
   OC-032    FK8GM        NEW  CALEDONIA          20m; SSB
   OC-032    FK8HA        NEW  CALEDONIA          10m; SSB
   OC-034    P29LL        NEW GUINEA              20m; CW
   OC-034    YB9UA        NEW GUINEA              15m; CW
   OC-034    YC9UAB       NEW GUINEA              40m; FT8
   OC-036    ZL3IO        NORTH                   10m; FT8
   OC-038    ZL7/K5WE     CHATHAM                 40/20/17/15m; CW/FT8
   OC-042    DV1IIW       Luzon                   15m; SSB
   OC-046    FO5QB        WINDWARD                15m; FT8/FT4
   OC-054    FW1JG        WALLIS                  10m; FT8
   OC-088    9M6TMT       BORNEO                  20m; SSB
   OC-088    YB7NUS       BORNEO                  15m; SSB
   OC-097    5W1SA        SAMOA                   10m; CW/FT8
   OC-134    ZL4AS        SOUTH                   20m; SSB
   OC-143    YB4PDT       SUMATRA                 20m; SSB
   OC-143    YB5WIR       SUMATRA                 10m; FT8
   OC-143    YC5NBY       SUMATRA                 20m; FT8
   OC-143    YC6HPE       SUMATRA                 15m; SSB
   OC-146    YE8TPA       CELEBES                 20m; FT8
   OC-148    YB9MX        TIMOR                   15m; SSB
   OC-150    YC9IPJ       Lombok                  15m; SSB
   OC-156    3D2FS        Yaqeta                  20/12/10m; FT8/FT4
   OC-166    YE7LTN       Kotabaru Laut           30m; FT8
   OC-236    YB8TDK       Gusung Toraja           40m; FT8
   SA-002    VP8LP        FALKLAND                20/15/12m; SSB

  ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode
     (which is very important) on their QSNs on their PacketCluster
     reports. The format we suggest is "Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group"
     (ex. CW/SA-036/Aruba).

  AF-047.  (Update/Change) Operators Jorge/CT1BOL, Jos=E9/CT1DSV, Ant=F3nio=
           CT1ENV, Ricardo/CT3KN and Jos=E9/CT3MD will be active as CR3SI
           from Selvagens Islands (Selvagem Grande, ARLHS MAD 011, WLOTA
           0692, DIP MAD004, CTFF 0034) between September 23-26th. The
           original dates were September 21-25th, but OPDX was informed
           they had to delay the operation:
             "Due to re-scheduled transport from the Portuguese Navy,
           the DXpedition will be delayed 2 days, starting on the 23rd
           of September. We plan to keep transmitting as long as possible
           until the departure schedule for the noon of the 26th."
             REMEMBER: Activity is part of the celebrations of the 50th
           anniversary of the Reserva Natural das Ilhas Selvagens. Oper-
           ations will be on CW, SSB and FT8 (first time for this mode).
           This is a rare IOTA reference number. QSL via CT1DSV. For
           updates, see FaceBook at:

  AS-145.  By the time you read this, operators Noi (Little)/HS3NBR,
           Boy/HS8GLR, Tanakit (Kaw)/HS9JZL, and Champ/E21EIC will be
           active as HS3NBR/P from Maeo Island (POTA HS-0293) until
           September 19th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW,
           SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via LoTW.

  AS-200.  Take, JI3DST, will once again be active as JI3DST/5 (mainly
           for DX and 6m Multi-Hop) [JI3DST/P for FT8], JJ5RBH (mainly
           for DX and JA) [without /P or /5, Fix QTH] and JS6RRR/5 (mainly
           for JA, JS6RRR/P for FT8) from Shodo Island (Shikoku's Coastal
           Islands) between 0700z, September 25th, and 0000z, November
           4th. Operation may vary due to heavy rain or other conditions.
           Activity will be on 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6/2m meters (and
           70cm) using CW, SSB and FT8 (possibly FM/RTTY). QSL JI3DST/5
           via ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW, direct or by the Bureau*. QSL JJ5RBH
           via ClubLog, LoTW or Bureau*. QSL JS6RRR/5 (& JS6RRR/P) via
           ClubLog, LoTW  or Bureau*. *NO need to request by OQRS.

  EU-031.  Andy (Sparky), RW3AH (KL1A), will be active as IC8/KL1A from
           Ischia Island between September 20-30th. QSL via OE1ZZZ.

  EU-032.  (Update) Pat, F8BON, is now active as TM2RE from Re Island
           (DIFM AT-022, DIFM 17, WW Loc. IN96FF) until September 26th
           Activity will be on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/2 meters using
           SSB and FT8. QSL via F5MFV, direct, by the Bureau or ClubLog's
           OQRS. NO eQSL.

  EU-041.  Luca, IK5AEQ, will be active as IM0/IK5AEQ from La Maddalena
           Island (IIA OT-008, WAIP OT) between September 19-25th. Activity
           will be on 40-2 meters using SSB, FT8/FT4 and RTTY, with various
           vertical and dipoles. Luca will also participate in the CQWW
           DX RTTY Contest (September 24-25th). QSL via the Bureau, direct,
           LoTW and ClubLog.

  NA-057.  Alex, K6VHF, will once again be active as K6VHF/HR9 from
           Roatan Island between October 27-31st. Activity will be on
           40-10 meters, possibly 6m, using CW, SSB and 10 watts on the
           Digital modes with an IC-705. QSL via LoTW, ClubLog OQRS, eQSL,
           direct or by the Bureau to his home callsign.

  OC-016.  Fred, DH5FS, is now active as 3D2FS from Tavenui Island until
           September 23rd. Activity will mainly be on FT8 with some CW. QSL
           via DH5FS. ADDED NOTE. Earlier in the week (September 13-15th),
           Fred was active from Yanqeta Island in the Yasawa IOTA Group

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

JD1, MINAMI TORISHIMA (Reminder). By the time you read this, Take, JG8NQJ,
will once again be active as JG8NQJ/JD1 from Marcus Island, Minami Tori-
shima (OC-073, JCG 10007), for the next 3 months. He is usually there to
work on the island's weather station. Activity will be limited to his
spare time. Usually he will be mainly on 17 meters, but may try 40/30
meters and will also be on 20/15/12/10/6 meters using CW (possibly RTTY),
with an Icom IC-706 and 50W. QSL via JA8CJY or by the Bureau via JG8NQJ.

K4C/75, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Operators for northern Virginia
will use the special callsign K4C/75 to celebrate the 75th anniversary
of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) until September 30th. QSL Manager
is N4JR.

MDXC PRESENTATION. If you missed the Madison DX Club's (MDXC) ZOOM pre-
sentation on Tuesday, September 13th, it is now available on
The program was "The Most Needed DX Locations" presented by Bernie McClenny=
W3UR, (Editor of QST's "How's DX" column and "The Daily DX" newsletter).
The video is just under 53 minutes long and can be viewed at:

OCDX CONTEST NEWS. Revised policy on the participation of Russian and
Belarusian stations in 2022 OCDX Contest:

OJ0, MARKET REEF (And possibly OH0). Stian, LB5SH, posted on his Web page,
September 14th, the following: "I've been holding back on this for a while
due to uncertainty, but now it seems promising and I've bought the tickets,
so let's spill the beans once and for all. Tomorrow I'll be on my way to
Stockholm, and from there I will head to OH0 =C5land. The plan is to wait
there until the sea permits us to travel to OJ0 Market Reef, which hope-
fully shouldn't take too long. The goal is to be QRV for about a week, and
we will probably be the last team operating from OJ0 before the lighthouse
closes for the winter. More details will follow shortly. As always, if you
need a sked, let me know."=20
  Activity will be on SSB and the Digital modes. For updates, watch:

OJ0, MARKET REEF (Press Release from OH2BH, date September 15th)[edited].
                        THE BANKS OF DNIPRO RIVER
  The ham radio focused NGU-theme (Never-Give-Up) is hopefully completed
as Alex, UT5UY/OH5UY (CW), Stian, LB5SH (SSB) and Henri, OH3JR/OJ0JR (FT8)
will attempt to land in OJ0 in very difficult weather conditions.
  There is a narrow weather window on Friday (September 16, 2022), the only
possible chance for the next several days. If the attempt fails, the group
will remain in Aland Islands and they will be QRV as OH0 while waiting for
the weather to improve. The operation would last for seven (7) days, but
only if they are successful in landing on this Friday.
  Alex once had a dream to get his family temporary relocated in OH and to
operate as OH, OH0 and OJ0. Now after six (6) months his dream is about to
come true. OJ0/UT5UY is one of the three contacts that you would need in
order to qualify for the NGU-award.
  To Alex's delight and the first timer Stain, LB5SH, the Finnish Light-
house Society (FLS) is sponsoring this operation together with N7NG, OH2BH
and OH3JR.
  The departure to Market Reef came with such a short notice that Alex
will miss meeting the JW0A team in Helsinki, as initially planned.
  The American group heading to Svalbard will be hosted in Finland by
OH2BAD, OH2BH and OH5LLR. OH2/N4XP will be QRV around 13:00 UTC on 14210
kHz on Friday and he may report the latest about the OJ0 group's attempt
of landing on Market Reef.
  QSL OJ0/UT5UY via OH5UY, OJ0/LB5SH via his home call and OJ0JR via OH3JR.

OK/OM DX CONTEST. Karel, OK1CF, CRC HF Manager, announced the following
on September 16th: Due to the current events, the CRC (Czech Radio Club)
has decided to reject the stations from Russia and Belorussia from the
participation in the OK-OM DX SSB Contest 2022 which is scheduled to take
place Nov. 12th and 13th.

OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). Details on how to subscribe and
unsubscribe from the "OPDX Mailing List" are at the bottom of this
bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (September 19-26th).......
  Sep/19th AN     Sep/23rd AN     Sep/25th HN
  Sep/20th AN     Sep/24th HN     Sep/26th HN
  Sep/21st AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

    (Updated 01/26/2022) Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites
    for propagation:
     * VOACAP predication Web page at:
     * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page:
     * SolarHam Web page:
     * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
     * Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) & National Oceanic and
       Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):
     * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment:
     * Archive of ARRL Propagation Forecasts:
     * Information and tutorials on propagation are at:
     * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W:
     * W4HM Daily HF/MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast:
     * WM7D's Solar Resource Page:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from Lothar, DL1SBF ( (September 18th)
  QSL-INFO from various sources provided by OPDX
  3D2FS via DH5FS         FY5KE via FY1FL         OR8W via ON4BDV
  4U1A via UA3DX & (L)    GQ0JEI via G0JEI        OX4OZ via OZ4OZ
  4X6FR via 4X6OM         GQ0KPH via G0KPH        OZ/DL3KWF via DL3KWF
  5K0YD via IK2DUW (d)    GQ0RBB via G0RBB        PA75DXCC via PA0ABM (O/L)
  5P1OT via SP1OT         GQ3RIK via G3RIK        PC70RH via PF1SCT
  5P5T via OZ1FDH         GQ4ATA via GM4ATA (L)   PI4NTC via PG4I
  5Q7DX via PA7JWC        GQ4HLN via G4HLN        PI4RCA/P via PA4T
  5Z4PA via M0URX         GQ4UJS via G4UJS        PJ2/PH2M via PH2M
  7X3WPL via 7X3DL        GQ4UZE via G4UZE        PJ2MAN via EC5AHA
  8J3IPA via JR3OEH       GQ7BHE via G7BHE        PJ2SM via EC5AHA
  9A/DL2HWI/P via DL2HWI  GS8VL via M0OXO (O/L)   PT5J via PP5JR & (L)
  9A/KC1KUG via KC1KUG    HA5SPORT via (HA-B)     PU200BR via PY2KP
  9A/PH2A via PH2A        HB0/DL5YL via DL5YL     RA75AA via RG9A
  9H/IV3EPO via IV3EPO    HB0/DL5YM via DL5YM     S21SM via OH6EAC (d/L)
  9K2JJ via EA5GL         HF1Z via SP1EG          SM/K4NHW via K4NHW
  9K2NO via EC6DX         HS0ZOA via EB7DX        SN0RUN via SP5PPK
  9K2YM via EA5KB         HS3NBR/P via HS3NBR     SN6J via SP6FHU
  A62A via EA7FTR & (L)   HV0A via IK0FVC         SV5/HB9OAU via HB9OAU
  AM500PCM via EA7URF     HZ1DH via A61BK         SV9/LZ1QN via LZ1QN
  AZ1D via LU1DX          HZ1SK via IZ8CLM        SV9/SM2EKM via SM2EKM (d/=
  C7A via UA3DX           II0TOUR via IZ0EIK      TI5/N3KS via M0URX (O/L)
  CB3W via XQ4CW          II5RM via IK5WOB        TM0W via F2CT
  CB4A via CE4UFC         II9IAKE via HE9ERA (B)  TM17FFF via F4GFE
  CO7VI via IK2DUW (d/L)  K4C/75 via N4JR         TM22CAD via F1LPT (e)
  DA0RR via DJ5BWD        KP2B via EB7DX & (L)    TM2D via F5KHP
  DA0T via DL7AT          LA/ON4ROB/P via ON4ROB  TM43CDXC via F5CWU
  DL20SOTA/P via DL6GCA   MQ0CGF via M0CGF        TM50SC via F6PCT
  DM60UEA via DL3BUA      MQ0HEM via M0HEM        TZ4AM via KX4R
  DR100RY via DF2SD       MQ0ICR via M0ICR        UE85L via RQ7L
  DR4A via DJ9KM          MQ0MCV via M0MCV        UE85RO via RQ7L
  DU1/NK4R via NK4R       MQ0SSK via M0SSK        V26K via AA3B
  EA/CT7AUS/P via CT7AUS  MQ0TBQ via M0TBQ        VK8NSB via M0URX (O/L)
  EA6/OE2UKL via OE2UKL   MQ0USK via MW0USK       VK90ABC via VK1RAS (L/e)
  EA8/DL3JAB via DL3JAB   MQ6DPS via M6DPS        VL6C via VK6IR (O/L)
  ED1R via EC1KR (L)      MQ7HFD via M0HFD        VP8TAA via M0OXO
  ED2C via EA2RCF         MQ7HSA via M7HSA        W0/VK3BDL via VK3BDL
  EH2HJ via EA2IR         MQ7VCB via (e)          XT2AW via M0OXO (O/L)
  ES5TTT via N4GNR        OE5D via OE2UKL         XV9BPO via EA5GL & (L)
  EX0DX via HB9DUR        OH0/LB5SH via (B/d)     YB0AR via EB7DX (d/L)
  F/ON8DX/P via ON8DX     OH0CO via SM6CCO        YI1WWA via IK2DUW (d/L)
  FH/OK1M via OK1WMR      OJ0/LB5SH via EA5GL     ZA/UA4CC via UA4CC

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau   (n) no printed QSLs
  (Q) only (E) E-Mail QSL only (P) Please send no QSL
  (BA) Bureau Automatic
  (**) QSL automatically via Bureau - do not send QSLs

  LOGS ONLINE AT CLUBLOG.ORG THIS WEEK......  (Updated)  (Updated) (Update)

  NEW QSL ROUTE. Alain, F6BFH, close friend of Franz, DJ9ZB/SK, who became
  a Silent Key (SK) last May, was contacted by his wife to take over the
  QSL management of the stations that Franz was in charge of. Alain has
  accepted and has received all the documents for the following station:
  4S7RO, 5A1HA, 6Y5/4S7RO, 9X5GG, A71AU, AP2KN, ET3PG, ST2SA, UA2FN,
  YJ0AUS, YK1AA and YS1RR.



   --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
       send in their info....

R100, EUROPEAN RUSSIA (Special Event). Anatoly, UA6XT, will be active with
the special callsign, R100KBR, from Nalchik, Russia, until September 30th.
Activity is to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Kabardino Balkarian
Republic. Activity will be on various on HF bands. QSL via UA6XT, direct,
by the Bureau or LoTW.

R50, EUROPEAN RUSSIA (Special Event). Operators in Russia have activated
the special callsign, R50RCR (Russia 50 Radio Club Record), in memory
of the 50th anniversary of the formation of organized amateur radio in
the Aleksandrovsky district of the Vladimir region, as well as the 100th
anniversary of the formation of the USSR, the Record radio club established
the ALEKSANDROV diploma. Operators will be active until December 14th.
QSL via: Vitaly Andreevich Porokhnya, PO Box 66, Aleksandrov, Vladimir
Region 601655, Russia. For more details about the event and diploma,
see QRZ.RU at:

T33, BANABA ISLAND (Rebel DX Group News). The following was posted on
the Rebel DX Group's FaceBook Page (
on September 17th [edited]: Folks -- Making things ready for Banaba T33T.
We can take 2 more operators willing to have some fun from Fiji and Banaba.
Borders are fully open. No need covid tests anymore. Send PM (message) if
you have any questions. (ed. Probably via 3Z9DX; at

TC7, TURKEY. Members of the Giresun Radio Amateurs Club (YM7KK) will be
active as TC7G from Giresun, Turkey, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry. Operators mentioned are Tevfik/
TA1HZ, Bekir/TA2RX, Emre/TA6AEK, Furkan/TA7AOF, Hakan/TA7ASN, Golkem/
TA7AZC, Ismail/TA7EA, Ali/TA7EB, Isa/TA7LMI, Muhammed/TA7LMS, Mustafe/
TA7MNA and Ozkan/TA7OZX. QSL via LoTW or YM7KK.

TN, REPUBIC OF CONGO. Members of the Czech DX-Pedition group (CDXP) will
be active as TN8K from the Republic of Congo between January 10-19th. The
team will be there between January 6-21st (limited/building up stations
between January 7-9th, and dismantling between January 19-20th). Operators
mentioned are Petr/OK1BOA, Petr/OK1FCJ, Palo/OK1CRM, Pavel/OK1GK, Ruda/
OK2ZA, Ludek/OK2ZC, Karel/OK2ZI and David/OK6DJ. Activity will be on
160-6 meters, QO-100 Satellite, using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and FT8/FT4.
They state, "Emphasis will be on the lower HF band (160m, 80m, 60m, 40m)
and 6m if there will be propagation." Suggested frequencies are:
 CW - 1832, 3525*, 5357, 7025, 10105, 14025, 18070, 21025, 24890 and 28005 =
 SSB - 3790, 7170, 14240, 18150, 21300, 24950 and 28470 kHz
 FT8 - 1840, 3580, 5357, 7056, 10144, 14090, 18109, 21091, 24923 and 28091 =
 RTTY - 10142 and 14080 kHz
 6m   - 50097/CW, 50150/SSB and 50313 kHz
     * 3504 kHz for Japan/Asia

  The list of equipment is as follows:
  Radios: 2X Elecraft K3, 3X Kenwood TS480HX, SunSDR2DX, 2x Icom 705
  PA: 5x JUMA PA1000
  Antennas: 6m 4el. YAGI, 10-15-20 incl WARC 3 x Spiderbeam, 17/12m 2el.
  YAGI, 2x 30m phased verticals, 2x 40m phased verticals, 80m vertical
  + 10 pcs radials, 160 vertical + 10pcs radials
  RX: 3x Beverage + RX vertical; Focus on low bands

  Based on the local internet availability, they plan to use ClubLog
Live Stream wherever it will be possible. Their Live Stream link:
  The team is looking for donations/funds. QSL via OK6DJ, OQRS or LoTW.
For more details and updates, see:

V3, BELIZE (Update/Change). Members of the Belize Amateur Radio Club are
planning a DXpedition to Mauger Caye, Turneffe Atoll (NA-123), using the
special callsign V3E. Activity will be between October 19-23rd (not October
22-27th). Operators mentioned are Hernan/V31DX (Team Leader), Uli/V31US,
Patrick/V32PC, Ismael/XE1AY and Enrique/XE2AA. Operations will be on 80-6
meters using CW and SSB8. The new suggested frequencies are:
  CW  - 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24895 and 28040 kHz
  SSB - 3755, 7115, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 24950, 28460 and 28560 kHz
  6m  - 50102/CW and 50145/SSB
QSL via IZ8CCW, ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW (Log will be uploaded after 5-6
months). They may try to upload the log during the operation if they
have a good internet connection. See Web page for more details on QSLing.
The V3E Web page is at:

V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS (Update to OPDX.1579). As mentioned last week,
operators Matt/K4KIU and David/HC5DX will be active as V48DM from the
V47JA rental station at Calypso Bay on Saint Kitts Island (NA-104),
between October 25th and November 1st. Activity will be on 160-6 meters
using CW and SSB. A significant amount of their total operating time
will be during the CQWW SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a All-Band entry.
QSL V48DM via N4GNR. They are still deciding on LoTW.

V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Randy, K5ZD, will be active as V47T from the
QTH of V47KP on St. Kitts (NA-104) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (Octo-
ber 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. He will be on the
island between October 23rd and November 1st. QSL via LoTW.

VP8/Q, FALKLAND ISLANADS (Special Callsign). Kuzma, VP8ALJ, will be
active as VP8A/Q from Stanley, Falkland Islands, until September 19th.
The special suffix to to mark the passing and funeral of Her Late Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II.

VP8, FALKLAND ISLANADS. Nathan, 2E0HSV (M3ILB Previously), is expected
to be active soon as VP8AAE from Stanley, Falkland Islands, and he is there
working as a broadcast engineer at a radio station. He states on
[edited], "Primarily I will be operating across the HF bands when time
permits, both from my home QTH in the now City of Stanley and also from
the various SOTA points across both East and West Falklands. Luckily
with my job, I get to travel to some of the more remote parts of the
islands, looking after Radio and TV transmission infrastructure, as well
as providing support for the many Meteorological reporting stations found
across the islands. Primary Rig is an Icom IC-7300 and I've just purchased
a DX Commander Classic to try it out. Also have a Yaesu Hand held, but
it's not much use here currently. Where possible, I will be visible on
APRS (!call=3DVP8AAE) when I'm active, so maybe drop me
a message on there also. QSL cards are not something I can offer at the
moment, but I will look into it."

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLANDS (Reminder/Update). Steve, WB4GHY, will be active as
VQ9SC from Diego Garcia Island (AF-006) until November 16th (Approx. Date).
Activity will be limited to his off hours from work. Operations will be
FT8 mainly using Fox/Hound (F/H) mode and SSB on 160-10 meters. Suggested
FT8 frequencies are 1846, 3567, 5357, 7056, 10131, 14090, 18095, 21091,
24911 and 28091 kHz.  QSL via WB2REM direct (see, ClubLog's

WP3, PUERTO RICO (NA-099). Operators Gary/W2VQ, Alfredo (Al)/WP3C and
Paul/WP3TT will be active as WP3C in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September
24-25th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. Activity will also count for
the WLOTA as LH-2802. QSL via M0OXO. To see the WP3C/NP4DX contest station,
go to the Web page at:
FaceBook Page:

YJ, VANUATU. Darren, VK4MAP, is expected to be active as YJ0DA and YJ0DA/p
from Vanuatu between September 17th and October 2nd. He plans to activate
the following two IOTA islands groups: YJ0DA from New Hebrides (OC-035)
and YJ0DA/p from Shepherd Islands (OC-111). Activity will be on 80/40/
20/15/10 meters using SSB. QSL only via his home callsign. NO ClubLog
or LoTW.

TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST -- Click or send requests to:
   Subscribe:   (
   Unsubscribe: (

 ** PLEASE NOTE FOR OUTLOOK USERS: PLEASE put your E-mail address
    also in the body of the message.

  Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [], (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.) and several
DX Mailing Lists. The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web page URL)
is also posted on the following Media pages:
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....... 73 de Tedd KB8NW

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