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CX2SA  > 425DXN   22.11.24 18:45l 212 Lines 12995 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1751
Subj: [425ENG] 425 DX News 1751
Sent: 241122/1730Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:45767 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:425WW1751
To  : 425DXN@WW

23 November 2024                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1751

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3A     - Sylviane, TK4TH will be active as  3A/TK4TH  from  Monaco  on 24-30
         November.  She will operate SSB and digital modes on  40, 20 and 10
         metres.  QSL via LoTW;  paper QSLs should be requested  via  PayPal
         (see for instructions).
9Y     - Special event callsign 9Y20TATT will be active on 22-29 November to
         celebrate the 20th anniversary of the  Telecommunications Authority
         of Trinidad and Tobago  (TATT)  in collaboration with the  Trinidad
         and Tobago Amateur Radio Society (TTARS).  QSL direct and logsearch
         on Club Log (Live Stream enabled).  See  for more
A6     - A60ND  is the  special  callsign  for the  Emirates  Amateur  Radio
         Society to celebrate UAE National Day (2 December). QSL via EA7FTR.
         Also  expected  to take part  in the celebrations  is  the  Bahrain
         Amateur  Radio  Society  as  A91UAE  (26 November-2 December),  and
         possibly  the  Saudi Amateur Radio Society  as  HZ1UAE,  the Kuwait
         Amateur Radio Society as 9K9UAE,  and the Royal Omani Amateur Radio
         Society as A43UAE.
CN     - Ralf, DB4REB will be active as CN2REB  while vacationing in Morocco
         from  30 November to 30 January 2025.  He plans to operate  CW, FT8
         and SSB on various bands from Agadir  and some POTA sites along the
         coast. See for updates. QSL via eQSL,
         or direct to home call.
CO     - Team T46W will be active from Cayo Santa Maria (NA-204, WWL FL02lp)
         on 1-10 December.  Eight operators  (CO6OU,  CO6RK, CO6SDY,  CO6VV,
         CO6XDX,  CO6XX,  CM6EZ  and  CL6AX)  will be  QRV  on  160-6 metres
         "multimode". QSL via LoTW. [TNX CO6QK]
I      - The Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club's station  IQ1NM will be acti-
         vated during the 43rd edition of the INORC Contest  (7-8 December).
         This  year's edition  is dedicated  to the memory of  INORC  member
         Serafino De Filippi, IT9CKA.  The contest  will be held on  80, 40,
         20, 15  and  10 metres  CW.  See  for
         complete information. [TNX IN3MDR]
KH0    - Look for  KH0/JA8VE,  KH0/JO1ABS, KH0/W1VX, KH0/WB6Z, KH0D and NH0E
         to be active from Saipan (OC-086)  from  28 November to 3 December.
         They will operate  SSB, CW, FT8 and FT4  on  160-6 metres with  two
         stations. QSL KH0/JA8VE  via home call;  QSL all others  via JF1OCQ
         (direct) and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
PA     - Celebrating Christmas and the New Year, special callsigns PA24XMAS,
         PD24ELF and PI24XMAS will be active on 1-31 December, while PD25HNY
         will be QRV from  24 December until 31 January.  QSL cards will not
         be issued, but see for the certifi-
S2     - Team S21DX  will be active again from  Dal Char Island (AS-140)  on
         13-19 December. Their primary objective this year is to concentrate
         on training and  capacity building  for local young amateurs,  with
         the aim of enhancing  their understanding of different types of  HF
         antennas, propagation and pile-up handling.  Plans are to be QRV on
         160-10 metres for  at least 20 hours a day  with  two stations  for
         SSB/FT8 (F/H),  one for FT8 F/H  and  one for RTTY.  QSL via EB7DX;
         QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.  See
         for   more  information,  as well as
         for updates.
TL     - Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as TL8ES from Bangui, Central African
         Republic from 25 November to 9 December.  She will operate SSB, CW,
         FT8 (MSHV),  FT4  and RTTY  on  160-6 metres,  and will enable Club
         Log's Live Stream.  One station will be monitoring 6 metres  (50313
         kHz) 24/7 for possible openings. QSL via Club Log's OQRS,  LoTW, or
         direct  to   IK2DUW.   See  for  more
V3     - Scott, K5PS  is active again as  V31CQ  from  Blackman Eddy, Belize
         until 30 November. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via home call.
VE     - Pierre, VE3KTB is currently active again as VY0ERC  from the Eureka
         Weather Station Base on Ellesmere Island (NA-008),  and will remain
         QRV "around work schedules" until 5 December. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
VP2V   - Look  for  VP2V/AG9A,  VP2V/K2KW,  VP2V/K5PI  and  VP2V/KD4D  to be
         active  from  Anegada, British  Virgin  Islands  (NA-023)  on  9-17
         December.  They will operate CW, SSB and  maybe digital modes,  and
         will participate in the  ARRL 10 Meter Contest  as VP2VMM  (QSL via
         LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or direct to KU9C). [TNX The Daily DX]

CQ WW DX CW CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their  parti-
cipation in this year's event (23-24 November,

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA      
02     CF2I          M/S HP       Canada               VE3NE        
05     VP9I          M/2          Bermuda              LoTW/WW3S    
07     TI5/VA3RA     SOSB 10m     Costa Rica           VE3IKV      
07     V31CQ         SO           Belize               LoTW        
08     6Y6N          SOSB         Jamaica              DK9PY        
08     C6AQQ         SO           Bahamas              LoTW        
08     FM/VE3RSA     SOAB         Martinique           LoTW        
08     FS/K0CD       SOAB QRP     St. Martin           K0CD        
08     FS/KC9EE      SO QRP       St. Martin           LoTW        
08     KP2B          SOAB         Virgin Isls          EB7DX        
08     KP4AA         SOAB LP      Puerto Rico          LoTW        
08     NP3A          SOSB 10m LP  Puerto Rico          EB7DX        
08     PJ6/WJ2O      SOAB LP      Saba                 LoTW        
08     PJ7PL         SO LP        Sint Maarten         N2HX        
08     TO4A          SOAB         Martinique           VE3DZ        
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua & Barbuda    LoTW        
08     V47T          SOAB         St. Kitts & Nevis    W2RQ        
08     VP2EBB        SOSB 20m     Anguilla             LoTW/GU4YOX  
08     VP2V/AA7V     SO           British Virgin Isls  LoTW        
08     VP5M          M/S LP       Turks & Caicos       LoTW        
08     ZF1A          M/S          Cayman Isls          K7ZO        
08     ZF5T          SOAB HP      Cayman Isls          LoTW/K5GO    
09     9Z4BM         SOAB         Trinidad & Tobago    9Z4BM        
09     P44W          SOAB HP      Aruba                LoTW        
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao              LoTW        
09     PJ4A          M/S          Bonaire              LoTW/K4BAI  
09     PJ4K          M/2          Bonaire              KU9C        
10     HC5CW/8       SO           Galapagos            M0OXO        
12     XR7X          M/2          Chile                CE3SPR/LoTW  
14     GJ2A          SOSB 20m     Jersey               LoTW        
14     GU4CHY        SOSB 10/15m  Guernsey             GU4CHY      
14     LN8W          M/M          Norway               LoTW        
14     OZ5W          M/M          Denmark              LoTW        
14     TM4Q          M/S          France               F6FYA        
15     IS0/E73DX     M/2 HP       Sardinia             LoTW        
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Isls           LoTW/W0MM    
15     TK0C          M/S          Corsica              LoTW        
15     Z66BCC        SO           Kosovo               DL2JRM      
15     ZA/OG1N       SOAB 10m     Albania              LoTW        
20     5B/HA5PP      SOAB         Cyprus               HA5PP        
20     TC2E                       Turkey               LoTW        
21     4K6FO         SO           Azerbaijan           LoTW        
21     4L2M          SOSB 40m     Georgia              EA7FTR      
24     B1Z           M/2          China                LoTW        
24     B4S           M/S          China                LoTW        
24     VR2P                       Hong Kong            LoTW/IV3SKB  
26     3W9A          SO           Vietnam              LoTW        
26     E21EIC        SOAB HP      Thailand             LoTW        
26     E2A           M/S HP       Thailand             LoTW        
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 LoTW        
27     DU0A          M/S          Philippines          LoTW        
27     KH0/WH2JA     SO           Mariana Isls.        LoTW        
27     KH0W          SO           Mariana Isls         KC0W        
28     7A2A          M/S          Indonesia            LoTW        
28     9M6NA         SOAB HP      East Malaysia        LoTW        
28     V85RH         SOAB HP      Brunei               LoTW        
31     FO/NX1P       SOSB 10m LP  Marquesas            LoTW        
31     KH6J          M/M          Hawaii               AH6OZ        
31     KH7M          SOSB 10m     Hawaii               LoTW        
32     3D2Y          M/S HP       Rotuma               M0OXO        
32     FW7AA         M/2          Wallis & Futuna      LoTW        
32     ZL7YL         M/2          Chatham Isls         LoTW/DK7AO  
33     3V8SS         SOSB         Tunisia              LoTW        
33     CR3W          M/?          Madeira              LoTW        
33     EA8/OK6RA     SOSB 20m     Canary Isls          OK6RA        
36     ZD7VJ         SOSB 10m     St. Helena Isl       LoTW        
36     ZD7W          SOAB         St. Helena Isl       W6NV        
37     5X1XA         SOSB 15/10m  Uganda               G3SWH/Lotw  
39     3B8M          M/M          Mauritius            LoTW/M0OXO  
39     3B9KW         SOAB HP      Rodrigues            LoTW        
40     OX7AM         SOAB         Greenland            LoTW        
40     TF3CW         SOAB HP      Iceland              LX1NO        

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations  listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K at  -  good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9KW, 3V8CB, 4S7AB, 4U1A,  4X2DS,
5H1WX (AF-054),  5H3PV, 6Y1A,  6Y1V, 6Y5PW,  9X2AW,  A61QQ,  BG0EBX, BG3GRU,
C21MM, C21TS, C91AHV,  CY9C,  D2UY,  DM88YLF, DS4AOW, E51BQ,  E51WL, EH8FVP,
KH0/KC0W, KH8T, KL7J, LX4RTTY, LX8RTTY, LY35A, LY788A, N5J, P3C, P40L, P40W,
RI0KA (AS-038),  S21AF, SU1OK,  SX5GB, T32AZ, T44IJ, T45FM,  T77BL,  TF1EIN,
TF8KW,  TK4LS, TK5MH,  TM2024P, TO60CSG,  TR8CA,  V26B, V26K, V44KAI,  V47T,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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