UT1HZM > DXNEWS 25.06.18 22:35l 200 Lines 14326 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425CAL1416
Subj: 425 DX News #1416 Calendar
Sent: 180623/2006Z 50713@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.16
23 June 2018 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1416
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
till 23/06 9A90P: Palagruza Islands (EU-090) 1405
till 23/06 DL1WH/p: Usedom Island (EU-129) 1414
till 23/06 TM65EU: IOTA group EU-065 1409
till 23/06 ZV8FF: Serra da Capivara National Park 1415
till 24/06 9X2AW: Rwanda 1409
till 24/06 DL0DFF: Hallig Hooge (EU-042) 1411
till 24/06 II1PMM: special callsign 1415
till 24/06 JI3DST/5: Shodo Island (AS-200) 1416
till 24/06 R125NSK: special callsign 1414
till 25/06 II1ITR: special callsign 1397
till 27/06 4X70A, 4X70E, 4X70L: special callsigns 1405
till 27/06 4X70I, 4X70S, 4X70R: special callsigns 1405
till 27/06 4Z70IARC: special callsign 1405
till 27/06 H44XG: Guadalcanal (OC-047), Solomon Islands 1409
till 27/06 T88YL: Koror (OC-009), Palau 1415
till 28/06 J3/G0VJG: Grenada (NA-024) 1414
till 30/06 4U29MAY: special callsign (Italy) 1407
till 30/06 DM90AIW: special event station 1391
till 30/06 HH70A: special callsign 1391
till 30/06 IA5/HB9CPS: Elba Island (EU-028) 1415
till 30/06 II3AC: special callsign 1407
till 30/06 J48GEO: Lesvos Island (EU-049) 1414
till 30/06 LZ430PPW: special callsign 1392
till 30/06 VR20: special prefix (Hong Kong) 1364
till 30/06 YB50AC, YB50BA, YB50BB, YB50BE: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50AR: special event station 1412
till 30/06 YB50BT, YB50GO, YB50JA, YB50JB: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50JI, YB50JK, YB50JT, YB50KB: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50KI, YB50KR, YB50KS, YB50KT: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50LA, YB50MA, YB50MU, YB50NB: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50NT, YB50PA, YB50RI, YB50SA: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50SB, YB50SG, YB50SN, YB50SR: special stations 1412
till 30/06 YB50SS, YB50ST, YB50SU, YB50YO: special stations 1412
till 05/07 TM2GGR: special callsign (France) 1415
till 10/07 CP1XRM: Bolivia 1415
till 12/07 H44MS: Solomon Islands 1416
till 15/07 ***FIFA and ***FWC: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18ARG, R18AUS, R18BEL, R18BRA: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18COL, R18CRC, R18CRO, R18DEN: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18EGY, R18ENG, R18ESP, R18FRA: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18GER, R18IRN, R18ISL, R18JPN: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18KOR, R18KSA, R18MAR, R18MEX: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18NGA, R18PAN, R18PER, R18POL: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18POR, R18RUS, R18SEN, R18SRB: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 R18SUI, R18SWE, R18TUN, R18URU: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 RC18EK, RC18KA, RC18KZ, RC18MO: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 RC18NN, RC18RO, RC18SA, RC18SO: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 RC18SP, RC18SR, RC18VG: special callsigns 1412
till 15/07 RU18WC and R18REF: special callsigns 1412
till 20/07 V47JA: St. Kitts (NA-104) 1413
till 29/07 ZB2RAF: special callsign 1404
till 24/08 II6CNT: special calsign 1373
till 31/08 VI50IARU3: special callsign 1410
till 31/08 VI70MI: Australia 1415
till 01/09 RI1FJ: Franz Josef Land (EU-019) 1404
till 30/09 EI0DXG: Ireland (EU-115) 1412
till 20/10 IB2RT: special callsign 1403
till 31/10 BV50IARU: special callsign 1414
till 31/10 HL50IARU: special callsign 1410
till 31/10 HS50IARU: special callsign 1414
till 13/11 OE100: special prefix 1401
till 31/12 4K100W: special callsign 1400
till 31/12 5W20SAMOA: special callsign (Samoa, OC-097) 1392
till 31/12 9A36W and 9A61AA: special callsigns 1391
till 31/12 DA200FWR: special callsign 1391
till 31/12 DJ70WAE: special callsign 1391
till 31/12 DK200MARX: special callsign 1391
till 31/12 EI100MCV: special callsign 1391
till 31/12 II2RR: special callsign 1398
till 31/12 IR0FOC: special callsign (Sardinia) 1394
till 31/12 LM90C, LM90HQ, LM90NRRL: special callsigns 1393
till 31/12 S590RTVS: special callsign 1407
till 31/12 SU9JT: Egypt 1399
till 31/12 YT100SF and YU100WWI: special callsigns 1399
till 31/03 2019 GB100RAF: special callsign 1404
till March 2019 VK0AI: Macquarie Island (AN-005) 1406
23/06-24/06 International Museums Weekend 1415
23/06-01/07 PD18VOR: special callsign 1416
24/06-30/06 BW/DF8DX: Taiwan (AS-020) 1403
24/06-09/07 8Q7DT: Maldives (AS-013) 1415
25/06-02/07 SV8/G5XW: Zakynthos Island (EU-052) 1416
25/06-17/07 4O/ON5JE: Montenegro 1416
25/06-03/08 IOTA Tour by IK3GES (DL, OZ, SM, LA, OH, SP) 1416
26/06-30/06 R25RRA: Punuyamsalya Island (RR-06-75) 1416
26/06-05/07 6W/ON4AZP: Senegal 1415
27/06-29/06 OJ0Y: Market Reef (EU-053) 1413
27/06-29/06 VK5CE/p: St Peter Island (OC-220) 1412
27/06-06/07 KH1/KH7Z: Baker Island (OC-089) 1416
29/06-01/07 TM95KOB: special callsign (France) 1416
June GB4FWW: special callsign (England) 1389
June II4AMP: special callsign 1391
June JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1403
June PF2018HIN: special callsign 1387
June ZM50LA: special callsign 1404
01/07-06/07 5Q6D and 5Q9F: Romo Island (EU-125) 1413
01/07-10/07 4K6/DL7ZM: Azerbaijan 1415
01/07-11/07 VQ5Z: Caicos Islands (NA-002) 1409
01/07-14/07 OX3LX: Greenland (NA-018 and NA-243) 1415
01/07-26/07 P29RR: Papua New Guinea (OC-034) 1416
01/07-31/07 LZ380PM: special callsign 1392
01/07-31/07 R25RRC: special callsign 1413
02/07-04/07 KD7WPJ: Santa Rosa Island (NA-144) 1416
03/07-17/07 FP/KV1J: Miquelon Island (NA-032) 1405
05/07-10/07 VE1FA/KL7 and VA1YL/KL7: Round Island (NA-121) 1414
13/07-17/07 3D2: Fiji * by WJ2O 1413
18/07-25/07 YJ0GA: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu 1409
19/07-31/07 V6J: Ta Island (OC-254), Micronesia 1416
20/07-22/07 EJ0DXG: EU-007 1412
20/07-22/07 TM95KOB: special callsign (France) 1416
25/07-29/07 GJ3RCV and MJ8C: Les Minquiers (EU-099), Jersey 1411
26/07-30/07 PS1S: Ilha de Santana (SA-077) 1405
27/07-30/07 F4GYM/p and F4GTB/p: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) 1399
28/07-29/07 IJ7V: San Pietro Island (EU-073) 1405
28/07-29/07 TM6N: Noiremoutier Island (EU-064) 1399
July GB5GW: special callsign (England) 1389
July II4COU: special callsign 1391
July JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1403
July PF2018FRA: special callsign 1387
July V63GJ, V63SS, V63YL: Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia 1412
01/08-31/08 LZ1146SPS: special callsign 1392
24/08-26/08 EJ0DXG: EU-121 1412
August GB5FWW: special callsign (England) 1389
August II4VOL: special callsign 1391
August JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 1403
August PF2018HAR: special callsign 1387
August ZM50MAUQ: special callsign 1404
01/09-10/09 EX0PL: Kyrgyzstan 1415
01/09-30/09 LZ920MLC: special callsign 1392
12/09-01/10 T32AH: Christmas Island (OC-024), East Kiribati 1399
13/09-16/09 EJ0DXG: EU-006 1412
14/09-16/09 TM95KOB: special callsign (France) 1416
26/09-10/10 9X0T: Rwanda 1413
28/09-14/10 5W0GC: Samoa (OC-097) 1407
30/09-12/10 C21GJ: Nauru (OC-031) 1413
September 3DA0AO: eSwatini (Swaziland) 1409
September GB6GW: special callsign (England) 1389
September II4LNZ: special callsign 1391
September PF2018DOK: special callsign 1387
September RI0B: Arkticheskogo Instituta Islands (AS-087) 1413
September RI0B: Firnley Islands (AS-054) 1413
September RI0B: Nansen Island (AS-104) 1413
September RI0B: Scott-Hansen Islands (AS-068) 1413
September RI0B: Sibirjakov Island (AS-005) 1413
September RI0B: Tyrtov Island (AS-121) 1413
01/10-31/10 LZ1545POA: special callsign 1392
02/10-29/10 WH8/DL2AH: Ofu Island (OC-077), American Samoa 1399
05/10-07/10 TM95KOB: special callsign (France) 1416
06/10-16/10 E6Y: Niue (OC-040) 1415
15/10-04/11 YJ0GC: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu 1407
18/10-21/10 YB46SEA: special event station 1411
20/10-03/11 VP6D: Ducie Island (OC-182) 1415
26/10-06/11 Z23MD: Zimbabwe 1411
October GB6FWW: special callsign (England) 1389
October II4OER: special callsign 1391
October PF2018WOR: special callsign 1387
01/11-30/11 LZ33MM: special callsign 1392
03/11-06/11 VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002) 1405
06/11-10/11 VK9CH: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003) 1405
10/11-11/11 GB0AD: special callsign (England) 1389
10/11-17/11 VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002) 1405
16/11-18/11 TM95KOB: special callsign (France) 1416
November GB8GW: special callsign (England) 1389
November II4HNR: special callsign 1391
November PF2018STA: special callsign 1387
01/12-31/12 LZ532PSO: special callsign 1392
December II4FRD: special callsign 1391
December PF2018xxx: special callsigns 1387
TBA 3D2CR: Conway Reef (OC-112) 1411
TBA 3Y0I: Bouvet Island 1410
TBA DX8MAP: Mapun Island (OC-105) 1396
TBA DX8TT: Tawi Tawi (OC-174) 1396
TBA T31T: Central Kiribati (OC-043) 1411
TBA VK6BP/p: Cockatoo Island (OC-071) 1411
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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