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EI2GYB > NEWS     10.10.21 16:00l 72 Lines 9146 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 15813_EI2GYB
Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 10th, 2021.
Sent: 211010/1212Z 15813@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO BPQ6.0.22

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 Irish Radio Transmitters Society

IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 10th, 2021.
Silent Key - John Hickey EI3BF

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of John Hickey EI3BF of Mologhroe, Cullen, Co Cork who passed away on Monday the 4th of October 2021. While not very active in recent years, John was a very well known and popular radio amateur. He was a true gentleman and was always willing to help his fellow radio enthusiasts. John passed away peacefully at Mallow General Hospital and was buried last Thursday the 6th of October at Cullen Cemetery. We offer our deepest sympathies to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.
ComReg Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2022-2024

ComReg, the Commission for Communication Regulation, has published a document, ComReg 21/90, seeking consultations on a wide range of licensing issues, mainly in the commercial field. There are, however, several significant issues for the amateur community that need careful consideration and measured responses.. This is a must read document for anyone interested in the future of our hobby and submissions on its contents close at 1600 on October 22nd. Among the questions raised are, how amateurs might meet the terms of their licence conditions relating to non-ionising radiation, a request by the Marconi Radio Group for an increase in output power for everyone and a submission seeking the introduction of an entry level or novice licence. The link to the document is
HAREC Examination Results

The final results for the HAREC examination held on 11th November were released by ComReg on Monday 4th October. 65 candidates sat for the exam, a record number for one day. A total of 43 candidates passed the examination and have been issued their new licences. This is a success rate of 66%, broadly in line with previous examinations. We congratulate them all and hope to hear them on air over the coming weeks.

It is worth highlighting that most of those who did not succeed this time around failed through a weakness in Part B, the theory section of the examination. The failure rate in this section averaged 33 percent compared with 23 percent in Part A, the regulations section. This also continues a trend seen in previous examinations.

The examination board would like to thank the many candidates who contacted them following receipt of their results to offer their appreciation on the way the examination was conducted, and the regular communications received from the Board. Places remain available for the next examination to be held in Dublin on Saturday 27th November. Full details on the application process can be found on the IRTS website.

Jamboree On The Air and Jamboree On The Internet takes place next weekend, the 15th to the 17th of October, when hundreds of Scout stations worldwide are taking part including many Irish Scout Troops. Currently registered from EI are the 14th Galway Scout Group, the 17th Longwood Meath, the 1st Meath Navan Scouts, the 2nd Laois Rathdowney and the Copper Coast Scout Group. More information, including a full list of participating stations can be found at It's still not too late for you to get involved. Contact your local scouts and invite them to visit your station.
Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally

The Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club will hold a Rally in the Radisson Blu Hotel on Sunday 7th of November 2021. Doors will open at 11:00 and the entrance fee will be _5 per person. As with previous rally's, there will be a bring and buy opportunity. Tables for the bring and buy, exhibitors and related demonstrations are free. Tables should be booked through Michael Kingston EI2IX via email to rapidov66 /at/ LCARC will publish a list of equipment, for sale at the Rally, on the club's website over the next few weeks.

Next weekend the 15th to 17th of October, LCARC will host JOTA for 1st Clare Shannon Scouts, Sixmilebridge Scouts and Ruan Scouts.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

EI2WRC will be active with the Copper Coast Scout Group on Saturday the 16th of October for the JOTA/JOTI 2021 event. The club hope to have a few HF stations on air along with other club members explaining other aspects of the hobby with workshops where the scouts can participate. The group will also be active on the Southern Ireland Repeater Network and all nodes connected to it. Special thanks to the SIRN group for allowing us to use the repeater network for this special event. If you hear the station on air, please take a few minutes to say hello to the scouts. Thank you! Please note due to restrictions this event will not be open to the public. For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to southeasternarg /at/ or please feel free to go along to any of their meetings. You can check their website and you can also join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
IRTS Contest News

Results of the 70 centimetres and 2 metres IRTS Counties Contests held on 19th September have now been published. A total of 37 logs were submitted for these two contests, however QSO numbers were low, particularly on 70 centimetres. In the 2 metres event, 24 EI and GI counties were logged. See for full details.

The final IRTS Counties Contest of the year is the 40 metres Counties Contest, which takes place on Sunday next, 17th October, at 12:00 UTC for one hour. There are separate SSB Only and SSB/CW Mixed Mode sections. EI and GI counties are the multipliers, while EI and GI stations also have overseas DXCC entities as multipliers. See for full details.
NSWL Club Get Together and Dinner

The National Shortwave Listeners Club would like to congratulate the successful candidates in the recent HAREC examination and are delighted to hear so many new callsigns on the air. Commiserations to those that were unsuccessful, and they hope to see them all attending the upcoming revision classes in preparation for the next HAREC exam on November 27th. The club have organised a radio filled weekend on November 6th and 7th with a visit to the Shannon Aviation Museum and the Limerick Clare Club station on the Saturday followed by their first annual dinner and overnight stay in a nearby Shannon Hotel. The outing will conclude with a visit to the Limerick Clare Club Rally in the Radisson Blu Hotel on Sunday. Some places are still available, and the club extends an invitation to non-members who wish to attend. Enquiries to info at
UK EI Contest Club News

The UKEI Contest Club October 80 Metre SSB contest was held last Wednesday evening. The overall winner was Sergey RW1F, with Alexander R1CAM the leading low power entrant. The top (and only!) QRP station was Frans PC2F. Paul EI3ENB operated the Club's EI5G bonus station for the event. Participation by EI operators was at previous levels with 9 stations submitting logs. The next UKEI CC contest will be the 24 hour International DX SSB on October 23/24th followed by the monthly one hour CW contest on Wednesday October 27th. Full details including calendar and all results are available on
International Contest News

The Japanese Amateur Radio Teleprinters Society run their 30th World-Wide RTTY contest over 48 hours next weekend starting at midnight UTC on Friday. The exchange is RST plus operator's age. The German National Society, DARC, host the annual Worked All Germany Contest next weekend staring at 1500utc on Saturday and running on CW and SSB for 24 hours. Please look up the rules to see the contest free segments to avoid interfering with the JOTA event. 10 Metre CW enthusiasts should have a listen on Sunday as the 24 hour 10-10 International QSO Party will begin at midnight utc.

That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Friday. 

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                     Packet: EI2GYB@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO
                           Email: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM

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