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EI2GYB > NEWS     09.10.22 14:43l 77 Lines 9878 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 09 Oct 2022
Sent: 221009/1332Z 5473@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO BPQK6.0.23

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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday 09 Oct 2022
Club News

The next HAREC examination will be held next Saturday, the 15th Oct 2022 at both the Maldron Hotel, Tallaght, Dublin, and the Clayton Silversprings Hotel, Cork at 11.30 a.m. Registration will begin from 11a.m. Candidates will be contacted directly regarding venue preference and registration requirements, but if any candidates have not been contacted already or have any further queries regarding the exam, please contact irts.exams /at/ for more details.

The October meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC will take place on Monday, the 24th of October 2022 at 8.00 p.m. sharp at The Sweep Bar, Adamstown, Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford, eircode X91 H588. As the last Monday of the month is a bank holiday the October meeting has been scheduled for the 24th. The club is delighted that IRTS President Larry McGriskin EI9CN will be in attendance at the meeting, and we look forward to welcoming Larry to the southeast. New members or anyone interested in learning more about amateur radio or the group are as always very welcome to attend. For anyone that wishes to find out more about the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group and their activities you can drop them an email to southeasternarg /at/ or please feel free to go along to any of their meetings. You can check their website at and you can also find them on Facebook.
Scout Jamboree On The Air

The JOTA is an annual event in which Scouts and Guides all over the world connect with each other, having live conversations with fellow Scouts or Guides around the world. The use of amateur-radio techniques offers an extra educational dimension for Scouts. Many grasp the opportunity to discover the world of wireless radio techniques and electronics. Marty EI2IAB has posted the following list of scout groups and operators who will be on the air over next weekend. They are the

1st Meath, Navan. Operators Declan EI6IVB, Martina EI6IUB, and Dave EI1766 will be on the air as EI1JOTA.

17th Meath, Longwood. The operators at EI3JOTA will be Marty EI2IAB, Owen EI4GGB, Keith EI5IN, Anthony EI6GGB, Tom EI4HCB, assisted by Club EI2SBC.

7th Kildare, Rathangan, are EI7JOTA, their operator will be John EI6IZB.

10th Dublin, Kilternan, with a big EI10JOTA team: John EI3ISB, Syd EI3IEB, Niall EI6HIB, Keith EI5KO, Albert EI6KO, Neil EI3IWB, Dave EI3IXB, Jim Ei4HH, and Shay EI7JR. EI10JOTA will have an 80m station set up with an NVIS dipole.

14th Galway, Galway City, with operators Paul EI5IPB and Enda EI2II, assisted by Club EI4GRC, on the air as EI14JOTA.

7th Meath, Dunshaughlin, with Paul EI3FBB as EI73JOTA.

EI98JOTA - 98 Dublin, Skerries, on the air from Bog of the Ring Scout Campsite, grid IO63VN29. Operators will be Tom EI5IEB, Dom EI5IAB, Frank EI8HIB, assisted by Club EI0El, they will listen on 3690kHz right after the Sunday News.

31st Cork, Lissarda. Conor EI4JN, Matthew EI8IMB will be heard as EI4JN/J.

35th Waterford, Copper Coast Scouts. EI3CC/P will be operated by John EI3HQB, and assisted by Club EI3CC.

Please listen out for them on all bands, modes and on the local repeaters. There may be some more late arrivals. Keep an eye on the Facebook page of Radio Scouting Ireland. Any EI or GI station or SWL that logs some, or all the above JOTA stations, can submit their log to radioscoutingireland /at/ . All confirmed logs will go in a draw for this year's wonderful prize. A much-coveted camping mug and a 2022 Jota-Joti badge. There is a list of the World Scout frequencies on the IARU Region-1 website at .

Keith EI5KJ writes: Following on the heels of their highly successful ROTA activation at the Stradbally Railway, Collective Communication, now armed with their own call sign EI3CC, will be activating JOTA from the Copper Coast Scout group HQ at Ballyscanion Lake, Tramore, Co. Waterford over the Jamboree On The Air weekend of the 14th to 16th of October. Besides the Copper Coast Scouts three other scouting and youth groups will be joining in the fun at Ballyscanion Lake and Collective Communications have arranged multiple amateur radio and basic electronic activities for them to engage and participate in. EI3CC/P will allow the scouts to gain some 'hands-on' experience of using radio equipment, under appropriate supervision where necessary of course. As well as assemble some basic circuits, learn a little about radio propagation, and, weather permitting, experience a little Amateur Radio Direction Finding in the form of a "treasure hunt". This along with multiple radio related activities like having a go at CW, talking to other scouts on HF using evening Gray Line DX operation and experiencing the world of 'data communications'. We are hopeful they will find the two day experience both entertaining and educational. After all, today's youngsters are the radio amateurs of tomorrow. Curious about Collective Communication? Then see our Facebook, page, or speak to John EI3HQB on 086 870 9265
Comoros Islands DXpedition

Dave EI9FBB and Jeremy EI5GM arrived in the Comoros, but some the luggage did not, including an amplifier. The D60AE team is on the air with a generous selection of antennas and rigs, putting out strong signals towards Europe since Friday. Dave and Jeremy are listening out for EIs, hoping to put many of you in the log. For information, photos and videos check out their DXpedition website at [note the spelling].
WAG Contest

Next weekend the Worked All Germany Contest runs from 15:00 UTC Saturday until 1459 UTC on Sunday. Modes are CW and SSB on the 80 to 10 meter band contest segments, with the usual classes of operation. The exchange is signal report and serial number, German stations also send their DOK, an identifier for their DARC districts.
Celebrating 100 Years of the BBC

The GB2RS News Team writes: On the 18th of October 1922, the Marconi Company and other equipment manufacturers formed the British Broadcasting Company, which became the British Broadcasting Corporation six years later. To mark this momentous date exactly 100 years on, members of the BBC Amateur Radio Group have been invited by Arqiva to operate for the day at the Daventry transmitting station that was home to so much of BBC shortwave broadcasting over the years. Members of the BBC and Arqiva clubs will be operating HF on Tuesday, the 18th of October 2022 from the Empire Service Building at the Daventry site. As well as GB100BBC, the callsign G2LO will be on air. 2LO was the call-sign allocated to the very first BBC transmitter, built by Marconi and located at Savoy Hill in London. Keep an eye on the GB100BBC QRZ page for more information.
Mullaghanish 70cm repeater off-air

The 70cm repeater EI7MHR, operated by the Southern Ireland Repeater Group on Mullaghanish Mountain, Co. Cork, on 430.875 MHz, is off-air for maintenance, expected to be for approximately one week from last Wednesday, 5th October. Updates can be found on the SIRN group's Facebook page, and on their website at where you can also find the complete list of repeaters in the network.
The Propagation Horoscope

At a solar wind speed of well over 500 kilometers per second and a proton count reaching 10 particles per cubic centimeter, any more activity may tip the state of the ionosphere and geomagnetic field from a somewhat turbulent, with generally good propagation, into a more chaotice state, including longer blackouts. The F10.7 solar flux is currently at around 160, about twice as strong as on the same day last year. A three hour long solar M1 flare from a large spot at a northern latitude on Friday afternoon may be a precursor for some more robust activity from a neighbouring, much larger, and more central sunspot. It's sporting a mixed polarity magnetic field, always good for a strong burst. These two very active region are already producing a stream of C1 flares. Expect the kP value to rise again from currently one, to three or above when latest CME grazes Earth this weekend. Probably not producing auroras, but good enough to let VK/ZL come through even on 80m early in the morning. The night-time MUF for a 3000 km hop distance will be around the 30m band, the daytime MUF will reach 10m, provided the kP index does not rise too sharply.

That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The deadline is Friday noon. 


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