EI2GYB > 29MHZ 01.05.19 12:32l 185 Lines 10396 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 9956_EI2GYB
Subj: 29mhz Repeater Info (Europe)
Sent: 190501/1130Z 9956@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO BPQ6.0.16
Found some info on 29mhz repeater
Thought someone may use it?
10m Repeaters in Europe
Hello 10m-repeater-friends...
Here is my 5. new 10m-repeater-list in europe for you. I hope my list can help
you in the sporadic-e-saison in europe. Thank you very much for a lot of corrections and news for my 5. list to CT1DBH, CT1DGZ, G1DVU, HB9CPW and DL6XB. I
wish you many fun with my list on the 29MHz-range in FM. I'm the greatest fan
of the 10m-repeaters worldwide!
Location: Land, Output Input Ch Call QRV
Federal State, Town (MHz) (MHz)
Innsbruck 29.670? 29.570? RH2? OE7___ NO
This 10m-repeater is planned and not sure whether it ever goes qrv (Info de
OE7WGT)! Sponsor: OE7OKJ
Vienna (Wien) 29.660 29.560 RH1 OE1XKC YES
438.675 431.075 RU694 OE1XKU YES
TX-locator: JN88EE, HASL: 191m, coupling with the 70cm-repeater OE1XKU with
CTCSS-tone. PWR: 40W. Sponsor: Radio-Club Austria / OE1BAD
Antwerpen 29.660 29.560 RH1 ON0TEN YES
Open repeater, PWR: 15W ERP, TX-QTH: JO21EE, Rogerbeep is a long beep (- = t)
Heist-op-den-berg 29.620 29.520 RH- ON0HOB YES
TX-QTH: JO21IB with 15W erp to a Cushcraft R5. Crossband linked system on
430.250MHz output and 431.850MHz input with CTCSS 131.8Hz obligated inked to
29.620MHz output and 29.520MHz input with no RX-CTCSS. TX-CTCSS is 131.8Hz.
The diversity-rx is in locator JO21LA. The antenna for 70cm is a comet colinear
with 3db and 15W erp. Transmitter and receiver separated using SHF-links on
all bands. Callsign ON0HOB using synthesised voice, clock announcements every
hour, three-tone-rogerbeep on all bands plus random radio checks almost every
half hour. Second remote programmable and reconfigurable based on Z-80 processor. Also non linked brother repeaters on same sites on 145.6375MHz with CTCSS
173.8Hz and 1297.250MHz with CTCSS 131.8Hz in -6MHz. Info de Pedro:
Bredsten 29.680 29.580 RH3 OZ6REX YES
TX/RX-antenna is 100m high, antenna is a 1/2-lambda-wave vertical, TX-PWR:
20W (planning: 100W), LOC: JO45QQ. The TX is in the QTH Bredsten from OZ1BIN.
The link is on 70cm. RX and TX are 1km apart. Sponsor: OZ1BIN. Info de:
Turku 29.680 29.580 RH3 OH1RHU YES
With tonecall 1750,0Hz the repeater goes on air. CW-ID: DE OH1RHU or DE OH1RHU
LOC KP10DL TURKU QRV (the long-info all 10 minutes), PWR: 20W, the link is on
70cm, TX/RX-antennas: 1/4-lambda-GP, in test?: 5/8-lambda-gp, distance between
RX and TX is 3km, LOC: KP10DL. Sponsor: OH1BX and OH1JX
Savigny-le-Temple 29.670 29.570 RH2 FZ1DIX NO
The rogerbeep gives in CW a "K" , QTH: 25km southeast from Paris in LOC:
Hamburg 29.690 29.590 RH4 DF0HHH YES
Open repeater, Callsign-ID DF0HHH HAMBURG all 5 minutes, DTMF 0 3 4 gives you
the callsign-ID DF0HHH HAMBURG, CTCSS: 67,0Hz on the TX on 29.690MHz. TX-QTHLOC: JO43XN with 85m HASL, 1.RX-QTH-LOC: JO43XN with 102m HASL, 2.RX-QTH-LOC:
JO43XK with 40m HASL, the rogerbeep is a 3-tone, planning: diversity-receiving
for 4 receivers and repeater-coupling. Coupling via sporadic-e with HB9HD-repeater (dream of DL6XB, hi). CW-ID 1.RX: M -- (Hamburg middle). CW-ID 2.RX:
S ... (Hamburg south). CW-ID 3.RX: R .-. (Rosengarten north niedersachsen).
CW-ID 4.RX: L .-.. (Lueneburg). CW-ID coupling with the 70cm-hamburg-city-repeater DB0WI on 438.850MHz: U ..- (UHF). The link is on 23cm. All TX and RXantennas: 5/8-lambda-gp. TX-PWR: 50W. Sponsor: DL6XB
Muelheim 29.660 29.560 RH1 DF0MHR NO (OUT OF ORDER)
With tonecall 1750,0Hz the repeater goes on air. The link is on 23cm. CTCSS:
123,0Hz, planning new TX-QTH in Recklinghausen with PWR: 100W, 3 RX's in Marl,
Muelheim and Dortmund with diversity-receiving. Planning a link on 70cm to
DF0MOT. Sponsor: DF2ER
Wiesbaden (Taunus) 29.670 29.570 RH2 DF0MOT YES
The repeater goes on air when you push to talk for 3 seconds ptt, RX-QTH: on a
high mountain: 940m (Field mountain in Taunus), LOC: JO40FF, TX-QTH: on a high
mountain with name: High root, TX-High: 720m, LOC: JO40BC, the link is on 70cm,
planning a link on 70cm to DF0MHR, TX-antenna: 1/4-lambda-gp, TX-PWR: 50W.
Responsable: DH1FAD
Leeuwarden 29.670 29.570 RH2 PI___ ???
Planning in LOC: JO23UE. Responsable: VERON
Lisboa (Lissabon) 29.610 439.375 RH- CT0HAS YES
Crossbandrepeater. TX-PWR on 29.610MHz 40W with vertical dipol, TX-PWR on
439,375MHz 45W with 2 X 5/8 lambda vertical. Equipment: All Alinco UHF and HF
equipment. Connection board between HF<>UHF homemade by CT1EOU. Responsable:
CT1DBH@CS1AAS.CTLX.PRT.EU or e-mail: pissaro@mail.telepac.pt
Lisboa (Lissabon) 29.660 29.560 RH1 CT1HOD YES
TX-PWR: 40W with vertical dipol, link on 439.400MHz with a non standard tone
only. Equipment: 10M from old valved ge, 70cm ge mvp 3 watts. Responsable:
de CT1DBH@CS1AAS.CTLX.PRT.EU or e-mail: pissaro@mail.telepac.pt
Serra D'Aire 29.680 29.580 RH3 CT0HPA YES
new call: CT1PAD ?
The RX of this repeater is insensitive (problem with the squelch?). TX-PWR: 40W
Located on the mountain pedra do altar at 550m HASL with locator: IM59QM. Antennas: horizontal dipole. The link is on 439.425Mhz. Equipment: HF - from old
valved ge. UHF - ge mvp 3 watts. Licensed to ARCP ASSOCIACAO DE RADIOAMADORES
DA COSTA DA PRATA. Responsable: CT1OQ. Info de CT1DBH@CS1AAS.CTLX.PRT.EU or email: pissaro@mail.telepac.pt
PSE SEND ME A INFO TO DL6XB: What is the right callsign of this repeater?
??? 29.700 ??.??? RH- YES
No callsign! Short delay tx-time. This 10m-repeater was receiving on 4.7.98 in
north-germany with many russian amateurs with no callsign on this repeater. Is
this a intruder-repeater-station? (Info de DL6XB). PLEASE INFO TO DL6XB OF THIS
Sv.Jungert 433.050 434.650 RU2 S55UCE YES
145.4625 RV37 S55UCE YES
29.550 29.550 RH- S55UCE YES
Crossband and multisystem, free users access from 2m, DTMF commands, DVR,
digitalker, voice CLOCK, etc. commands. 10m-gateway soon and link to: S50VMS
(DVMS) and S55TVA 2.4/1.2GHz FM ATV rpt. LOC: JN76OH, HASL: 574m, Sponsor:
S51KQ. Info de Mijo, S51KQ @ S50ATV.SVN.EU
Alingsues 29.660 29.560 RH1 SK6RIC ???
Sponsor: SM6HQL and SM6FDQ
Goeteborg 29.680 29.580 RH3 SK6RFQ ???
Sponsor: SM6ETR
Hudiksvall 29.660 29.560 RH1 SK3RHU ???
Sponsor: SM3BVF
Joenkoeping 29.680 29.580 RH3 SK7RGI YES
SK7RGI now again QRV. With tonecall 1750,0Hz goes the repeater on air, TX-PWR:
20W, ERP: 35W, split sites with link on 70cm between RX and TX. The distance is
9km. The RX- and TX-antennas are 1/2 wave gp. The repeater sends ID and QTH
every 30 minutes. CW-ID: SK7RGI TEST SK7RGI QTH JONKOPING. The CW-ID gives in
this time a wrong text: SK7RT EST K7RGI QTH JONKOPING. The repeater will be
key-uped with 1750,0Hz or DTMF 6. Information on DTMF 9. Responsable: SM7LQQ
and SM7NDX. Owner of the repeater is SVARK, Sodra Vatterbygdens Amatorradioklubb. Info de: SM7NDX @ SM7FEJ.F.SWE.EU
Lyckeby 29.660 29.560 RH1 SK7RVI ???
TX-PWR: 50W ERP, QTH near Karlskrona. Sponsor: SM7FGG
Stockholm 29.660 29.560 RH1 SK0RVM YES
Send a burst with 1750,0Hz for 2-3 seconds and the repeater goes on air with 15
minutes-timer for TX, planning: link on 10GHz and DTMF, TX-PWR: 50W ERP.
Sponsor: SM0GXZ
Brunnen/Luzern 29.660 29.560 RH1 HB9HD YES
With DTMF-tone *8# or 1750,0Hz-tone the repeater goes on air, TX-PWR: 55W.
Here are the differences of the two QTH's: TX: Fronalpstock Kanton Schwyz SZ
near Stoos: high: 1908m/HASL, Locator: JN46HX, antenna: 4m over ground. RX:
near Goldau on the mountain Rigi-Scheidegg: high: 1665m/HASL, Locator: JN47GA,
antenna: 9m over ground. The RX and TX are 11km apart. Antennas: Antron A-99
(Lambda 3/4), polarization: vertical. The rogerbeep gives a "HD" in CW. The
beacon-ID is: HB9HD 10M RPT JN46HX all 10 minutes with no activity. When the
repeater goes QRT then gives a end-ID: QRT in cw. When the power-supply
(AC 230V) is down, then gives the repeater in cw: ALARM. All 2 hours gives the
repeater in cw: 2R (it is a control-function). We look forward to your
rapports including a description of your antennas, polarization, RX, locator
etc. Please send your rapport to Markus, HB9CPW @ HB9PD.CHE.EU
More informations about this project find you in the worldwide internet with
the adress: http://www.pitag.ch/hb9hd
Thank you for your help. Vy 73 es gd dx de HB9HD / HB9LBC @ HB9OS.CHE.EU and
Sponsors of HB9HD-crew: HB9BUB, HB9BXR, HB9CPW, HB9LBC, HB9LCQ, HB9SJE and the
builder of this repeater (for the HB9HD-TX and RX) DL7KH.
You can find this list also into the worldwide internet under the adress:
This list created from many 10m-repeater-enthusiast. Thank you for your effort!
Please send news and corrections for this list via packet-radio to:
DL6XB @ DB0HHB.#HH.DEU.EU or via internet to: dg1xj@t-online.de
73 de Bernhard (Berni), DL6XB, builder of the 10m-repeater DF0HHH in Hamburg
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