Syntax: ST(ATUS) F(ORWARD) [<boxcall>]
Lists statistics for forward. If no <boxcall> is added, a statistic about
all forward partners is shown.
The following information will be displayed:
- BBS: call of the BBS to which mails have to be forwarded
- Status: status of connect:
ok = last fwd-connect was ok
setup = fwd-connect is setup
no link = last fwd-connect resumed with error
f end = fwd-connect is ending
a recv = mail receive with ASCII mode
a send = mail send with ASCII mode
f recv = mail receive with FBB mode
f recvp = mail receive proposal with FBB mode
f delay = delay with FBB mode
f send = mail send with FBB mode
f sendp = mail send proposal with FBB mode
filefwd = fileforward with this mailbox activated
- In: period since the last successful received mail from BBS
(if there is nothing shown here, there was not a connect yet)
- Out: period since the last successful transmitted mail to BBS
(if there is nothing shown here, there was not a connect yet)
- MailTX: amount of transmitted mails
- MailRX: amount of received mails
- RTT: needed time for connecting
- User: number of user mails not yet forwarded
- Info: number of bulletins not yet forwarded
- WP/EM: number of WP/Erase/MYBBS information not yet forwarded
- Bytes: amount of data volume not yet forwarded
Total adds the amount of all not yet forwarded mails of all s&f partners.
All data display the results since last BBS restart or BBS initialisation
with NEW command.
Example: ST F DB0AAB
See also HELP NEW.
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